
how did you decide yours?

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So lately as I approach the completion of my a liscense, i have been thinking about what direction i want to move (or should I say fall) in. I have my own idea on what I would like to do discipline wise, (they don't call me meatbomb for nothing) but I was wondering how you decided, if you were going to be a RW maniac, or a freeflyer or a CRW flyer. So How did you decide?

Ahh, what a wonderful world.

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I think most people decide based on what's easily available to them. Won't find CRW, accuracy, style, freestyle, etc at most DZs. So then there's RW and freeflying. Some DZs do one more than the other. RW can't be done alone. Freeflying can. That's how a lot of newer jumpers get into it. But if your DZ has a lot of people doing RW that want to jump with you, then it's easy to get into.

But I guess the best answer is to try out what you can and see what you like best. Do you wanna look like a clown or a superhero? (freeflyer or RW) :P


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Most people I know did their license doing FS. So I wanted to do something else.......... You have to choose 1 discipline here and complete a task list. I tried freestyle, oops that's way more difficult than it looks.... Freefly, ok I can do most of the stuff on the list but docking on somebody while headdown, ehm, not a good idea just yet, me thinks....... So I did CReW. Had a lot of fun doing it too, although it took me a year to get all of it done.

Right now I mainly do birdmen jumps, with some freeflying and crew camera jumps thrown in.

Just try stuff out, see what you like... Although a couple CReW jumps would be something I'd advise everyone doing at some point, 'cause you learn a bunch that's also useful in general under canopy.

I also never learned to fly on my belly, not really well, so maybe I started freeflying a bit soon, but I did have fun doing it ;)

ciel bleu,

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I think you find that your interests will evolve the longer you're in the sport and the more different things you try. If you find something that you like, go for it. With 34 jumps, it's best to concentrate on RW right now, but don't be afriad to try FF at any time from here on out. If you want to learn how to fly your canopy (especially if you've had no formal flight training), then seek out canopy instruction and maybe get some jumps in with the CReW Dawgs. And if you feel comfortable under canopy (and people aren't always talking to you about bad things you may have done under canopy) and you want to learn how to swoop. Then go talk to a swooper and start the long road towards becoming one. But remember that becoming a good swooper takes hundreds and hundreds of jumps on each canopy you try from the big ones down to the smaller ones.

With so many cool things to do with jumping (for me: freeflying, tracking, swooping, wingsuit, BASE, etc, etc, etc). It's hard not to find something cool to do when I'm jumping.

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If there are good belly fliers at your dz, I would recommend at least a few hundred rw jumps to get somewhat proficient at it before freeflying. Typically I believe you should concentrate on one discipline at a time. Most of the jumpers that I know that started freeflying right off student status are really inept on there bellies.

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But I guess the best answer is to try out what you can and see what you like best. Do you wanna look like a clown or a superhero? (freeflyer or RW) :P


By that do you mean with the wearing gay looking tight suits?;) Hah, I mean, for me it was a combination of things. I watched tons of videos before I started AFF, it was freeflying which simply looked the most fun to me. In addition, there was a ready pool of top notch people at my dz to learn from (but then again there are a lot of badass belly fliers too). The other two deciding factors are that I have to work a lot harder to go very fast on my belly (my normal relaxed arch is about 105-110 mph) and I'm learning to fly my body on every axis. Call me a clown.:)

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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If there are good belly fliers at your dz, I would recommend at least a few hundred rw jumps to get somewhat profficient at it before freeflying. Typically I believe you should concentrate on one disipline at a time. Most of the jumpers that I know that started freeflying right off student status are really inept on there bellies.

right point - i think it is good practice to have good rw skills and then try ff and so on. How many DZ's u will visit, having rw skills will let you to jump with new people and not screwing up :)

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If there are good belly fliers at your dz, I would recommend at least a few hundred rw jumps to get somewhat profficient at it before freeflying. Typically I believe you should concentrate on one disipline at a time. Most of the jumpers that I know that started freeflying right off student status are really inept on there bellies.

come on back to skydive san marcos, then I would love to jump with yall!

Ahh, what a wonderful world.

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I'm one of those "straight to sit" guys. I knew I wanted to Free Fly before I knew the term... well before It was 'invented' really. As a whuffo I imagined skydiving in all orientations, flying where you want when you want.

Follow your heart dude.

Try everything. You'll know what you love best.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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If there are good belly fliers at your dz, I would recommend at least a few hundred rw jumps to get somewhat proficient at it before freeflying. Typically I believe you should concentrate on one discipline at a time. Most of the jumpers that I know that started freeflying right off student status are really inept on there bellies.

This is the attitude of many of the experienced jumpers at my DZ. One day someone with way more jumps than any of them talked to me about all the advise I had been getting. There is no rule that says you need to perfect one discipline before you start another. If you wish to be average at three disciplines rather than really good at just one, then there is no reason not to do all three.

Of course if you wish to be competitve, then you need to consentrate on that one discipline, but there is no reason you shouldn't be able to freefly and RW and CReW at 50-100 jumps. As long as you are not dangerous in the sky and have a proficient skydiver to help you learn a discipline, then by all means go learn to sit!

I got a strong urge to fly, but I got no where to fly to. -PF

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If there are good belly fliers at your dz,


Josh, once TSL is over, Scott and Lynn and their team will be there and jump with different folks, same goes for Conway i think. I prefer to be a skydiver, not a freeflier, or an RW guy. I feel that i can get on most dives at the dz regardless of the orientation. I would not however expect to be included in the TX state record attempts of either discipline, i am not that proficient in any one area. However i have a ton of fun at the dz regardless of what i am doing and that is why i skydive anyway.:)

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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If there are good belly fliers at your dz,


Josh, once TSL is over, Scott and Lynn and their team will be there and jump with different folks, same goes for Conway i think. I prefer to be a skydiver, not a freeflier, or an RW guy. I feel that i can get on most dives at the dz regardless of the orientation. I would not however expect to be included in the TX state record attempts of either discipline, i am not that proficient in any one area. However i have a ton of fun at the dz regardless of what i am doing and that is why i skydive anyway.:)

Thanks Jeff, I appreciate that, I'll keep learning, y'all keep teaching, i just like finding direction, and i guess my direction, will be straight down, I think that will be a good direction to head, Jeff you have been a blessing these past four monthes, I thank you for all you advice and coaching:D

Ahh, what a wonderful world.

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I thank you for all you advice and coaching

Well, if nothing else, it is and always be, free.:D By the way, i am not training saturday, wanna do some jumps?? Want to get the rest of your A card filled out??;)

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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I thank you for all you advice and coaching

Well, if nothing else, it is and always be, free.:D By the way, i am not training saturday, wanna do some jumps?? Want to get the rest of your A card filled out??;)

HELL YA, I probably won't be out there till about 4 or 5 and I only got one more requirement left....Let's do it

Ahh, what a wonderful world.

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Freeflying just seemed more fun to me. Plus, bellyflying made my back hurt, lol! I guess hooking up with a freeflyer at 30 jumps also helped because I had someone to fly with/learn from:D So, i'm another that didn't get any real belly skillz b4 ffing, but since I don't desire to be on group rw jumps, it really doesn't matter much. If you are stable on your belly and can turn and track with control, then I see no reason you can't freefly. jmho


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My disciplines choose me; I always took the acrobatic (or freestyle) route more seriously in all sports:

diving over swimming
snowboard over skiing (back in 1987)
freeflying over flatflying
gymnastics over soccer
skateboarding over field sports

That's how... ;)

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By that do you mean with the wearing gay looking tight suits?

Yep, exactly! :)
I'm looking forward to the future. No more tie dye, no more hawaiian prints, no more guys wearing pink and purple... I believe we are at a low point in skydiving fashion. Geez how did the old timers ever let things get so bad? :P


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There is no rule that says you need to perfect one discipline before you start another. If you wish to be average at three disciplines rather than really good at just one, then there is no reason not to do all three.

Of course if you wish to be competitve, then you need to consentrate on that one discipline, but there is no reason you shouldn't be able to freefly and RW and CReW at 50-100 jumps. As long as you are not dangerous in the sky and have a proficient skydiver to help you learn a discipline, then by all means go learn to sit!

I agree with your point about doing multiple disciplines - why tie yourself down? But I am slightly doubtful about being capable at FF, FS and CF with only 50-100 jumps!! It takes longer than that to get to a decent (read 'safe') standard with any of them IMHO! Of course the other thing is that there is no hurry! A year on FS, maybe work on FF the following year, throw in 6 months working on the CF...

There's no hurry - you have the rest of your life to enjoy this sport!! B|B|

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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Go straight to headdown.. halfway through the dive flatten out and turn a couple points on your belly before you dump high and do some CRW. And don't take a whole lot of advice from DZ.com as meaning alot untill talking to your instructors and local skygods. ;)

I went straight to FF... I love it, but I find it really frustrating when I can't get in on a fun RW jump like a 10 way 1 point thing for someone's 100th because I can't make it to the formation. I would suggest doing at least some belly first. I wish I had... wait a second.. I think I will... oh yeah.. the gay suit thing.. well I'll just have to buy a BLACK AND BLUE one.. :S

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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I started with RW just cuz that is what was most available. Once I get good at RW I definately want to get into FF. Actually accordingly to my FF friends I should start practicing my sit fly in between RW jumps so that is what I'm going to do. I think you just have to do what you feel most comfortable with.

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If there are good belly fliers at your dz,


Josh, once TSL is over, Scott and Lynn and their team will be there and jump with different folks, same goes for Conway i think. I prefer to be a skydiver, not a freeflier, or an RW guy. I feel that i can get on most dives at the dz regardless of the orientation. I would not however expect to be included in the TX state record attempts of either discipline, i am not that proficient in any one area. However i have a ton of fun at the dz regardless of what i am doing and that is why i skydive anyway.:)

Like Jeff, I am a "Jack of all trades" and master of none. When people ask if I'm a belly flier or a free flier, I usually tell them I'm bi-aerial--I go both ways. Of course, now it's more like tri-aerial, but that's semantics. My first 300 jumps were a hodgepodge of RW, free flying, and basically jacking the dog from 9,500.' You won't find many 300 jump jumpers with as many night jumps, cross countries, or Mr. Bills as I had. Spend your first couple of hundred jumps just trying new things and having fun. After you get basically mediocre at everything, you can pick a discipline, find somebody to train with you, call yourselves a team, and print up T-shirts.

I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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