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QuoteThe discharge is then flowing through you (to the ground for instance). I'm pretty sure you won't like the experience.
Good point. Personally, I wouldn't jump around storm clouds for fear of updrafts. I wouldn't be too worried about lightning.
riddler 0
Lightning more frequently happens inside clouds than going from a cloud to the ground. There are great potential differences from say the top of a cloud to the bottom, or from one end to the other. If the potential difference is great enough to overcome the resistance of a path between them, the discharge will happen from point A to B, regardless if point B is on the ground, or in the air, or even if it's you.
Any lightning strike on your body is dangerous - don't listen to people that try to explain it like you are some node on a power grid and whether or not you are electrically neutral. Your body and tissues form complex organism with a lot of potential electrical paths.
The voltage by itself is dangerous - high voltages can actually cause shear, which in high doses will literally tear limbs from your body. But more dangerous is the current. Currents as little as 1/10th of an amp can be fatal, depending on the path they take through your body. The path from your left hand to your right foot has nerve pathways that go right by your heart. Currents starting at 1 amp can set your skin on fire.
Point is, lightning is dangerous
As far as jumping through clouds, I don't think it's a big problem. Most of the clouds I've, errr, heard of other people accidently jumping through were maybe a few thousand feet. Clouds that form a lot of lightning tend to be much bigger, and I understand that it's rare for jumpers to jump through them.
Any lightning strike on your body is dangerous - don't listen to people that try to explain it like you are some node on a power grid and whether or not you are electrically neutral. Your body and tissues form complex organism with a lot of potential electrical paths.
The voltage by itself is dangerous - high voltages can actually cause shear, which in high doses will literally tear limbs from your body. But more dangerous is the current. Currents as little as 1/10th of an amp can be fatal, depending on the path they take through your body. The path from your left hand to your right foot has nerve pathways that go right by your heart. Currents starting at 1 amp can set your skin on fire.
Point is, lightning is dangerous

As far as jumping through clouds, I don't think it's a big problem. Most of the clouds I've, errr, heard of other people accidently jumping through were maybe a few thousand feet. Clouds that form a lot of lightning tend to be much bigger, and I understand that it's rare for jumpers to jump through them.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
crwmike 0
Quoteok my wife has made this comment to me since i started skydiving.stay out of the clouds because you will get struck by lightning.could this actually happen?
I saw some clouds being struck by Lightnings just last weekend.

crwmike 0
[replyWhere else might it go? Getting hit by lightning would incinerate you..
I suspect your tongue is tickling your nasofacial sulcus and melolabial folds, but for general information:
You know, you'd think that would be the case. I mean, it seems like that would have to be the case. Tain't soThere's even a website for survivors
Lightning really, really likes Florida (really

I read your comment and would have nodded agreeably if I hadn't seen people struck by lightning (and I know what some of you are thinking ...near miss, right?) I'm talking entry wound in the shoulder and exit wound out what is left of the knee. Shoulder was basically OK as they seem to be kind of like gunshots. Guy was awake and talking. In pain and majorly confused but responding to questions.
I have somwhat of an affinity for Lightnings

hmmmm....if I'm going to be hit by lighting I might as well take along some popcorn!
Don't go away mad....just go away!
Don't go away mad....just go away!
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