
CSPA Student training at DZ's under scrutiney?

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FYI Mr Burble...my last jump was in July 2000. However, you can rest assured, I will be making quite a few this summer...sort of making up for lost time.

Re your profile....I'd really like to know how you jump the Sabre 2 without a container. HHmmmm,

And as for the "teacher"....it sure isnt the first time a teacher made me stand in the corner....one even threw me out of school.
Many gave me the "strap", but I think thats now outlawed.

Bill Cole

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Bill, what kind of beer was that in the ad? Seriously, I cant remember and its buggin me.
Javelin, PD120. My other rig is a Javelin as well with a Sabre and PD 143.
If everyone feels I personally attacked him then I apologize.

I work in the industry and could not post here under my real name and not have what I said tied to where I work. Thats why I have a nom de plume.It entitles me to have my personal opinion something I could not enjoy otherwise.;)
Hi Pup. We have jumped together before and Captain Salamander is a friend of mine too. Hi Murray.
I'll go stand by the wall now.B|

This summer I shall join the even smaller goup of Canadians who have made 10,000 jumps.:P

Etited to add: Rob and Murray, if you promise not to out me, send me an PM and I'll tell you who I am.;)

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Captain Salamander is a friend of mine too. Hi Murray.

Well, I'm baffled and intrigued. I won't betray your confidence. PM sent.

Murray aka Commander Salamander B|

Sorry "Commander" my bad. PM answered. It was good to see you last time you were here.
Ah, the old days.
Hey Pup! Drop me a PM or PM Murray.;)

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Taking demo's from real skydivers.... come on, you don't even want to post all of your information on a website of "peers", and you want to be king of PR for the sport all of a sudden? Have you really done 9500 jumps? Where? I may be mistaken, but not alot of Canadian jumpers have those kind of numbers, and this is a "Canadian issue of sorts"


I just got a PM from "Burbleflyer" and he is what he says he is and he has the jumps he says he has. His statements on Arthur/PST should be accepted as the most credible posted on here. He knows what went on there.

If you want to know who I am and if I'm credible, ask Tom McCarthy (the DZO of Skydive Gananoque, where Trevor jumps according to his profile) the next time you're out at Gan. I jumped at Gan 1981-1990 when I lived in Ontario. Or ask Fuzzy Dave, Wendy or Angus Smith when they are around. All old and dear friends of mine.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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We have tried to simulate (on the ground) as many possible reserve baglock scenarios as we can think of with identical student gear, and we could not manage to make the reserve bag stay locked

We also spent a lot of time trying to reproduce the baglock, using the limited information we had (mostly photos of a long loop of bridle looped around one of the stows), and were also unsuccessful.

At the inquest, however, we were shown for the first time a picture of the gear as it lay on the ground (all previous photos we had seen were taken after the gear was moved to the coroner's office). This photo showed the bridle wrapped around the lines twice. We have been successful simulating the baglock on the ground by wrapping the bridle around the lines twice.

The only scenario we can come up with that explains this is:
- the main was cut away just as it inflated, putting the jumper vertical or slightly back-to-earth
- the RSL-activated reserve pilot chute launched at or somewhat below horizontal, leading to some slack in the bridle
- the freebag came out of the container before there was significant tension on the bridle, perhaps because of centrifugal force from the jumper's rotation due to main snatch force
- the freebag rotated after coming out of the container, and rotated around the lines

With the bridle wrapped twice around the lines, we have been able to reproduce the baglock repeatably.

I'll be the first to admit that this chain of events sounds unlikely, but it's the only plausible scenario we have.


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