
Students and Wind

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Well recently I was going to go do a solo (jump #15) and the ground winds were dancing around 14mph so I talked to an instructor and he said I could jump (I had jumped in these winds before). So another student and I (he has 20) get loaded up and on the plane. At around 6-7 grand the pilot tells us that we cant jump because the winds got too high. I figured no big deal, I took the chance on the winds and they changed and now its going to cost me a lift ticket. But the other student was disregarding the call to stay in the plane and was getting almost angry. Another jumper in a WS Again told him and I that we were staying in the plane. So the other student says... Nah I've jumped in winds like this before. The WS jumper was getting upset and Firmly told the other student that the "ground says dont jump, you dont jump!" So I moved over so we were both sitting against the bulkhead (twin otter) put on my seat belt. The other student put on his seat belt. Then as we were taxiing down the runway after landing, he took of his seat belt and started walking towards the back of the plane. When we got back to manifest a few jumpers started talking to the student, (I dont know what was said)

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if an Instructor tells you not do jump, just accept it and jump another day.

BTW we both got our lift tickets back. :)

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It is interesting that if the ground called up and told me not to jump I wouldn't give it a second thought--I'd just ride down. Naturally I'd be curious, but I'd still ride down. Maybe a couple of thousand jumps have given me some confidence in the judgement of some other people. I hope your friend develops such confidence.

It is always nice to get a ticket back when you can't jump for whatever reason, but I never expect to get it back. That's part of the adventure.

-- Jeff
My Skydiving History

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If our students have to land in the plane due to winds they ALWAYS get their ticket back. It is the instructors decision whether a student is allowed to jump. If the instructor packs the student in the plane and then the student can't jump why the hell should the student pay for the ticket?

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I'm with ya! I recently was on student status as well. I was at a boogie where it was breezy (10 to 15) I got on a load and by the time I was on final it wa 20 to 25 with me loaded .9...The most scared i've been skydiving. I wish they would have held me :(
Faith in a holy cause is to a considerable extent a substitute for lost faith in ourselves.
-Eric Hoffer -
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