
Badfish U.S. Pond Swooping - Dirt- Water- Dirt video

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We broke in our dropzone's new swoop pond in style this weekend. I had the distinction of taking the first official run at it. Fritz swooped over the pond before me but purposely left it untouched so I could have the official honor.

And get this- I went Dirt- Water- Dirt and covered the entire length!! It was an amazing event, as you will clearly see on the video. Thanks to everyone who made it possible! Thank you Sid, for putting together this sweet video that so brilliantly captures the moment!

Check out the video. I hope you like it!

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Thank you everyone! It has taken so much hard work and dedication to get to this point in my swooping, but hearing these compliments makes it all worth it!:D

I impressed Bettina, made Kolla proud....... Where can I go from here?!:) Stay tuned!

Beerlight- I am not at liberty to comment on the Russian Biplane. ;)

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I impressed Bettina, made Kolla proud....... Where can I go from here?!:) Stay tuned!

Oh damn! now I'm getting visions of multiple baking trays in a line and "pond skipping" - funny I'm also hearing "What could possibly go wrong??????" :S
Pete Draper,

Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

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"Pond skipping" Hmmmm......

Ian- We can talk sometime and I wil give you some tips. It WAS quite a challenge. My depth perception was a bit off, but considering the size of this pond, I was expecting it.:D

SkyMonkey- I hear ya man! I still get a little teary eyed when I watch it!:)

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yaaaaaay chris! i knew you were a bad-booty Swooper, but this totally blew my mind away!

man, i can't wait to swoop like you one day! you are one serious pond-swooping-motor-skooter :D :P*

peter did a really nice job on the edit! Very Nice Indeed :)

~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister

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frigg'in hilarious...........

Great job there Chris, keep up the practicing... LOL

Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting - "fcuk me what a ride!"

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