
Brasil World Championships compromised

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as read on www.wuza.net :

Communiqué officiel des organisateurs:

We are varying upset to inform that the 5th FAI World Artistic Skydiving Championships
are canceled.
Even counting with an effective participation of the Federal District Government, through
it’s Sports Secretary Office, given us all the structure needed to the event, our efforts was not
enough to avoid this moment of deception and total discouragement with the treatment given by the
Brazilian government to our sport.
The companies who were supposed to help us with founds had received the project of the
event with all details some time ago, but only on August 26th we were informed that they would not
be able to give us the amount needed, what made the Championships impossible to happen.
We are deeply sorry and as the President of the Organizer Committee and in the name of the
Brazilian Skydiving Confederation, I apologize the problems that this canceling will bring to all
athletes, Federations and Confederations all over the world, also as the different entities involved.
We have invested a lot on this event. But the money losses are not relevant. The moral
damage and the deception in front of our friends who believed us, yes. For those friends, we
apologize, in shame.
Cezar Siqueira Assreuy
President of the Organizer Committee
Vice-President of the CBPq

sorry for all people implicated

next news :

Une solution alternative a été proposée. Réponse définitive demain

Basic outline
Same dates 14-18 competition, location: Boituva DZ, 2 x Cessna Caravan
Same judges, FAI controller, CJ, meet director
No CJ of training.
No thrill hotels (2 star, not more) for staff.
No pegasus system.
No tents.
Only computer setup for judging / wooden scoreboard.
Competitors pay for own accommodation and all food.
Simple medals.
This is difficult: what I know is up till present (august 29th )
France: 2 FR, 2 SK, 3 FF
USA: 2 FF, 1 SK, 1 FR
Russia: 1 FF, 2 SK, 1 FR
Australia : 2 FF
Switzerland: 1 SK
Chile: 1 SK
Germany: 1 FF
Japan: 1 FF
Brasil: ?
Austria: ?
Italy: ?
Of course, I can only assume the cancellation will result in less teams.
All entry fees received by original organiser go to Paulo Zanella
8 jumps to be paid by this. Countries who have not paid yet will pay USD 275 on arrival to Zanella.
Competitors will pay all competition jumps directly to DZ. (estimate USD 25 per jump, total USD
Result: USD 25 per competitor to pay for staff/organisation.
If this is not enough (very likely) than all NAC’s pay the deficit on site to Zanella.
Anything more that DZ or Zanella can arrange (food on site, judging accommodations) will be
deducted from the final account.

might happen...
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Yes.... Unfortunately it has happened again. Last time the 300-way was supposed to have happened in Brazil. Eloy came to the rescue and saved the day at the last minute when the Brazilian government apparently backed out on furnishing the necessary aircraft for the event...

It's is just a shame and a big fiasco....[:/]



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Here is the latest.

Dear Friends !
Negotiations are in process between the CBPq and the IPC. The WPC AE 2004 has not been cancelled. CBPq is working on an alternative location: Boituva DZ. and it will be sending a Agreement to the FAI.
The deadline given by FAI is Sep 3rd, 2004, at 09:00 o´clock.

So all teams should know by tomorrow morning if they will be canceling their tickets or just changing them a little......

US team manager (artistic events) 2004

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Here is the final decision (just got it in the IPC Info List):




On Monday 30 August 2004, the Brazilian Parachuting Confederation (CBPq)
informed the FAI International Parachuting Commission (IPC), without
prior warning, that the 5th World Artistic Skydiving Championships,
planned to take place in Brasília from 14 – 18 September 2004 were

The IPC reacted immediately by informing the Brazilian authorities that
a cancellation at such a late stage was unacceptable, not least because
many competitors had already bought non-refundable air tickets.
Intensive work started to find a solution. Discussions with the CBPq
revealed that it might be possible, even at such short notice, to
organise “no frills” World Championships on the same dates at a drop
zone near São Paolo called Boituva.

In weighing up the possible courses of action, the IPC Bureau had in
mind principally the interests of the athletes, who had been training
for a long time to take part in the World Championships, and who, in
some cases had paid entry fees and made firm travel arrangements. The
Bureau took into account the inevitable fact that a contest organised at
such short notice was likely to be at a lower level of efficiency and
have less well-developed infrastructure than normal IPC-sanctioned
competitions. They also gave consideration to the possibility that some
competitors may have difficulty in changing their airline bookings from
Brasília to São Paolo. And they tried to minimise the financial impact
of the late change of venue, in so far as this was possible in view of
the total absence of sponsorship and government funding announced by the
CBPq on 30 August.

After carefully weighing all these and other relevant factors, the IPC
Bureau has decided that it would be in the best interests of all the
Artistic Skydiving athletes to go ahead with the 5th World Artistic
Skydiving Championships at BOITUVA.

We therefore announce that the Championships will take place at Boituva
from 14 – 18 September 2004 and that all administrative details will be
available on the organisers’ web-site at: http://www.wpc2004.com.br/

Bulletin No 3 will be published by the organisers very soon. Entry fees
of US $275 will be payable on arrival to Mr Paulo ZANELLA. NACs /
delegations who have already paid entry fees are advised to take proof
of payment (bank receipts). The entry fee will cover the costs of
competition jumps, lunch on site 14-18 September, staff facilities, and
transportation between hotels and Boituva drop-zone. The entry fee does
not include hotel accommodation, breakfast and dinner. These have to be
arranged by the delegations themselves. All entrants are kindly
requested to contact Mr ZANELLA (skyzan@bestway.com.br) as soon as
possible to confirm their participation and make administrative

In these difficult circumstances, we kindly ask all participants to
support these Championships, and to participate in them in a positive
and sporting manner, making allowances for the inevitable short-comings
and recognising the great efforts made by Mr Zanella and his team at
Boituva to save this event.

Patrice Girardin, IPC President 3 September 2004


Blue Skies! B|
Mario Santos

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a number of people are very much to blame here

1. FAI, for giving brazil a second chance. it was given a two year ban last time it messed up

2. Elements in Brazil.

The fai needs to stop trying to hold these events in quirky little countries(no doubt it officals were motivated by signicant under table deals).
Granada was a disaster, everyone there agrees and for simular reasons, not poor organisational skills. For no organisational skills
Some of the european members need to swallow thier pride and accept that the best place to hold these events is the US, where they go off without a hitch, and theres alot more transparency with the deals. Failing that major european centers like lapalisse or empuria. Japan apparently went off without a hitch as well.

With corrupt and unproffessional behavior like this, no wonder we find it difficult to attract major sponsors, what company would deal with behavior like this. We will always be a fringe sport if this continues.

Think about the athletes who have changed thier whole lifestyles and dedicate thier lives to competition just to have this happen.

things need to change and they need to change now, for the sports sake first and second for the athletes.
this isnt for the benifit of corrupt and innept officals, lets put them in the bin where they belong


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The fai needs to stop trying to hold these events in quirky little countries(no doubt it officals were motivated by signicant under table deals).
Lesson in Geography

I agree with you that some things went wrong in this case. But at least they worked hard to save the event and this with success.

I don’t know if you are very familiar with geography but for your information:
Brazil is that big country in South America.
Population is around 175 Million (England 65).
Area: 8’547’404 km2 (England 244’101 km2)
This only to your comment of quirky little countries.

Brazil has a very high standard in Skydiving, eventually you have heard of the Test Dummies, Fly Factory or Luis Cani, to name only three.

Boituva is a very well organized dropzone with 2 Caravans and Campinas (Azul do Vento) is only around the corner with a Skyvan.

I’m sure this is going to be a great event!
Michi (#1068)

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quirky little countries- fair enough brazil is bigger and has a larger population than the UK, but i was really refering to the fact that it is a 3rd world country more or less, with a pretty vauge rule of law and questionable business practices that those of us that live in the UK or US take for granted

Brazil- a high standard of flying. sorry. maybe one or two OKish teams, no real contenders for any medals. nothing at all even approaching the standards you see in the US, france or italy.

They worked really hard to make it happen- no, the FAI tried to save face and brazil shouldnt have been alowed to try and host another event after its last screw up, it recieved a ban after its last one, so i seriously believe that someone in the FAI was given 'serious incentives' to allow it to happen there.

The brazilian government promised unrestricted support and failed to deliver anything, alot of the planning wasnt done at all. I cant comment on the DZ but lets be honest, compare it to Eloy or lapalisse or Perris, no competition.

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This is actaually the 3rd thread on this topic.
Upon learning of the cancellation, Skydive Arizona submitted a bid to host the event in November.
The venue has been changed to another location in Brazil (Boituva) and will take place during the original time frame.
I wish much success to all teams competing, and to those that have opted to stand down, I hope to see you in Germany 2006.

One other point of interest. The selection for both the World Cup 2005 (Eloy, AZ USA) and World Championships (Gera,Germany) for US teams will come from the US National Championships 2005 in Perris Valley, CA

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The fai needs to stop trying to hold these events in quirky little countries(no doubt it officals were motivated by signicant under table deals).
Lesson in Geography

I agree with you that some things went wrong in this case. But at least they worked hard to save the event and this with success.

I don’t know if you are very familiar with geography but for your information:
Brazil is that big country in South America.
Population is around 175 Million (England 65).
Area: 8’547’404 km2 (England 244’101 km2)
This only to your comment of quirky little countries.


Size has nothing to do with it. Brazil is a Republic and they grow bananas there. Nuff said?:P

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Brazil is bigger than the continental US. And I'm appalled that they were not able to get it together to host the world championships in a reasonable manner. Everything I've heard about Boituva, though, is that it is a good facility, and should be able to host a significant meet.

But it's better if you do it right. It's a pity -- it's a spectacularly gorgeous place, with wonderful people. Well, most of them.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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