
USPA Disciplinary Action

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Okay- I'm a nosey bitch:

Why did Paul Gundlach and Craig Arnold have their USPA memberships and/or ratings pulled for life???


"One out of every four American's are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you."

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I'd like to know if there's a place you can go to find out who's had their membership suspended, for how long and why....

I didn't think we suspended people for life anymore?
If some old guy can do it then obviously it can't be very extreme. Otherwise he'd already be dead.
Bruce McConkey 'I thought we were gonna die, and I couldn't think of anyone

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I hate to add a question to a question, but I was just wondering if anyone knows what happened to Ted Mayfield? He had a few people bounce at his drop zone in Oregon about 15 years ago (partially due to neglegence). He also had a stolen aircraft. I heard he could never operate a drop zone again. I think this was a USPA decision. I was just wondering if anyone knows any details, or where he is today. He seemed like a great guy. Maybe a little too much on the wild and crazy side, but I always felt safe jumping there......Steve1

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Ted Mayfield's DZ is closed and being sold off in parcels now. I've heard but can't confirm that he's still living in his old house at the west end of the runway.

Some of the bouncing out there wasn't obviously his fault, to be sure. But as a regular jumper from the mid 80s, I look back and wonder why more people didn't die.

As a very early student, I had a floating ripcord malfunction because he replaced a worn elastic ripcord handle pouch with a rubber band. First reserve ride on my first 10 second delay. I was too young to buy beer and I refused to buy Ted a bottle of booze for a reserve packjob that he caused me to use.

On heavy overcast days he spotted his aircraft from the ground by engine sound. Once this ended in our entire load landing 8 miles out.

Admittedly, we jumpers made our own choices to go along with his ridiculous methods. On the other hand, his role as DZO should have been one of leadership and encouraging good choices. Instead, he inspired a generally reckless community.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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You jumped there a lot more than I ever did. I jumped there several days, but never for an extended period. I even jumped there once without any proof that I was a jumper, no log books or anything. I just showed up, and started BSing with Ted, and he let me on a load. It sounds like things must have been pretty loose back then......Steve1

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Loose indeed. Personally, I don't mind loose. In fact I love it. But the looseness at Sheridan was a reckless looseness. I don't believe Ted respected the seriousness of the consequences of a fuckup.

Letting someone jump without credentials? Well, honestly, I think any experienced jumper can identify a real jumper in five minutes. Who needs paperwork? The craziness I object to isn't people using their own judgement, but using BAD judgement.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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The straw that broke the camels back was when he had an 82 year old man go in on a static line jump, the worst part was that the day before The Yamhill county sheriff's office had confiscated every parachute system in the building whether it it was DZ owned or not, Ted then goes to Bob Dause in Cline Falls (then) and borrowed gear to operate his school.
This is after he was ordered by Yamhill county, the FAA, USPA, and I believe the state of Oregon to cease all operations.
The rig that he put on the 82 y/o student was not set up for static line, so he put 100# break cord on the pilot chute and used it for a static line (throw out pilot chute).
As the student left the step he didn't arch, ended up on his back and as the pilot chute went under his arm he trapped it and went in on his back with no attempt pull any handles. This after national attention on 20/20
as Ted tried to convince us all that he trains 50,000 students a year and that at that level "accidents will happen" and that he thought he was well within the safety "numbers". Ted is a really nice guy, he just put money in front of safety.

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With one of these people, I'm not sure if it had anything to do with the confering of a 3-D award whose paperwork was suspect. But I believe it was.
I don't drink during the day, so I don't know what it is about this airline. I keep falling out the door of the plane.

Harry, FB #4143

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I see. I wouldn't have guessed that as a possibility.

"One out of every four American's are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you."

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If you had met Ted and new nothing about him you would think that he is a nice friendly guy, and that is how he had students coming to him all through his troubles with the various authorities. My post was to try to show our friends what a wolf in sheep's clothing might look like, so maybe others like him will be exposed before they would hurt our sport, or our friends.
I'm sure that you did not mean to make a statement about my character on your post.

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>When people say someone is a "nice guy" even though he's a fuck
> up, regularly risking other peoples' lives, do not believe them.

You're never met a nice but incompetent guy? I've found that there are more of them than nice competent guys.

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nice and incompetent, yes. I know tons of them. Generally they only hurt themsleves. This guy sounds like he is "nice" and careless, no negligent, at the cost of others' lives.

I guess I just don't have patience for that.

But I don't know him personally, so who am I to talk, right?

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B| I jumped at Ted's DZ for 4 yrs starting in 1976 - New Ted well - Duck tape held the planes togeather as well as the gear. Even nosed in on take off in one of the Cessna's, walked back, boarded another plane and jumped. The other plane was washed off, started and back up, crazy? Yes-but those were the days back then - in the four years only lost one person there - Wally Tappy, from Montana - a home boy - first parachute streamered - he cut away and the riser on the reserve separated. Got drunk that night, as normally, we burned a out-house down, cops came. Next day Ted sent me and another girl to cry to the cops and they let us off. My name back then was Melinda Wolfe DeChristopher - I was married to Jack DeChristopher. Anyone know of his wear-abouts? I owe him some amends.

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I knew a steve when I was in Sheridan in the late 70's and early 80' - curly hair - a gun-ho beginner who was advancing rather quickly - would that be you? Melinda[email]

Do you remember when Spike Yarder used to fly round robins for So. Cal. up to Sheridan in a D18?
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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I'm sorry that name does not ring a bell, the people I remember are Ted Mayfield, Mike Michigan, Diver dan, Montana Dan, Jack DeChristopher, Elevator(no long alive) and Jock, also a pilot. There are others but age has kinda taken it's tole on me. I was on a eight person team with these guys, hell of a ride.[email]

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Heck....Ive been suspended from CSPA for life "twice" and the second time they didnt even give me a reason...they didnt have one. USPA was canvassed by some CSPA pumpkin, and they cancelled my membership in USPA as well.......
That was 31 years ago.

Bill Cole D-41

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I can answer part of this.

In the instance of Paul Gundlach, yes it was partly due to a false award being issued - but had more to do with forgery on paperwork related to a rating being issued, if I heard correctly.

Faking an award is bad enough - but committing forgery...??

You call it....

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Reading your post brought back many memories. I can't believe I stumbled on to this forum to find that a lot of my skydiving history was being discussed.

All of us who knew Ted Mayfield and jumped at Sheridan could not believe his negligence and disregard for safety and human life.

I'm glad that the last few years with the 8 way team in Seattle that I jumped at Issaquah instead of Sheridan.

Unfortunately, I lost 9 of my best friends on the Loadstar crash in Arlington Wa after we got back from the Netionals. I should have been on that load, but at the last minute, before I pulled out of my driveway, I got a weird feeling, so I unloaded my van and stayed home that weekend. It saved my life.....but it also changed my life.

Stay safe......

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