
Donkeyboy Does It -Re: new & Nervous

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Well, firstly thank you all for your comments and help left on my original post.

Well, earlier today (26th May) at 11ish I was no longer a virgin to the skys....."He Came, He Saw, His Hooked".

I cannot compare the experience to anything else that I have ever done.....Skydiving has given my a new buzz in life and just at the right time.

My instructor was the best, there wasn't a cloud in sight and after the initial "O'my god, my a*se is hanging out of a plane at 10,000ft" feeling of helplessness, which lasted only a few seconds....I relaxed and took in the views.

I've even booked to go again in the next month and if this gives me the same buzz then I'm going for my AFF.

Thank you all again and look forward to sharing more experiences with you all!!!

P.s How long until my hearing comes back, still haven't popped yet.....:ph34r::ph34r:

"What goes up, must come down, but in style"

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It was Old Beckenham Airfield near Norwich (UK).

Old Buckingham? I did my tandem there with Andy Page, are they still using that little Cherokee 6?

Well done on your :D jump :)

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yeah Andy is still there, he went up with another bloke and I had a guy called geoff!!!. Yes they still have that little Cherokee 6.....it stalled on the runway twice before we took off.

I also got a freeview of Snettadon Race track on my way down.

I'll be on the beers after the 2nd July, I have a bet with a few mates I can stay off the drink for 6 weeks, by then I would of done 2 jumps so I will diffinately be celebrating:P

"What goes up, must come down, but in style"

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