
"corking"....what is it?

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corking represents rapid deceleration in fall rate, like going from stable sit or headdown to unstable, belly, etc. It poses a danger if you cork with another flyer above you, possibly causing collision.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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Corking is a term used mostly by freeflyers to refer to someone that has gone unstable. Going unstable while freeflying causes a person to very quickly slow down and therefore go up relative to the rest of the group -- similar to a cork being released underwater. If this person was below you at the time he or she corked, you'd be in -serious- danger of a mid-air collision in which bones can break and people can die.

Corking, is NOT a good thing.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Therefore you are talking of a collision at a potential 40mph.

Yea, put person A on there head, good chance for a broken neck.....not to mention other things...
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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You don't think a 40mph collision is dangerous enough in itself? That was my point.

You can't compare it with speeds when you are inside a car remember - there are no crumple zones, seat belts or air bags in the sky. A better comparison is with a pedestrian though, what would you expect to happen if they were hit by a car going at 40mph? I'd expect some serious injuries, if they survived.

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You don't think a 40mph collision is dangerous enough in itself?

I do not believe at any point i said it wasnt.
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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Could someone please explain the term "corking".....please forgive my ignorance

Hi Hawkflight

Corking? Easy demo: shake bottle of champagne and pop the cork.B|

Watch what happens to the cork :Sand anyone that accidently or on purpose gets hit by cork.>:(

Don't forget to drink the champagne :)
Have everyone sign a waiver befor you pop the cork:)
Now relate this to a DZ. The cork and person that got hit have a long way to go befor they hit the ground.


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[best Itallian accent]

"There isa an art to a corking a fina wine"
"Firsta you musta soak a da cork! Some are a born cork-a-soakas... some a must a learn to soak a cork!"

[\best Itallian accent]

lol, as all have said "corking" comes from someone decellerating drastically and thusly popping UP sharply. Think of a Cork released at the bottom of a buket of water.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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"There isa an art to a corking a fina wine"
"Firsta you musta soak a da cork! Some are a born cork-a-soakas... some a must a learn to soak a cork!"

[\best Itallian accent]


best Bronx accent

WTF never heard of corks in fine wine takes to much time. twist off caps are safer.

Rap beat: Whats the word Thunderbird!

What the price? 50 twice.

Who drinks the most? (deleted)

F.U. I do!


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