
Jump masters responsibility

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"Trust but verify".
A great idea also is to have them correct the answer and intial the correction. This will not stop a lawyer from filing however, it makes it much more difficult to claim you have not "met the industry standards for training".

Sent you a PM. Thank you...


James 4:8

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In an emergancy, the most important thing is to get the hell out!

This is true. Once the pilot says it's okay to bail, you should do your best to get out as quickly as possible. However, the problem with this incident is that the airplane was in a flat spin. They were trapped by centrifugal force in the back of the plane and were unable to move from where they were at.
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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>What is happening with S/L and IAD student on forced exit????

Not sure about IAD; never took one up.

With IAD, the pilot chute factor comes into play.

Do you have the pilot chute of a jumper in your hand? If not, they are told what is happening and what they are going to do (something like... this is an emergency, get out and go reserve now... see ya!).

If you do have a pilot chute in your hand, do whatever you need to in order ensure survival of you and that student. Luckily, that hasn't happened to me, but I am led to believe the very aggressive, "your coming with me" approach probably works best. Of course, the situation will dictate the appropriate response. Oh, and remember to tell the other students what to do.

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In IAD the PC is in a small elastic bag, held by the instructor in the door and that bag is connected to the plane.


Sorry dude, but you just described an awkward combination of Instructor Assisted Deployment and static-line that never gained popularity in North America.
Far more popular is taking a stock student rig with a regular pilotchute packed in the BOC. On jumprun the instructor grabs the pilotchute and hangs on to it while the student exits. As soon as the student's fingers clear the plane, the instructor "places" the pilotchute - as low as he can - and the parachute deploys the same as a hop-and-pop. The pilotchute does not know who "placed" it in the wind.

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