
Dumbest thing you did skydiving

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Packed my main soaking wet and jumped it. It was wintertime at Perris and heavy rains had made the ground soggy everywhere. Actually, it opened just fine, as far as the canopy went. But the right brake line was so waterlogged it jammed and wouldn't release. Tried to fly with just the left toggle, but conditions were very gusty and it was taking an unusual amount of strength to hold the left line to half brakes. Messed with it all the way to 1200' (this just keeps getting dumber...), then finally chopped it - first smart move. My 26' conical opened fast and smooth (this was 1980), but the ground rush directly over the runway was groovy. Touched down on my feet softly enough, but the winds blew me over backwards and I shattered my helmet off my head on some unseen object in a flooded field (wearing a hard hat has been the smartest thing I've ever done more than once). Hurt my shoulder, which was healed by a faith healer (interesting experience), and found my helmet, which was in two pieces held together by the chin strap. Cold, wet, and muddy, but otherwise none the worse for wear & tear. I got off lucky for being such a dumbass.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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had to pay for the reserve repack and the FXC charge... Also had to redo the currency jump. Around $400 for those two jumps I believe...:|

What was the FXC charge? I've set off FXCs before, nothing to do except reset them...

or am I being naive here...?

I suppose it depends on which model FXC...The old mechanical ones (Sentinel 12000?) only require a stiff pull to reset, whereas FXC also makes the Astra, which is more like a Cypress, with replaceable cutters.

Huh?!? What cloud?!? Oh that!!! That's just Industrial Haze
Alex M.

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Does failing AFF level4 twice count? That was one HELL of an expensive set of skydives... My whole set of levels went GREAT except for those 2 jumps, and they were in the same day too. You better believe that next weekend I beat the crap out of level 4:P

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i was jumping on a day i shouldnt have been (~20mph with 30some jumps) and at around 1500ft i was directly over the landing area and for some reason though i HAD to make a left-hand pattern landing... hmm, well after 4 quick turns i was just about ready to land, crabbing my way directly into the Skyvan! i freaked out, and at about 15ft what seemed like a crosswind came so i braced for landing with my hands (not a good idea) causing my canopy to slam me right into the pavement and the side of the dz range rover! owwwwwch. not to mention a bunch of people were watching (including heath richardson so i was real embarassed).

anyways, lessons learned:
1. if winds are iffy, dont jump
2. fly your canopy until youre on the ground... screw bracing for impact
3. range rovers and pavement hurt

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Does failing AFF level4 twice count? That was one HELL of an expensive set of skydives... My whole set of levels went GREAT except for those 2 jumps, and they were in the same day too. You better believe that next weekend I beat the crap out of level 4:P

Nightingale is right. No count. It wasn't a failure . I failed level 3.. 2wice.
Then wondered if i should persue the sport. Glad i continued.
Almost all of us had to "repeat a dive" or 3....or more. Heck we still screw up exits and landings here and there. Go make 50 jumps and get back with us :)
Learn as much as you can about this sport for best results.

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What was the FXC charge? I've set off FXCs before, nothing to do except reset them...

I have no idea but I got charged for it. That's all I know... I had never jumped with an AAD before that and I think they charged me about $45 for it..... Was a long time ago...

BTW... Would having two canopies out be considered a mal? I never did figure out how to enter that in my logbook. Reserve ride? Mal? Obviously no cut away...[:/]
Green Light
"Harry, why did you land all the way out there? Nobody else landed out there."
"Your statement answered your question."

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1978 at Hinckley - With 25 jumps I thought i would become a photographer,,taped a super 8 movie camera ( duct tape ) to my helmet , i thought i was the shit,,three way spun and tumbled all over ,,lost track of time and dumped the para-commander,,pffuuuff and about 5 seconds later landed in 6 foot tall corn. Took a week to develop film back then,,,saw and threw it out, never wanted to relive that again.
Soooo , about five jumps later, I talked a handful of Sorority girls to come out and watch how cool I was,,ha I'm floating in for a landing, plenty of room in the grass next to the parking lot ,right next to the Hottie's taking pictures,,hhmm i'll turn and face them ,right? well,,kicking ,cheering i drifted over a bit and never lost eye contact with them as i plunged right thru the front winshield of THEIR CAR !!! It was the only car in that row....!!! So I'm sitting there with my one boot on top of the winshield pushed onto the front seat and my otherboot jammed in the steering wheel causing the horn to honk non stop,,just as the main drapes over me and the car like a curtain at the end of a show,,,oh well at least it muffled the sound.................I didn't jump again till the following spring,,couldn't face the laughter.....wally
smile, be nice, enjoy life
FB # - 1083

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1978 at Hinckley - With 25 jumps I thought i would become a photographer,,taped a super 8 movie camera ( duct tape ) to my helmet , i thought i was the shit,,three way spun and tumbled all over ,,lost track of time and dumped the para-commander,,pffuuuff and about 5 seconds later landed in 6 foot tall corn. Took a week to develop film back then,,,saw and threw it out, never wanted to relive that again.
Soooo , about five jumps later, I talked a handful of Sorority girls to come out and watch how cool I was,,ha I'm floating in for a landing, plenty of room in the grass next to the parking lot ,right next to the Hottie's taking pictures,,hhmm i'll turn and face them ,right? well,,kicking ,cheering i drifted over a bit and never lost eye contact with them as i plunged right thru the front winshield of THEIR CAR !!! It was the only car in that row....!!! So I'm sitting there with my one boot on top of the winshield pushed onto the front seat and my otherboot jammed in the steering wheel causing the horn to honk non stop,,just as the main drapes over me and the car like a curtain at the end of a show,,,oh well at least it muffled the sound.................I didn't jump again till the following spring,,couldn't face the laughter.....wally

Two words. Funny sh*t!!!
www.TerminalSports.com.auAustralia's largest skydive gear store

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Its better to regret something you did, than something you didn't do.

I find it ironic after reading all of these "stuid things I did"...that you have this for a sig line. ;) In skydiving, I definately think that it's better to regret what you didn't do than what you did...
jumping in high winds, downsizing quickly, swooping early, etc etc etc...
I'd rather not do it and wish that I had..
than do it and wish that I hadn't. :P

most everything else in life? yeah..I'd agree with your sig line...:)

My Skydiving Page
Fly Safe - Soft Landings

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--downwind landing with no flare, feet tucked behind me. I bounced up thru the risers, seperated one knee and massive damage to the other. EVERYONE at the dz that day saw it, and resulted in my first/only golf cart ride off the landing area. Even worse? I went out drinking instead of going to the hospital and couldn't figure out why I had such a bad limp until my knee popped back into place....I was in the ER very shortly after that.

--off landing in a corn field and was pretty certain I was going to make the opening in the field....I landed 4 rows in and didn't have a tight enough grip on my toggle after letting go of the rear risers...toggle got snagged at the top of the 9 foot stalk and low turned me thru the remaining rows. I hit HARD and landed on my head and arm at the same time...couldn't move for some time...I was pretty certain I had broken a few bones, but was able to move in time.

--first tracking dive around 40 jumps. got scared because I couldn't keep up with the group and tracked off to the side early...seeing I was way off the line of flight and far from the dz, I waved off high and deployed....turns out another person decided to follow me and nearly clipped the front of my canopy with his sandles as he went by in freefall
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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Doing a paid (very well paid) solo demo
into a church sponsored summer camp
as "The Terminator" for an outdoor skit.
Part of the Terminator costume was a
Uzi replica water pistol which was quite
authentic looking. During climbing out
on the step of the 182, the Uzi just flew
apart in the wind and I was left
"defensless" so to speak.

I landed in front of about 400 people
who were somewhat bewildered by my
weaponry of a hook knife and a thumb
and forefinger gun. I heard one kid
yell "Is this dumb, or what". [:/]:$
The older I get the less I care who I piss off.

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I was recently off AFF and working on my tracking. Followed one of the coaches and his girlfriend out the door with good separation. Watched the guy behind me exit, then turned to find the two I'd followed.
Saw her and started tracking. Mistake number one: I tracked down jumprun (though just briefly). Mistake number two: it wasn't her. It was him, but I didn't know this, yet. I stopped tracking and pulled. That was when I realized it wasn't her. I was checking out my main as it deployed and saw her about 60 degrees above and to my left (at about 40 feet or so, she'd deployed a little early). Scared the shit out of me and I knew immediately what *I'd* done wrong. NEVER track on jump run for ANY distance, in either direction.

Fast forward to a few weekends ago at Perris. I follow this guy out of the plane, again, with good separation. No 45 degree rule, a good count instead. There were four solos and I had a friend behind me on AFF 1 so I wanted to go last. We were all pulling at 4k. I exit, roll to my back to watch my friend come out w/ his instructors, then go to belly, practice some turns, flips, etc. I hit 4500 and pass the guy who'd left right before me just as or just after he'd pulled. Once below him, I dump at 4k. We were CLOSE.
On the canopy ride down, I'm thinking of everything that *I* might have done. What did *I* fcuk up? And I couldn't come up w/ anything (maybe some of you will). I calmly walked up to the guy to ask him what he'd done on his dive.
He'd tracked up jumprun and then pulled early. I explained why that was bad. He agreed.

Point is (finally getting to it...sorry for the long post...slow Friday at work), I've talked to a lot of students and haven't come up with one who learned about tracking in AFF. Tracking aside, most of the problem here is not just giving adequate separation, but *maintaining* it. Whether it's 45 degrees of separation or X seconds, whichever method is taught needs to be elaborated on. Don't just "give separation", MAINTAIN it. You can do everything you were taught and someone else can still put a damper on your skydiving career.
Just my $.02, learned from my own stupidity.

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