
Mayor Takes a Leap

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Why mayor is taking a flying leap
By Amy McLaughlin Daily Herald Staff Writer
Posted Thursday, August 19, 2004
This Saturday, Arlington Heights Village President Arlene J. Mulder will make her leap into politics seem sort of tame.

Mulder, 59, will try skydiving in downstate Ottawa with members of the U.S. Army.

"If former President Bush can do it for his 80th birthday, I suppose I can do it," Mulder said. "I feel very safe."

She'll be one of several business leaders, politicians and celebrities participating in a series of jumps Saturday and Sunday at Skydive Chicago's facility in Ottawa.

Bill Kelo, advertising and public affairs chief with the U.S. Army's Chicago recruiting battalion, said a team from the Army's Golden Knights will conduct the jumps.

Other jumpers include Bill Rancic, Donald Trump's "Apprentice" from the reality show of the same name; NBC-TV reporter Phil Rogers and officials from several Chicago-area companies like Walgreen Co. and Leo Burnett.

A member of the Golden Knights will be harnessed to each participant during the jump, Kelo said. Mulder said her jump will start at 13,000 feet and it will be a free fall until 4,000 feet when the chute will open.

Another team of Golden Knights will participate in this weekend's Chicago Air and Water Show.

Kelo said it is a fun way to "get the Army out in front of the public" and increase its exposure to local community and business leaders.

Mulder said she has a special relationship with the military, particularly the U.S. Army. She's taken a ride in a KC 131, a U.S. Air Force refueling plane, and has visited various military recruitment centers.

She's also active with the U.S. Army's reserve base in Arlington Heights.

Mulder said officials have noticed a renewed interest in young people enlisting in the military out of high school. Because of that, Arlington Heights officials decided last year to honor two years of active duty in lieu of a two-year college degree for entry-level police officers.

For Mulder, this will be her first try at skydiving.

"I'm both excited and a bit nervous. I'm just hoping for a happy landing," she said.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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"Mulder said she has a special relationship with the military, particularly the U.S. Army. She's taken a ride in a KC 131, a U.S. Air Force refueling plane, and has visited various military recruitment centers."

"Special relationship"... sounds like a cheesy plot for better poll numbers to me... civilians, esp whuffo ones are funny. :P
NSCR-2376, SCR-15080

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"Mulder said she has a special relationship with the military, particularly the U.S. Army. She's taken a ride in a KC 131, a U.S. Air Force refueling plane, and has visited various military recruitment centers."

"Special relationship"... sounds like a cheesy plot for better poll numbers to me... civilians, esp whuffo ones are funny. :P

KC 131? 220, 221 whatever it takes.

Try.... KC 135

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The golden nuggets should not be competing with private DZs to offer such a service.

edit-for Bush 41, I can understand, but not a mayor of a small town.

Isn't that why the National Guard is not allowed to offer the services of a few C-130s for record attempts, because a person can hire them from private companies?
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Skydive Chicago was happy to host the Knights AND their VIP "guests".

I had to laugh when I watched the news report last night though because the reporter looked like a tandem master's worst nightmare on his video! :D No arch and he was flailing. The TM had his hands full with that guy!

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The golden nuggets ARE NOT competing with the local DZ. Its all about PR and image. Most of the folks would not even think of jumping at the DZ on their own,,its the Golden nuggets that excites them and by jumping with them,it feeds their ego with the 15 min fame thing. Everyone feels like Special Forces or something,its PR and self image. Set up a free tandem booth at WFFC ,one line with the normal pros and one line with the Golden guys,,,i think you would be surprised by how much longer the Golden line would be. Its all about promotion,,we all win when they come around ,,its all good. wally
smile, be nice, enjoy life
FB # - 1083

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