packerboy 3 #26 May 27, 2004 'bout the spare rubber band thing? Use tube stows.. and change them when they are close to breaking. You will never have the "Oh crap, I broke the elastic on the first grommet, someone please toss me an elastic, and by the way, I am completely helpless so feel free to fire elastics at me at your will with out fear of repercussion for at least 3 minutes." situation again. Practice, practice, practice.... and if you are not a paid packer, then by the time you get really good at packing a brand new zero p canopy, it won't be so new any more and will be easier to pack, and your troubles are over. By the way.... I'll give you a lifetime of free packjobs for a ticket to NZ and 3 meals a day. -------------------------------------------------- In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lowtimer 0 #27 May 31, 2004 Wow, thanks for posting those pics! This should cut down on the cursing ---------------------------------- Successfully avoiding adult responsibility since 1978! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zoter 0 #28 May 31, 2004 I'm using a 'modified' version of Skycats 'tuck the ears in tip' I tuck em in....whilst laying down on the canopy...get up and put one hand down on the top (wherte I have stuffed the ears in ' and make the first s- fold and second sfold. You get a lovely compressed packjob with NO loose stuff to try and tuck away..... You need reasonably big hands to be able to grab it all to stuff it in the bag....but with the 'ears' tucked just looks the neatest bundle and goes right in (no bitts to stuff in afterwards) Thanks SkyCat ! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites