
Drug seizure.....should i buy the rig

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The question is - how close of friends are you to this guy? Based upon your previous post, I don't think this guy will be skydiving anytime soon.

If it really does go for pennies on the dollar - you could buy it, use it for a while - then GIVE it back to him when he gets out. Sure it will be more used when he gets it back, but that is the price he will pay for getting his rig back for free - and your money will be well spent because you got to jump it for a while. That is a win win where karma is on your side. (and if he gets out early – you can sell it to him for the price you paid, and look like a hero because you saved him the money for getting his rig out of the gov's pawn shop.)


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everything is being seized including his rig... Almost feels like i'm stealing another skydivers rig...

The people who stole the rig were the government. The parachute rig has no relationship to the crime committed. They pull this shit under the guise of "everything he owned was bought with the illegal proceeds from drugs". Have they proven that? Probably not, but they'll take it anyway. I would bet that even if he provided a receipt proving he purchased the rig before he got involved in drugs, they still wouldn't give it back.

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Go for it man. I am sure he would rather have a local jumper get it for cheap than someone else. If he comes back when he gets out you can discuss what to do about it.

I really don't think hw would be happy specially if you were on of the cops doing the raid
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Go for it man. I am sure he would rather have a local jumper get it for cheap than someone else. If he comes back when he gets out you can discuss what to do about it.

I really don't think hw would be happy specially if you were on of the cops doing the raid

If he was one of the cops doing the raid he was just doing his job. Being a drug dealer is risky business and you stand to lose a lot if you get caught. I for one know if I was doing that and someone saved my rig and at least offered to sell it back to me cheap when I got out I would be ecstatic. For instance if he gets it for 15% of what it is worth at 4000$ he is getting it for 600$. If when the jumper got out he offered it to him for the 600$ he paid you think that jumper has a right to be mad?

Edit to add the math.

Greenie in training.

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i'm with johnrich.
piss on the gov't pieces of shit that took this bro's property ... and why?
cuz he had some pot?
let me get this right: it's LEGAL to drink booze (all you want, BTW) while pregnant, and recklessly cause a closed-head brain injury that is the equivalent of dropping the little guy on his head from 5 feet once he's born, but it's ILLEGAL to hang out in your own home and smoke some pot and eat some haagen daz?
i couldn't live with myself if i participated in that pathetic industry-driven farce.
that rig will be in your closet weeping for its true owner, and you'll never get any good sleep again.

just my 2 cents.
... On landing a wise man once said: "A long walk always beats a short ambulance ride."

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i'm with johnrich.
piss on the gov't pieces of shit that took this bro's property ... and why?
cuz he had some pot?
let me get this right: it's LEGAL to drink booze (all you want, BTW) while pregnant, and recklessly cause a closed-head brain injury that is the equivalent of dropping the little guy on his head from 5 feet once he's born, but it's ILLEGAL to hang out in your own home and smoke some pot and eat some haagen daz?

That is exactly right. It is legal to drink and it is not legal to smoke pot. This is not speakers corner and we will not get into a debate about smoking pot, that is not the issue at hand.
[replyi couldn't live with myself if i participated in that pathetic industry-driven farce.
that rig will be in your closet weeping for its true owner, and you'll never get any good sleep again.

just my 2 cents.

So it would be better off in someone else's closet where it has no chance of getting back to it's original owner?

Greenie in training.

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everything is being seized including his rig... Almost feels like i'm stealing another skydivers rig...

The people who stole the rig were the government. The parachute rig has no relationship to the crime committed. They pull this shit under the guise of "everything he owned was bought with the illegal proceeds from drugs". Have they proven that? Probably not, but they'll take it anyway. I would bet that even if he provided a receipt proving he purchased the rig before he got involved in drugs, they still wouldn't give it back.

Good idea from the responses. IF i get the chance to buy it (not sure yet if its part of the seizure) i'll try to buy it and if it fits and the main and reserve are something i can use, maybe i'll jump it a few times and then in the closet it goes and i'll just hang on to it and sell it back to the guy who ownes it for what i paid and hopefully he'll appreciate it

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Talk to the dude that got busted, see what he thinks about the whole deal... he may even offer you more money than you have to pay for it to go get it for him.. after all he may have some cash buried in the backyard and really want his rig. Maybe even lend it to you while he is inside.

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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do what other people on here have suggested. buy it, keep it in good shape while using it, getting the cypres checks or whatever, and sell it back to him if he wants it when he gets out.

if he buys it back, he gets a good price and its been nicely maintained. Especially if it has a cypres, as now he won't have to pay for its checks or batteries.
if he doesn't want it back, you get a great deal.

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If you can legally purchase the rig, you should. You have done nothing legally or morally wrong.

But, if you REALLY have a moral issue and want some good karma, buy the rig cheap, sell it for what it's really worth, and go hire the guy an attorney with the profits.

No one should go to jail for a victimless crime.
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If you know the person it would be a different situation. I would not buy it, the person is getting screwed either way why rub salt into his wounds?

Have you ever smoked pot or do you have friends that do? They might of bought it from this person. Well i feel pot should be legal anyways.

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If you know the person it would be a different situation. I would not buy it, the person is getting screwed either way why rub salt into his wounds?

How is he getting screwed? He was commiting a crime and got caught, his fault not anyone elses.


Have you ever smoked pot or do you have friends that do? They might of bought it from this person. Well i feel pot should be legal anyways.

So he should feel some unspoken bond to this drug dealer if he has smoked pot before?

Buy the rig dude. If you don't someone else will.

Greenie in training.

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I would bet that even if he provided a receipt proving he purchased the rig before he got involved in drugs,...

A little bit off topic, but how do you prove either when you did, or did not 'get involved with drugs'??

This statement just struck me as a little odd is all. That said, there is some case law precedent for excluding certain assets which HAS been successfully used in some cases, and within certain jurisdictions in the past. However, depending upon the total value of all assets (let alone just this rig, supposing this were the only item being petitioned to be EXCLUDED) of the jumper in question ...the cost to successfully pursue this, versus it's actual value would RARELY make this worthwhile.

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In a post i put up yesterday in reference to large amounts of pot found at a skydivers house, everything is being seized including his rig. I've already got first dibs on the guys rig before it even gets to auction but i kind of rethought it. The guy jumps at the same DZ as me. I'm not worried he may see his rig one day but i see it this way, he fucked up, rig is available because it was seized, and i can buy it for 15-20% what its worth. I'm looking for a second rig and I dont know if the rig would work for me, but i can still get it and resell it if the size is wrong or if the main and reserve are not in my size. But i think about it and i feel weird about it. Almost feels like i'm stealing another skydivers rig. My understanding is the rig is a Mirage. What would you do?

First you want to rat on the guy to everyone at the DZ and then you want to buy his rig and parade it around the DZ!

On second thought, you should tell the DZO and you should buy the rig and tell everyone how you got such a good deal on it! ;););) Everyone needs to know about you!:|

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