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As I've heard it (and you know how that goes) that might be one way the FAA looks at it. It's kind of a unique situation. If that's the case it meanse living up to an airline's requirements even if they don't haul passengers, which skydivers are not.
Think we can find some cute "Flight Attendants"?

Can you imagine having to sit through safety briefings on each load? Or swoopers being required to take their seats along as flotation devices? :ph34r:

I also heard (and yes, we all know how that goes) that the seats have to be left in, as is. Someone at the Bombshelter was saying the other night how cool it would be to get a picture looking down the aisle w/ everyone in rigs and helmets.

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I also heard (and yes, we all know how that goes) that the seats have to be left in, as is.

That's the word as I've heard it as well. Sounds like they'd rather have the currently certified seat belt positions and set up, than to try to recertify it with alternate configurations.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Cool. So when it doesn't show at the WFFC, I'll pass the blame on to you this time.

Nah, we'll still blame you. And for punshinment i'll get everyone to pee in your pool. You are bringing the pool again this year right? :)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Y'know, Tony Urgallo will probably be at Rantoul again this year. I could order up a suit for her without all that annoying purple fabric/grippers. Would be a bit faster . . .

Why wait for Rantoul?

You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Can you imagine having to sit through safety briefings on each load?

Maybe I'm a little rusty on the jump flying biz, but isn't a safety briefing a "current" requirement per FAA regulation 91.107??? "Use of safety belts, shoulder harnesses, and child restraint systems."

(a) Unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator—

(1) No pilot may take off a U.S.-registered civil aircraft (except a free balloon that incorporates a basket or gondola, or an airship type certificated before November 2, 1987) unless the pilot in command of that aircraft ensures that each person on board is briefed on how to fasten and unfasten that person's safety belt and, if installed, shoulder harness. ***

When I flew jumpers, I would "usually" provide the requisite safety brief concerning belts, no smoking..etc...etc.......


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If you're gonna link to skin two stuff, link to their own website:
They have a nice little outlet in their workshop in London. Aledgedly.

I bow to your greatness (almost gaged on that statement!)

I am not "up" on the whereabout to obtain such goods, had to do a 5 or 6 minute google....

No if I could just find a good looking woman to show of in some of that stuff.....;)>:(

Talk about thread drift....
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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>They have a nice little outlet in their workshop in London. Aledgedly.

Y'know, your constant protestations that you know nothing about such topics is reminiscent of the people who claim to have seen something on the playboy channel because they were just "channel surfing."

"Yeah, I don't watch that channel much, but I was channel surfing the other night at 2am and I saw . . ."

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"Yeah, I don't watch that channel much, but I was channel surfing the other night at 2am and I saw . . ."

. . .footage of one of Billvon's naked jumps being used in a softcore Playboy porn movie.B|

Was that the correct answer?:):ph34r:
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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What criteria does the FAA use to require that it be registered as an airline?

Size, type?

Otters and others are being used for airline service and can still be operated under the less strict rules elsewhere.

I don't doubt the FAA is holding this position, I'm just wondering what is their (mis) rationale.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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on the playboy channel because they were just "channel surfing."

You know, I'm running out of excuses at the check out desk when trying to explain I really didnt request the film channel and that I must have hit the ORDER buton by accident....

But anyways, we digress. Looks like that calendar will be a keepper.

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What criteria does the FAA use to require that it be registered as an airline?

Size, type?

Otters and others are being used for airline service and can still be operated under the less strict rules elsewhere.

I don't doubt the FAA is holding this position, I'm just wondering what is their (mis) rationale.


I am guessing that they are holding the Perris Jet to airline standards because this is the first time the FAA has ever heard of using a DC-9 to haul anything but paying passengers.
Be thankful that you are dealing with the FAA. Their mandate actually includes something about encouraging aerial commerce.

If you were in Canada you would have to deal with Transport Canada, who want every flying operation to follow Air Canada'a business model. Why they want us to model our operations after a major airline that is struggling with bankrupcy is a mystery.
TC policy follows an ancient Royal Canadian Air Force tradition that requires paperwork to exceed the gross weight of the aircraft before they will issue an operating certificate. By then your airplane is too heavy to get off the runway.
Hee! Hee!

Be even more thankful that you are not jumping in Britain. British skydivers have work within regulations written by the CAA, which means Cancel All Aviation, er ... Civil Aviation Authority. The British gov't firmly believes that the best way to prevent aviation accidents is to prevent aviation.

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Be thankful that you are dealing with the FAA. Their mandate actually includes something about encouraging aerial commerce.

If you were in Canada you would have to deal with Transport Canada, TC policy follows an ancient Royal Canadian Air Force tradition that requires paperwork to exceed the gross weight of the aircraft before they will issue an operating certificate.

Be even more thankful that you are not jumping in Britain. British skydivers have work within regulations written by the CAA, which means Cancel All Aviation, er ... Civil Aviation Authority. The British gov't firmly believes that the best way to prevent aviation accidents is to prevent aviation.

Or the US military who will not let you drop jumpers unless you think up a new "mean sounding name" for this variant of the same aircraft.

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