
Stolen rigs

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Has anyone heard about some rigs stolen from a DZ in Colorado over the week-end?

No. Do we have a DZ name at which we should keep our eyes open? Do we have any suspicious individuals or activities to look for? Do we have rig descriptions and serial numbers to watch for?

Has some one suggested the owners file police reports and make insurance claims (requires a case number)? Has some one suggested the owners look at nearby pawn shops and on ebay?


Tacky, tacky behaviour.

Tandem passengers and their friends who don't read dropzone.com often out number the skydivers at drop zones.

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I'm not sure that they were stolen as much as returned to the organization that rightfully owned them. If someone is an investor in an organization, say Goodyear, that doesn't mean that one can take home a new set of tires after a tour of the factory does it?

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do you know something the rest of us don't... I seem to see some writing between your lines
(understand I am in no way related to the DZ or rigs in question and mean on offense)

Good Judgment comes from experience...a lot of experience comes from bad

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I'm not sure that they were stolen as much as returned to the organization that rightfully owned them. If someone is an investor in an organization, say Goodyear, that doesn't mean that one can take home a new set of tires after a tour of the factory does it?

Is this like the guy who called the cops to say a a tow truck came and stole his car? Yes, he was serious and no he hadn't made a payment in a few months.:S

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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who said anything about just rigs?
tandem, student and personal rigs were STOLEN along with altimiters, student gear, computer equipment and a credit card machine from high sky adventures in canon city. the cops know who did it and the stuff should be back soon
confucious say: he who stands on top of toilet gets high on pot.

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A number of rigs were stolen from High Sky Adventures at the Fremont County Airport over the weekend. The concerned parties have contacted the police, who presently are investigating this as a felony theft.

There is an ongoing ownership dispute over some of the tandem gear stolen, despite the fact that its ownership is well documented (an officer of the Goodyear Corporation can sell tires to whomever).

Not in dispute is a long list of other equipment that was stolen, including personal and student rigs, altimeters, a cash register, a credit card machine, personal files, and a computer. All of this was STOLEN after an UNLAWFUL ENTRY to our hangars.

At this time, we do not know who did this- perhaps WFFC can give the Fremont County Sheriffs a call at 800-967-2302, since he seems to know all about it.

We do have a prime suspect, but I won't put out that name until the police issue an arrest warrant. If anyone has any information please call the number above.

WARNING TO WFFC: You do not know as much about this situation as you may think, please refrain from making posts unless you have the FACTS. You clearly have not read the bylaws and articles of incorporation of the business in question, and obviously you have not witnessed anything first hand over the past 2 years. Stay out of our business!

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At this time, we do not know who did this- perhaps WFFC can give the Fremont County Sheriffs a call at 800-967-2302, since he seems to know all about it.

Since I know a bit more of what has been going on with the ownership dispute, I've got a pretty good idea on what happened. It appears you do too. I haven't chatted with anyone involved with either DZ in a couple weeks, so I guess I only have a theory in my head. I digress.


WARNING TO WFFC: You do not know as much about this situation as you may think, please refrain from making posts unless you have the FACTS. You clearly have not read the bylaws and articles of incorporation of the business in question, and obviously you have not witnessed anything first hand over the past 2 years. Stay out of our business!

Thanks for the warning. :S

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who said anything about just rigs?

Read the first post.
If this is still part of the ownership battle, I'm sure what items that didn't belong to air brush, inc. would be returned. Again, haven't spoken to anyone out there so it's an assumption on my part that organization was just recovering their gear.

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What is your interest/knowledge in this matter? I have seen several of your posts already, some deleted. And it seems that you know much more than even I do in this matter, and it is my dropzone that is presently without gear. If you are an accomplice in this theft, I would strongly recommend that you come clean with the sheriffs department, and hope for leniency.

I never thought I would see the day when skydivers break into locked dropzones, and steal gear. I have never thought twice about leaving my cameras and rigs unattended, but this changes things.

Since day 1 in skydiving, I was sure that good karma would be rewarded, and bad karma would be punished... I would stay on the ground if I were you...
BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime

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I would stay on the ground if I were you...

That has to be the most outrageous thing I've ever seen before on DZ.com!

Surely you're not advocating that someone is going to tamper with his gear, or do harm to him?

Making threats of bodily harm over the internet is not only worthless but its illegal as well.

I'm trying to keep up with threads like these to learn and protect myself as well as my DZ, but posts like that is well above and beyond what I would think the majority of skydivers would do.[:/]
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Relax. The best thing for all involved at this point is to let the court settle Ralph and Randy's dispute. I understand karma very well. It will bite those who toss a thumb at it too much. So by your comment, I'm assuming you've relocated with the rest of the former DS crew prior to Ralph's return to Brush. I hope all is well with you.


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If this is still part of the ownership battle, I'm sure what items that didn't belong to air brush, inc. would be returned. Again, haven't spoken to anyone out there so it's an assumption on my part that organization was just recovering their gear.

As far as any ownership dispute goes, the current owner of the property has been completely upfront by clearly asserting his legally documented claim to the gear in question.

If a certain individual had a legal claim to the property in question, then there is a legal process for asserting ownership and recovering property.

If the theft that occured was indeed a "recovery" operation, then it was done illegally. Sometimes people get away with that because police don't often like to get involved with what they deem to be "civil" disputes. But by taking other things that clearly were not in dispute, they made a BIG mistake, and simply returning them will not make their crimminal liabilities go away.

I am disgusted by anyone who thinks it is okay to surreptitiously take matters into their own hands when there are legal avenues that have not been pursued. That is completely underhanded and unethical.

WFFC: Glad to hear these are just your theories and assumptions and you are'nt actually in contact with any of the parties. Still wondering why you are bothering to post. If you have any real knowledge I'm sure a subpoena could be arranged.


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I would stay on the ground if I were you...

That has to be the most outrageous thing I've ever seen before on DZ.com!

Surely you're not advocating that someone is going to tamper with his gear, or do harm to him?

Making threats of bodily harm over the internet is not only worthless but its illegal as well.

I'm trying to keep up with threads like these to learn and protect myself as well as my DZ, but posts like that is well above and beyond what I would think the majority of skydivers would do.[:/]

it didn't sound like a threat to me, just a friendly warning that if someone is fucking with their karma, then they should stay away from dangerous activities. but, since i don't know either party invoved, and i always try not to jump to conclusions, i am just making an observation of one possible meaning.
Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes

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God I'm glad that I don't live in CO. I would have quit jumping rather then deal with all the political issues you seem to have out there.

Quit jumping? Never. Despite all the drama here (and this is just the tip of the ice-berg), some of the coolest, nicest, best people around jump out here. There are only a few assholes....and they can't stop us from having fun (though they try). You should stop by sometime and check out our blue skies and white mountains!

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If you have any real knowledge I'm sure a subpoena could be arranged.

I'm still awaiting the last one Ryan O. promised me on the phone when he called and said he was someone else. drop it guys...let the legal guys figure it out.

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This involves Ralph Williams? I heard he abandoned his business
partner for a year and a half and then came back to take over with his
partners ex-wife's shares in his pocket. Talk about pathetic! I
can't imagine manipulating someone else's divorce settlement to my own

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Don't know if he is the same Ralph Williams, but I think it is the guy that USPA Regional Director Djan Stewart helped take over Brush? I wonder if they know he is breaking the law. Didn't the USPA just lose a lawsuit over something similar. Jeez, I
don't know what to think.

BTW, we have plenty of time to make sure this doesn't happen to anyone else, all of our gear was just stolen, by another skydiver.

I hope this never happens to anyone else, blue skies,


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drop it guys...let the legal guys figure it out.

Interesting.....someone posts about gear stolen in CO and you are quick to offer up "facts" on what actually happened. Then you drop names of people involved and then try to snake away claiming they are just "theories" and "assumptions"!

It sounds to me like you are the one trying to stir the pot.

We just want to get our gear back.


I would like nothing more than to have the "legal guys" to settle this. That's why I am simply stating the facts and asking people to contact the authorities if they know anything.

You were the one who brought up the ownership dispute, you were the first to suggest it had anything to do with this theft.

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