
Friends making dumb decisions

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Offers of assistance and coaching have been turned down by at least one of the friends

Man, sorry to hear that, there is an asshat in every bunch i suppose.[:/] Good luck with trying to get them to recognize a problem first then a possible solution. Hell i had to bounce over the runway before i realized how stupid i was being.:S Lets hope they don't get hurt too bad.:|

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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Steal the gear and send it to me, I only have 200 jumps, but I'm way smaller and my accuracy is decent and I am getting coaching. ;)

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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Maybe the stark approach would be more appropriate. Tell him Russian Roullete is less expensive than skydiving and eventually has the same result (given the attitude expressed). Maybe remind them that killing themselves may be thier decision, but the pain they cause is not to themslves but thier friends. If they do not see it, then find new friends, it will hurt less.

I can remember the indestructable days, they do not last forever. If the attitude is being enhanced by the team atmosphere then perhaps all the people should be sat down together, and made aware that the change has to be made.

Remember to change someones mind that was influenced by peer pessure, takes more peers than the first round took.
TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything
"Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."

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If that doesn't work, have the S+TA / instructor/ dzo talk to him.

Someone in two of these positions said to me "If they want to kill themselves, that's their problem. I won't step in until someone else is endangered, and even then I'll need video to prove it."

I understand the position about the video, but I don't think it's okay for anyone to get hurt or killed for any reason. The parties involved are wonderful people and good friends. I have yet to see any of my friends die in the sport. I don't want to start now.


If that doesn't work, tell everyone you see what he's doing, and avoid him like the plague whenever he straps on his gear. Cuz someone's gonna get hurt, and no one wants that.

Already done, and everybody knows. It's just that nothing is being said/done, and I don't want to seem like a skygod by telling someone what's right or wrong.

INO If the DZO wasn't the person that you talked to, talk with him he's the top of the food chain. If he's one of the two you talked with and he wants to wait for video or doesn't care if your friends kill themselves or hurt someone else find another DZ.

If you talk with the DZO and he doesn't do anything find another DZ now! The staff are hiding behind their waiver and don't value a human life, What do they have to gain be doing nothing? $$$:S

A ex friend is better than a dead buddy.>:(


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I don't want to go into details about it here online (because I don't know how the dzo and his other half would like me posting our conversations), but I can assure you that they weren't aware of the problem and $ has absolutely nothing to do with it. I've known them for a very long time, and I know that they value human life over business any day, because they're good people. It has been brought to their attention and perhaps maybe now something will be done.

And to the parties involved, don't hate me for all of this. I wasn't going to bring up names to begin with, and I still won't, but the bottom line is you know who you are, and when you do something over and over again that can (and will) get you killed, it's the people that really care about you who will respond the way I did.

I agree with slug. It's better to have an ex-friend than a dead buddy.

Wrong Way
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I think if you see anyone doing something stupid you should bring it up...Bodies on the DZ suck.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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>What would you do?

I do my best, either in person with gentle cajoling
or a straight out Sport Death speech, or through a
third party if I'm not a credible source.

One of the hard things I've had to accept is that
my influence on the world is finite and limited.

Some people are not going to listen. Some S&TAs
and DZOs are not going to listen. Some people
listen but disagree. Maybe I'm even wrong.

But you have to do your best even though the
end result is not up to you.


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