
Helicopter Jump Advice??

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It's going to be 5000ft jumps.

I'm basically a low-time jumper, but I have done a few heli. jumps. I'd recommend wearing a FF suit if you have one -- you'll be able to get stable sooner after going out at 5G because the suit will provide more air resistance. If you're sure you'll go to 5G this shouldn't be an issue....but what if cloud ceiling is low and you jump at 3G?
I once did a heli. jump from 3G in shorts and a tee shirt and didn't get stable soon enough for me to pull at a comfortable altitude. Canopy was out by 1,600 though. Since then, I never do balloon or heli. jumps without a FF suit on. If the heli. is going forward at 60+ knots, it doesn't matter as much because the forward movement of the heli. allows you to catch air right away.
Have fun!

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