>Flock, do you really know what used to stand for?

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Ok, I see in the forum lots of definitions, some very new about old concepts (like discovering hot water), and some that don't correspond to what was the original meaning....!!! Uah feel confused.
One big one misconception is that Freefly is Vertical....(like I read in the main article today on front page) Freefly is BORN from TRACKING JUMP and DIAGONAL Flight (term diagonal flying introduced by Olav and Mike Vail early in the 90's to describe flying in an angle....(no way!!!)!!!!!!
Anyway Freefly is not only vertical, never wa never meant to be only that. Its an overall concept that uses vertical and horizontal speeds and all orientation and direction possible depending on what you are planing to doa nd your abilities and control. Directions means that you are moving going somewhere, so to do so you have to put yourslef in an angle from the vertical...
Then if you like I can also explain you why in the evolution of freeflight was important a time in learning certain control before go crazy through and around the sky (But another time)
then the misconception of definition of tracking...I read so much used changed and who knows staff about that definition too!! Tracking is flying in an angle, and indipendent from the angle chosen, is a tecnique of flying to fly from point A to B to C and cover horizontal distance. It is known from all who study aerodymanics ( Olav wirte even in his Freefly Book) that the most efficient, the one who give u a ratio 1:1 is at 45 degrees angle. Talking with Mike Michigan who sperimentted loads of tracking in the late 80's at the time they called trakcing till 45 degrees and after that was more called like diving...but theres more to it besides that already at that time they were experiemenitng with feet firts tracking which anybody who knows aerodynamics know that is possible.
Side tracking both head-first and feet first, is also known to be possible and experimented with.
i myself have been taining with it sicne last year in order to create one day a dream I have since long long time (we were talking about it in 1995) take a start (compress, one feet down one head down) and take it trackinng thrugh the skies...) so tracking to go side ways so I can take that slot in the formation...
Here though I like to explain you Flock Dives.
Someone start saying around wrong definition of Flock. well wrong in the sense that dont correspond to the original meaning.
Now I like to give you the original meaning.
FLOCK DIVES were not designed refering to a specific angle at all. So when I read, "oh no flock are pretty steep or as nothing to do with...or no in flock you make no grip or other similar saying...I realy get astonished how it can have changed its original menaing just going from mouth to mouth....
First of Flock Dives has nothing to do with a sopeciifc angle....They can be as flat and as steep as one is pleased to lead them. They can go from vertical to midle steep to steep and vicerversa. Or stay in one angle as pleased. Can have directional changes or whatever, syncornized transitions, grips anwthing you like...Flock was a term intorduced by Olav to define the begining of diagonal flight in a group, and its used to describe a type of jump where a group of people learn to fly synchornized with directional changes, speed changes, angle changes..as you like, all at once all together synchornized like WOULD MOVE A FLOCK of Birds or a SCHOOL of Fish.
You can even have different leaders in the group or changing leader during the dive. Heads may be on level or in a typical formation like aerobatics airplane in a V shape
The reason why the first flocks show to public done in 1997 at Freefly festival were on the steep side was because with a group of 10 never done before to have the group stay together was chosen not too much of crazy changes. To introduce what would have come later Olav was already showing a changing of angle towards the end of the dive...even with the bests performing grips.
This was just the begining, in the evolution of Flock Dives...with a good skill leveld flyers you fly around int he sky and do many different things..again not fixed in one only angle as all the people now describes around...confusing the hell out of me that I know the original meaning...!!!!!!
Anyway have good flight
have fun
Most important for me that it is clear that Freefly is flying Free maximising all the knowledge you have of your body in the air with control, flying, tracking, flocking, vertical, feet down, head-down, sideways, moving or not...YOU CHOSE IT!!!!

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[raply]Most important for me that it is clear that Freefly is flying Free maximising all the knowledge you have of your body in the air with control, flying, tracking, flocking, vertical, feet down, head-down, sideways, moving or not...YOU CHOSE IT!!!!

Great so now when the wind tunnel says 500 freefly jumps minimum i can call my belly flying rw jumps freeflying :)

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Actually, you could.

A good freeflier should be able to do belly well. That is the point of freeflying: flying in any position, not just feet down or feet up.

One of the teams at my DZ does alot of moves where they start out on belly and then transition to vertical or vice versa
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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Then if you like I can also explain you why in the evolution of freeflight was important a time in learning certain control before go crazy through and around the sky (But another time)

Actually I'd love to hear this. B| Thanks for the input Stefania.

By the way, is there going to be a Space Games 2005? I've been trying to find out when and where but I've found nothing. Any info would be great, thanks!!B|

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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Flock was a term intorduced by Olav to define the begining of diagonal flight in a group

You are kidding yourself if you think Olav Zipser invented flocking. You are also kidding yourself if you think he coined the term. People were flying along in travelling formations long before Olav Zipser ever knew what a parachute was. No-contact tracking four-way diamonds have been a part of the Golden Knights repetoir since the early 60's. Your revisionist history does not sit well with those of us who have been skydiving for more than 20 years. Olav might have been the first to dally with such things in your peer group, but certainly not mine.

Chuck Blue

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I know perfetly what you are saying I used wrong words.
In Olav did not invented Flcoking, not even flying of course.
My refering was to definition of Flock as used by Olav to refer to a type of jump where we learn to fly in formation like a flock of birds and a school of fishes do....not invented flock!!! Never thought so,
I think flock dives were invented maybe by birds and fishes as a tecnique to protect themsleves from other fishes and birds or as a feeding possibility or as to maximise aerodynamics so the birds behind dont have to make much effort ....
And he did not coined the word neither, because deosn't the Term FLOCK normally already exist...in referment to birds behaviuor..of course!!!

In tracking I know how much sperimentation was done before, so not saying that he invented tracking neither. Besides, you cannot go too much behind because before the big rigs with reserve in front, could not allow too much movements one time.
Mr. Track Mike Michigan knows about it...having made lots of sperimentation a while ago, and so many others....
Not invented diagonal FLYINg neither!!!
He just put together different concepts in one idea of Freefly to adapt flying (well GLIDING would be a better term) to human body possibilities. And did a lot to advance and help evolution of humanflight, at e least this lives it...

So sorry for that, anyway, when we were refering to Flock at first in Freefly that was what was intended flying in synchro like birds and fish do...with directional changes and angles if you like....
In comparision to another definition existing that Flock dives is limited from anglew 0 to something like 35 degree .....?

And yes a big THANKS for all who, like you mentioned, did lots for evolving human flight and nobody knows about them!
They din't even use much videos at that time!!


have a good party then!

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Anyway Freefly is not only vertical, never wa never meant to be only that. Its an overall concept that uses vertical and horizontal speeds and all orientation and direction possible depending on what you are planing to doa nd your abilities and control. Directions means that you are moving going somewhere, so to do so you have to put yourslef in an angle from the vertical...

'Vertical' is not to imply that we are JUST vertical. During the first few years of freefly, if i can recollect what the people around me were saying, the word was used as a distiction from the norm. Other distinctions being 'belly flying' or simply the horizontal position. No one distinguishes 'a four-way team' as JUST flat flying or a big way as JUST flat-flying either. Each discipline has its sub-catagories. Freeflying is 3D and calls for more distinctions because of its nature.

IMHO, all stem from 'skydiving', so what's the big freakin deal. Just get out there and jump. Happy holiday!

And NO, i will not be changing my forum name either... :P

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Is easy to talk and say that you guys have invented everything before the others.... I just say one thing: stop to talk and show videos , pictures , articles sketch …

We have set up a new technique of fly that was not existing before and we have call it “atmonauti” I mean “atmosphere navigators” !

With this technique we have do a lot of new staff never seen before ! we have document all this manoeuvre in our web site with dates and references! If you want to see all these manoeuvres go to www.atmonauti.com , page Atmonauti, section Guinness.

If somebody don’t think so , well no problem, but please, start to produce video or picture or whatever with dates and riferiment
Words or dreams or philosophic definition , are not enough !

You say that “free fly” or “flock” is everything … I say free fly or flock is just what you have show and what everybody have see until now … no more , no less !

If tomorrow somebody come out with something new or different , never seen before, is right that he call like he want !
That’s the unique way to keep open the evolution !

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The irony of this is too funny - the "inventors" of autmonauti in a pissing match with the "inventors" of freefly. The "atmospere dolphins" vs. the "atmosphere navigators."

Seriously, as has been said numerous times now in the three or so different threads all on this same topic, ways of distinguishing sub-disciplines is fine, but all this inventing shit is nausiating.

"The inventor of autmonautics science" - Hilarious! Can I major in that? Do you need to wear a lab coat?

"The inventor of the autmonaut stand-up" - You mean like the Hang 10 Dude Omar position?

Let me guess what's next, Autmonauti specific jump suits, a whack of sponsored Autmonauti teams driving up gear prices for average consumers, an Autmonauti atmosphere navigator cash grab licensing system, and the innevitable Autmonauti "tm"...

Glad I got that one in before I have to start paying for the word. How much is it going to cost to get my "AN" A license?


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In reply to : "The inventor of autmonautics science" - Hilarious! Can I major in that? Do you need to wear a lab coat?

"The inventor of the autmonaut stand-up" - You mean like the Hang 10 Dude Omar position?

Let me guess what's next, Autmonauti specific jump suits, a whack of sponsored Autmonauti teams driving up gear prices for average consumers, an Autmonauti atmosphere navigator cash grab licensing system, and the innevitable Autmonauti "tm"...

Glad I got that one in before I have to start paying for the word. How much is it going to cost to get my "AN" A license?


hahahah too phunny.

what is "amtofllying" I know I read the first few lines about that on the front page , but I got a headache right away,
even the name sounds complicated..
oh well, Im glad I dont fun jump anymore.

best regards

Keeping it real 22x7

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When I was tracking to a formation years ago, and going at a 45 degree angle or more, do I have to now say I was "Atmonautiing to the formation"? Or "Freeflying to the formation"?

Shut up, get out of the plane and have fun.....:S:S:S:S:S:S:ph34r:


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Marco Kramba ! ;-)

Jeez guys relax, you seems to me more pissed off coz someone give a name to angle HE found that you can do a lot of figures in That angle , he didn't he discover teh 45 angle, of course everyone has been in that angle, logic. But not everyone did what Marco and Gi did it that angle. come on be a little objectif here, even the top world freeflyers love it and respect it.

For me its simple, you can not talk about about if you never fly atmonauti and i don't mean fly a little in that angle, i mean making grips, stars flowers, feet first,diamonds all that in the angle.

Its like explaining a whuffo how skydive's feel ;-)

Viva la Revoluzione !!

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Go look in Skys Call..... 18 pages from the back of the book... You will see a picture of the "Atmonauti" skydiver.... ;) He's got all the modern gear..:P

The picture shows the jumper flying feet first in a near 45* angle with his arm out for a "dock" on the upper jumper who is flying in a head down 45* to get the pin... There are other "FLOCKER" also in the 45*(Atmonauti) looking to dock and flock....;)

Looking at the gear.... The picture is from the late 60's or at the early 70's .....;)


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We call RW different things. Somehow its ok to define 4-way, 8-way, 16-way. I'm sure if I started saying its all the same some competitive icon would interupt me and tell me How mistaken I am. To some people its absolutely the same,to others its worlds apart.

So Marco and Gi promote and define a flying style ( familiar or not ) that they base an entire skydive on and not the few seconds that it takes to dive down to an RW formation. You guys get all up tight about what to call it and who invented it. Your panties are on too tight and thats a bad thing for a skydiver.

The arguement that the pioneers ( defined by the guys that made it mainstream and not so fringe, circa the early nineties. Yes I know it was around way before this but those individuals didn't do as much for the mass popularity of it ) of freeflying did it first falls short when one can say that in dozens of commercial video releases not one screen second is devoted to the dubious position formally defined as the Atmonauti. In fact even some of the well known names and early nineties practitioners of the birth of freeflying that are featured in those same videos have no problems recognizing Marko and Gi as inventors and promoters of the atmonauti. Then why should you? If the instructors of flight club came out came out with a new form of tracking and decided to call it killer pimp tracking I doubt there would be any issues.

When our load organizers say they are going to organize a jump nobody bats an eyelash when they call it a tracking, head down or an atmonauti. To us that want to play it just defines what it is, how it is different from the other and helps us decide if we may or not want to go on it. All three are different enough to require vastly different skill levels to play safely. Most anybody could ( and should )go on tracking jumps while not everybody should just throw themselves on a head down jump with an LO. Yet everybody just want to call this tracking.

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Sorry, your sadly mistaken about getting up up tight or panties in a bunch.

As I said before, " we could care less", regardless if it's FlightClub or not. ;)

The that angle of flight has been around for sometime and everyone try's to put a name on it to say "they" invented it sadly enough. [:/]


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Sorry, your sadly mistaken about getting up up tight or panties in a bunch.


That was general comment, some other people do get wadded. The atmonauti isn't a new arguement.It has been around for a few years. I like the use of the term to describe the dive to someone who may be new to head down but could have a safe time on this jump.

If someone had 40 jumps and wanted to come on this type of jump because its referred to as tracking, would that be safe IYO?

Bird-man, Loic, Matter did not invent the modern day wingsuits that are safe for the average 500 jump experienced jumper. But we credit them with promoting them and regard them as the inventors.

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Bird-man, Loic, Matter did not invent the modern day wingsuits that are safe for the average 500 jump experienced jumper. But we credit them with promoting them and regard them as the inventors.

They did not "Invent" Winged flight, Or the idear of winged flight.... They worked on fixing the problems with winged flight.... They used the lessons learned from the parachute and used it to make winged flight safer then ever before...

We don't call Bill Coe the "inventor" of the ram air parachute.... He has done more then any other person to improve the ram air parachute... IMO..;)

We just LOL at people that are so full of themselves and call thing that people have been doing for years "NEW"... Free style is freak flying with a few different moves....;) Base jumping is a "new" way to jump.... RW was a "new" way to jump.... CReW was a "new" way to jump.... When we did CReW with PC's and Crossbows it was still "CReW" ;) So just say you have a few moves that are cool and fun to play with.....


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...Freefly is flying Free maximising all the knowledge you have of your body in the air with control, flying, tracking, flocking, vertical, feet down, head-down, sideways, moving or not...YOU CHOSE IT!!!!


I thought I invented it on my first attempt at sit-flying....I did all of that on one jump...except the part about "control"...:S:D;) ...I called it the "What-the-Flock" dive....:D

My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Schwarzenegger didn't invent body building but it is commonly recognized that he was the one person who popularized it. In the absence of his efforts and accomplishments, you might have a hard time finding a gym these days.

Similarly, Schwarzenegger didn't invent the movie genre of Action Film; but he forever changed the face of the movie industry single-handedly by bringing it to new heights and popularity.

Along the same line, Olav (and his groups of peers: Omar, Stefania, Mike, etc.) were probably not the first ever to assume these body positions. However, they undoubtedly were the first to explore those in a systematic way and develop a meaningful (understanding the relationships) structure. Their contribution to popularizing free-flying is immeasurable.

Guys, let's give some credit where credit is due.

Bird-man, Loic, Matter did not invent the modern day wingsuits that are safe for the average 500 jump experienced jumper. But we credit them with promoting them and regard them as the inventors.

They did not "Invent" Winged flight, Or the idear of winged flight.... They worked on fixing the problems with winged flight.... They used the lessons learned from the parachute and used it to make winged flight safer then ever before...

We don't call Bill Coe the "inventor" of the ram air parachute.... He has done more then any other person to improve the ram air parachute... IMO..;)

We just LOL at people that are so full of themselves and call thing that people have been doing for years "NEW"... Free style is freak flying with a few different moves....;) Base jumping is a "new" way to jump.... RW was a "new" way to jump.... CReW was a "new" way to jump.... When we did CReW with PC's and Crossbows it was still "CReW" ;) So just say you have a few moves that are cool and fun to play with.....


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with all due respect: but your comment sounds like, "if it wasn't done in America or invented by an American", it's not real. (Well, the whole threat is about this.)

If you insist confining your experience only to the US and Americans, you live in a pretty small world.

Once again, respectfully, but it had to be said.



Flock was a term intorduced by Olav to define the begining of diagonal flight in a group

You are kidding yourself if you think Olav Zipser invented flocking. You are also kidding yourself if you think he coined the term. People were flying along in travelling formations long before Olav Zipser ever knew what a parachute was. No-contact tracking four-way diamonds have been a part of the Golden Knights repetoir since the early 60's. Your revisionist history does not sit well with those of us who have been skydiving for more than 20 years. Olav might have been the first to dally with such things in your peer group, but certainly not mine.

Chuck Blue

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Where, exactly, did you think I said anything of the sort. What I said was that Olav Zipser and his small cadre of followers at Pahokee, FL have no business claiming they "invented" anything. I could care less that they are not "american". Hell, they did all of their self promotion and "discovery" right here in the USA. Olav, Stefania and the rest of their posse are fantastic skydivers, but just because they put out some video and dedicated themselves to one discipline does not make them originators by any means. there were many, many people flying on the vertical axis before Olav decided to "patent" the term freefly.

Coversely, there are incredibly few people on the planet who have more wingsuit jumps than I do, yet I make no outlandish claims that I am a pioneer of any sort. I am just a guy that has been having fun jumping for nearly 24 years, getting good at whatever feels good to me. I give credit when credit is due, but will not hesitate to call a spade a spade if I hear someone spouting nonsense.


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Dudes i was not talking about inventing, but only reminding what was meant for something....and in specific I was refering to Flocking.
At least what we meant when talking about Flock not about what other meant or who invented what. I might have my personal opinion that it is all a natural evolution but that is my personal opinion and as most likely wrong.
Though I just wanted to mention Flocking because it is true that it changed its meaning in the long term, but hei its ok, no biggies
Flock was meant being able to fly toegether and moving like a flock of birds and a school of fish. that is all i was trying to tell you with this forum...We are still far I guess from being able to do that, we are learning toegther and progressing. And together we are evolving this sport.
Freefly in the meaning, as taken out was learning to fly in everyposition, orientation, direction and rotation as possibile. become pilot of our body in the air in control ion all possible way.
That does not mean that I personally invented Freefly and neither that i know how to fly in any way. i wish but unlukly...
In the end it really doeant matter, who invent what. We are all eveovling and progressing in the flying tecniques and marco and Gi are doing great stuff in the air!
Keep on going, and everyone else.
I think inventing is a big word, especially say to have invented diagonal and angle flying its a bog thing to say, though if you like to use it beacuse you think its right, well I guess go ahead...i
Just wanted to say what Flock standed for when I frist heard about it as a descrition of a type of flight...to what now transofrmed as a definition to 0 to 35 degree...That's it. And whanted to explain what freefly standed for at least from my interpretation from when i heard about it and what i elarned about it...!
I personally dont care to have to prove this or that and if people interpreted Freefly in a different way...then what i interpreted...its allright
I dont have to prove nothing to nobody...I am not a good freeflyer
But I guess forums are for bad wetaher days. lets go and have fun no matter what you like to do or what ever...
I apologize and will say no more bull shit!
And I aoplogize to marco and Gi which were mentioned here even though I was talking about flocking and freefly definition...not about Atmonauti...
i refered at begining on how it looks to me they described Freefly as vertical flying, and i had to say that at least in what i learned about Freefly, whose definition i did not make....Freefly is not only about vertical flying...and definteviely has to do a lot with diagonal flying.
Marco and Gi are super good flyers
W Freeflyers, Amonauts, Trackers, vertical flyers, diagonal flying, belly flying, back flying and any type of flying, even precision and style and canopy formation and....
see ya later alligatotors

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