
AM I STUPID??????????

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I just bought a sabre 170 I have 50 jumps and weigh about 185. How long before I should start jumping it???? Any recommendations?????

just make sure you have an instructor help you progress from what your on now to what you just bought.... should only take a couple weeks... 20 jumps or so.... depending on what your on now..

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Well, you are not stupid at all. 185 is your weight with or without your gear? W/L ~1.1 is not radical until you do some weird things low B|

I'm jumping Spectre 150 since my 50th jump, my exit weight is about 180, and I've already done all items from famous billvon's downsize checklist (I'm not going to downsize - I'm not THAT crazy! Just curious how difficult is to do all that things).
Every jump I ask one of my instructors to watch my landing and point me on my mistakes. If it is possible, I'd recommend you to do the same! It doesn't cost much, well, some glasses of beer ;) and brings you tons of experience.

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If your exit weight is ~210 your wing loading is ~1.25:1 or so. This is pretty high for someone with fifty jumps. That said heavier people tend to have higher wing loading (see PD's websight/ John LeBlanc's articles).
The first question is what have you been jumping? If all your jumps so far have been on 290s (Mantas, Skymasters etc.) then you are definitely not ready for this. Get some experience on some transition canopies. If you have been jumping 220s and 190s then that's better.
The next question is what have you been doing under those transition canopies? Have you gone through a structured program to learn about the canopy? Stalls? Front and rear riser turns and spirals? Flat (1/2 brake, 3/4 break) turns? Full toggle turns followed by emergency flare drills? If you have not then maybe you should work out a program with your coach or instructor and go through it with the transition canopy first, then with the smaller one.
Remember your weight will not make your 170 go particularly fast. It will, however make it particularly unforgiving.

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I'm suprised noone has responded with "Yes".

We've had numerous threads about this very issue. Seems like to much wingloading for such a small number of jumps. I am at 65 jumps, weigh 160 and jump a 170 Spectre. I won't be downgrading until I am alot more experienced.


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i have an exit weight of about 220lbs. i downsized from a 288 student canopy to a sabre 190 all at once. every landing since has been beautiful stand up landings. and only had 24 jumps. I would try jump a 190 to a 210 a couple jumps first. then if you feel confident that you can land it then go for it. just be careful and open high so you can try to get a feel for it before landing.
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I hardly think it's stupid unless you can't land what you have now safely and repeatedly and are going to attempt to downsize. I'm only at 50ish jumps I weigh 180 and jump a spectre 170 on rental gear. But I don't doubt myself under that wingload or my canopy skills. It WOULD be stupid of me now to jump to a 150 high performance elliptical canopy on my next jump however...and I wouldn't do it.

By the way...I'm looking to piece a rig together...if you don't make use of that 170 pass it along. :)

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You, just like me, do not have enough experience to determine his readiness for a greater than 1.1:1 wingloaded canopy at 50 jumps. However, I would assume from other threads on this same topic that he isn't making the 'greatest' decision putting himself at 1.21:1 at such a low number of jumps; unless of course I am mistaken and he has had numerous disasters occur under canopy in those 50 jumps which resulted in his enormous level of natural canopy ability that enabled him to push the envelope and display mad skills in order to save his life. Because guess what?? As soon as he has a major problem under that canopy, that's what he is going to need.


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Damn, you spoiled me!


I think it is stupid to spend money on something you will not be able to use for an unpredictable amount of time.
I don't buy a car at age twelve, hoping i might be able to drive it before i'm 18 (or 16 or whatever).
I buy stuff when i know i can use it.
Right now, the thing is just catching dust and the DOM is growing older and older. Sounds like a good deal for used gear coming up in a couple of years. (the "DOM 9/91, but only 50 jumps, great condition" kind)

That as apart from the whole wingloading preach.

Sorry, i couldn't resist...:P
Exaggerated? Sure!:$
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Well, you are not stupid at all. 185 is your weight with or without your gear? W/L ~1.1 is not radical until you do some weird things low B|

I'm jumping Spectre 150 since my 50th jump, my exit weight is about 180, and I've already done all items from famous billvon's downsize checklist (I'm not going to downsize - I'm not THAT crazy! Just curious how difficult is to do all that things).
Every jump I ask one of my instructors to watch my landing and point me on my mistakes. If it is possible, I'd recommend you to do the same! It doesn't cost much, well, some glasses of beer ;) and brings you tons of experience.

Good luck with your canopy Practicing the skills on Bills list is a great place to start. But I assume that your doing these manevour's under ideal conditions and landind at the DZ.

A bad spot , or ending up in a corner is going to take a cool head and experience to do the right thing on a canopy loaded at 1.2 to 1. Landing in the middle of the DZ no problemo.

Try and pick out your landing area in advance, maybe the size od a large parking lot and imagine it's surrounded by obstacles. Be careful don't do anything stupid turn low , stall etc, and see how you do.


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