
Long break / Off AFF but no license

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Hey folks,

It's been almost two years since my last jump, and I am thinking about getting back into it. If you're wondering about why it's been so long, well, there was a move involved plus I was deployed to Iraq for awhile. The problem is that I stopped on my 10th jump. I graduated from AFF, but obviously haven't gotten my A license yet. What are the requirements to start jumping again? Do I have to redo the entire AFF course? I'm not sure I could afford to do that again, it was tough enough paying for it the first time. For what it's worth, I think I've retained most of the knowledge and am confident that I can relearn everything else pretty quickly. Any advice?

Thanks for your help and blue skies.


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A little over a year ago, i had this same problem. I went back to the same dropzone that I had started at. They had me redo the groundcourse (which was a good idea, and I learned a lot more than before even though it was a shortened version) and had me do a checkdive with an instructor. Evidently I did good enough on the checkdive, they allowed me to jumpmaster myself, and 10 jumps later, I had my A. Total cost was something like $120 for the jump for the check dive, which included rental eqiupment, and 10 jump tickets for $17 each, plus $10 per jump for equipment, I packed my own, so it cost me a 12 pack to have the rigger check my work. Total cost was about $390 and a couple nights in the bar buying a 12 pack which was priceless since they taught me more about skydiving than I had learned in the previous times I had been there!!!

Welcome back, and have fun!:)

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Agreed. Ground school the second time around is like a blessing in disguise.

You retain so much more, since you have a little better grasp of the whole picture.

Enjoy. Welcome home. Welcome back to the sky. And thank you.

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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Yeah, take the FJC again and do some coaching jumps to get back in the grove. I would suspect that you will not have to start over but you may have to repeat a couple of things. It will pay off in the long run. I have seen it a few times and it all worked out good for the ones willing to take it a little slow. Welcome back!

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These are good news, since I've been inactive for 2 years with 10 AFF jumps (having passed level 7). Empuriabrava replied that I'd have to redo ground training, and AFF levels 3,4 and 6, at a cost of 500 euros. I haven't checked with my local dropzone, but I plan on doing so soon!

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