
Brand New Rig - Wrong Harness Size

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Imagine my excitement. My new rig arrived today. It got delivered to me at work. Well, at least the container, the reserve and the Cypres. I'm still waiting on the main but that's another story. It looks absolutely beautiful. Everything looks good except that the reserve ripcord handle is smaller than any I have seen or jumped. I didn't think anything of it. I love my new rig. I was so excited. I couldn't wait until I got home and tried it on. 5 o'clock comes around and I rush home to check it out a little closer. I try it on and wait..... why are the hip rings at my ribs. That doesn't seem right. I try to imagine how it would look with the main actually in the container. It doesn't seem right. I look at the sticker on the bag that the rig came in. It's got some sizes on it:
"Yoke: XL
Lpad: L
Lat: L"
I think to myself "That can't be right!" But sure enough, my main lift web is so small that the reserve ripcord handle must be a smaller size in order to fit.

I don’t know who is at fault here, the dealer who sold me the rig or the container manufacturer who built it. It is possible that the dealer measured me wrong, wrote down the wrong number, or the manufacturer couldn’t read the dealer’s writing. Who knows? It doesn’t really matter. I just don’t understand how the manufacturer didn’t ask a question when building a rig of such odd proportions. I am 5’11” tall, weigh 200 pounds and have a 30” inseam. Put all of this together and you have a fairly big dude with short legs and a big torso. These proportions definitely don’t belong to someone that should have their rig sized with a small main lift web. All of this information was included on the order form. How could you design a harness for someone that is this tall, with such short legs and make the main lift web so freaking small?

This rig is not jumpable. I have to send it back to have the harness resized. I already sent an e-mail to the dealer, which hopefully they will forward to the manufacturer. This whole situation just sucks. If I had wanted a rig that didn't fit I would have bought a used one. I ordered this rig at the end of November. It has been a five month wait, now turning into a six month wait. I can’t deal. I am tired of renting gear. I am tired of borrowing everyone else’s gear. The weather is getting warmer and all I want to do is jump. It just sucks that I will have to wait another month to do so with my own rig.

I’m not trying to make this a pity me post. I just want people’s feedback as to what they would do in such a situation. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

I also don’t want to put down the container manufacturer. I don’t know that this is their fault. I would appreciate that anyone who jumps at my DZ and knows what I ordered to keep it to him self. I don’t really wish any negative publicity upon any of the parties involved. I am just extremely upset and need a forum in which to rant. This has been an extremely frustrating five months. Thanks.

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It's got some sizes on it:
"Yoke: XL
Lpad: L
Lat: L"

Well the only manufacturer I can think of that uses standardized sized for a harness is Altico (Dolphin) but you wouldn't have waited 5 months for one.

Is that really the info on the tag? Most manufacturers would have MLW length (i.e. 17")
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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It has been my experience that most rig manufacturers (and I've owned most) will jump thru hoops trying to resolve the problem (as long as it wasn't your fault).

It can be frustrating... buy a new toy, get the new toy, can't play with the new toy. It'll get fixed.

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It wasn't a dolphin. The container was completed a while ago. We were waiting on the canopies to be completed. There was some sort of mix up with the order for the canopies. I decided to get a stock reserve which they packed in the container and shipped to me. I am now just waiting my custom main to be completed. I was going to try and rent/borrow/demo a main to put in the container for the next month until I had my main.

I don't know what tag you are referring to, but that was the info that was on a sticker on the plastic bag that the container was in.

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That pretty much sucks dude. Do many manufacturers using these generic s.m.l sizings? I thought it was pretty standard to have exact measurements for the harness.


Well the only manufacturer I can think of that uses standardized sized for a harness is Altico (Dolphin) but you wouldn't have waited 5 months for one.

Funny how people think designations such as "M," "S" etc mean a "standardized size" for harnesses.

A "S" MLW may mean a 14" MLW.

There might be anything from an XXS Yoke/MLW/Lateral etc to an XXL yoke/MLW/Lateral etc...and each of those designations represents a certain number of inches.

Make sense? They're just assigning letters.

Your rig's XL yoke & S MLW combination isn't that odd a thing. It'll fit very similar to a L yoke & M MLW combination (which is very common for guys around your height/size), except the chest strap will be a tad lower.

Try the rig on with canopies in it and have some knowledgeable ppl check it out.

PM me if you wanna share manufacturer info. I'm no longer in the industry but I'm pretty darn sure who you're talking about. ;)

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Have you had your rigger look at it? Did you try to pack any canopies in it to see how it would fit you (that makes a HUGE difference)? Did you ask your dealer if they ordered it in the right size? Did you contact the manufacturer? Have you owned this type of rig before?
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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I have not had anyone look at it yet. I just got it yesterday. The reserve is already packed in it. It is just missing the main. I sent an e-mail to the dealer last night and I plan on calling the manufacturer myself this morning. It doesn't seem to me that putting a main in the container will really change the fit any. The hip rings will still be at my ribs. The way it fit last night, the bottom half of the container where the main should be was wrapping around my back and the laterals went at any upward angle to the hip rings. I actually think that putting the main in will make the fit even worse since the container won't be able to bend any around my back. I have not owned this type of rig or any rig for that matter. This is my first one. I have been jumping this type of rig for my last 30 or so jumps. It was borrowed from someone else who is considerably larger than I and it fit great. The hip rings were at my hip joint where they should be. The yoke on that rig was a little big for me but I think the main lift web was about right.

I'm really not that worried about this. I'm sure they will have no problem fixing it. I'm just kind of disappointed that I won't have my rig to jump for another few weeks now. Does anyone know if it is a pain in the ass for a manufacturer to replace or resize a harness? Does the whole thing have to be rebuilt or just the harness?

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They can fix the harness without having to rebuild the whole thing. I had a harness made smaller when I bought a used rig. Estimated time was something like a week plus shipping. (Actually took over 2 months cause the company went out of bidness right after I shipped it, but that's a whole different story).


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It has been my experience that most rig manufacturers (and I've owned most) will jump thru hoops trying to resolve the problem (as long as it wasn't your fault).

Yup. When I got my new container last year, I was upset to find they forgot my cut-in-laterals. (It was their mistake). I spoke to them, and I had it back in 7 days with my cut in lats. :)

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Does the whole thing have to be rebuilt or just the harness?

If you got both chest and hip articulation, then they would "probably" just put new webbing between the chest and hip articulation. If you did not get the chest articulation, it could be a little more difficult.

As many have said, speak with the manufacturer...they are going to be your best source for what needs to be done and how long it will take.

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No chest rings, just hip rings. I did speak to the manufacturer this morning. I sent pictures of myself in the rig. They think that it looks like the right fit. To me it feels very tight and restrictive. I am going to put a main in it, jump it, and see how it feels. The manufacturer was very understanding and said they would have no problem resizing the harness if I still feel that it doesn't fit right after I jump it. I am hoping that they are right and it fits great with the main in it after a few jumps.

Edited to correct spelling

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Well the only manufacturer I can think of that uses standardized sized for a harness is Altico (Dolphin) but you wouldn't have waited 5 months for one.

Is that really the info on the tag? Most manufacturers would have MLW length (i.e. 17")

Wings uses that system too...

Heather remembers my problems with my harness on my wings. I had it to them and back in less than a week all sorted out. I am pretty sure you are talking about wings. call the manf. and talk to them before you complain on here.....

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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Wings uses that system too...

Heather remembers my problems with my harness on my wings. I had it to them and back in less than a week all sorted out. I am pretty sure you are talking about wings. call the manf. and talk to them before you complain on here.....

Thats why he did not mention the name of the MFG. He is mearly venting, which I believe is perfectly fine. If he said "MFG" sucks because...., that would be diferent. As stated above, he is contacting them about it today. Let him vent, I would too if my new Icon came in that way. I would also not bash them till I talked to them, just like he is doing.

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call the manf. and talk to them before you complain on here.....

Read his posts more clearly..hes not complaining
Let the Man Vent..I would too. You Spend the Big Bucks You want it Right...
Im Sure MFG will work it out...they want good business. We do too.

Congrats on New Rig..B|
The glass is half full or half empty doesn't matter. Let go and have the Lord guide your path. He will take care of it all.

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First, you are never going to get an accurate harness measurement filling both the main and reserve containers.

Secondly, don your new harness in front of your friendly neighborhood Master Rigger. Ask his/her opinion on fit. Then ask him to re-measure you and FAX that new order form to the manufacturer.

Thirdly, rocket-mail your rig to the manufacturer. Normally they will re-size your harness in less than a week.
I should know, I re-sized hundreds of harnesses while working at Rigging Innovations. Most of those harness re-sizes were for second owners. Only about 5% were new production did not fit. 50% of the ill-fitting new harnesses had been measured by non-standard methods, or people who had never measured a human before (hint ask a tailor to measure you).
The last few new harnesses that had to be re-sized were difficult to explain. One guy liked his harness much looser than his team mates.

Another guy had a jumpsuit that was way too tight in the crotch, making it difficult to wear any harness comfortably. Furthermore, he insisted that his model "A" harness fit exactly the same as his buddy's model "B" harness with a different-sized container. Oh! And his buddy weighed 40 pounds more than him. Go figure!
Hee! Hee!

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Remember that different harnessess are designed to have their hip rings at different locations. For example, the hip rings on Wings containers are higher up than on Javelin containers because of the different designs of leg straps and rings used by each manufactuter.

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First, you are never going to get an accurate harness measurement WITHOUT filling both the main and reserve containers.

Secondly, don your new harness in front of your friendly neighborhood Master Rigger. Ask his/her opinion on fit. Then ask him to re-measure you and FAX that new order form to the manufacturer.

Thirdly, rocket-mail your rig to the manufacturer. Normally they will re-size your harness in less than a week.
I should know, I re-sized hundreds of harnesses while working at Rigging Innovations. Most of those harness re-sizes were for second owners. Only about 5% were new production did not fit. 50% of the ill-fitting new harnesses had been measured by non-standard methods, or people who had never measured a human before (hint ask a tailor to measure you).
The last few new harnesses that had to be re-sized were difficult to explain. One guy liked his harness much looser than his team mates.

Another guy had a jumpsuit that was way too tight in the crotch, making it difficult to wear any harness comfortably. Furthermore, he insisted that his model "A" harness fit exactly the same as his buddy's model "B" harness with a different-sized container. Oh! And his buddy weighed 40 pounds more than him. Go figure!
Hee! Hee!

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Hi I had about the same happens to me .
the harness was a bit too short and the main bag would fit 135 or so not 170 ft one phone call to the factory and they made me a new one within 3 days and with the shipping it all took 10 days and that´s was including weekend . How fault was it? I think a little of everyone involved but never the less Rigging Innovation (Sandy and the rest made it right for me ) and I´m thankful for them .
That´s what I call SERVICE

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