
Should I sue/ What do you think?

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Ah see what happens when you live with a woman who works for a litigation attorney? ;) You start seeing other sides sometimes!

I admit, I am pretty sheepish about telling what I do for a living and would prefer working in another area, but sometimes lawsuits are just. In this instance it's hard to say without knowing the details, but I think Merrick is trying to play Devil's advocate and point out the other side that turns most people's stomach who dislike lawsuits of any kind (versus the people who have several lawsuits going at any given time just to try to get their own personal lotto going!). Personally, when I sign a waiver, I absolutely know the risks, yes, BUT I'm not giving them (manufacturer, DZO, whomever) permission to be negligent. I've seen plenty of posts on here from people complaining about an unsafe DZ, gear safety issues that were preventable, unsafe skydivers...so you know that these things are out there. I'm assuming if you thought it was okay, there wouldn't be bitching about it. Yes, sueing takes it that ugly step further, which is why I'd want to be certain it was true negligence or intent before I'd pursue such a thing.

I know that later of my daughter is jumping, if she was seriously injured and I later found out it was due to someone's severe negligence, laziness, cheapness (not just an honest OMG mistake which is sad but not sue worthy) yeah, I'd consider suing if it would help pay for such things as medical bills. If it was just to get some cash, I don't think I could personally go through with it.


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Don't Sue. Be glad she is ALIVE, I'm an inexperienced jumper,but I have experience with severe spinal injuries and live in chronic pain everyday and will for whats left of my life. The only people that truly benefit from a law suit are the Attorneys. You'll long be bankrupt and your wife will still be recovering before you get a cent (if you do)in the meantime ALL costs to everyone increase. Remember-the only guarantee in life is DEATH. When you have with sound mind chose to undertake ANY hazardous activity--your number might be up.To me to sign the waiver,take the risk and unfortunately get hurt and then want to change your mind all of a sudden and sue for damages is nothing but bad karma. Do what you gotta do,its just my two cents. This law suit stuff is the reason I don't do the flight instruction thing.
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I would only sue if I could prove that they knew about a problem but failed to correct it or to properly alert people about the issue. I can accept the mistakes, but I fully expect the manufacturer of my gear to not ignore potential problems for their profit margins and to not cover up issues because they don't want the bad PR.

In regards to your wife I hope she heals quickly. My brother had a heart attack with no insurance coverage and the bills quickly climbed past 100k+. He didn't have to pay it all off, there are ways out from under large medical bills. Just get her all the help she needs now and then worry about what you can do with the bills later on.

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No. I would not sue.

When you jump out of an airplane of your own accord, you are accepting certain inherent risks, some of which are serious injury or death. It doesn't matter where the warning label is (or isn't) on the rig.

Truly sorry about your wife and I do hope she recovers. BUT skydivers don't sue skydivers. There were two of you, you and your wife, who knew - or should've known - the risks. Which include serious injury and/or death. As tough as things are, your wife is still alive.

The guy who got all busted up under the Raven reserve sued and got some obscenely huge judgement, that he'll probably never collect because PA doesn't have that kind of money. But in just one season we could go right down the line and sue all the manufacturers and run this entire sport out of business. Pretty soon all the manufacturrers would fold, or else only build stuff for the military.

Sorry , but we all know this game is dangerous. Nobody put a gun to either of your heads and made you jump. and if you think a rig might not be safe, THEN FOR GOD'S SAKE, DON'T JUMP IT !

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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>I think you are a TROLL. Your way of handling this pisses me off.

1. People who piss you off are not trolls.
2. People can pose pretty much any skydiving-related question in this forum. If the question bothers you, don't answer it.
3. No one is under any obligation to provide you with information. It would be nice if they did, but if they decline to do so it does not make them a troll.

So stop calling people trolls.

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If you cannot explain the sequence of events to this knowledgeable audience, you have a snowball's chance in hell of convincing a judge.

Wish I could agree with that, but afraid I can't. The average judge & jury are a bunch of whuffos who think we're all nuts to begin with. They think we pull at 500 ft and wonder why we don't wear reserves anymore, since they don't see anything on our chests. And their heads are full of all kinds of stupid legal notions, like "majesty of the law", which is like their prime directive.

George Galloway failed to even show up in court and look what happened to him and PA.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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Wish I could agree with that, but afraid I can't. The average judge & jury are a bunch of whuffos who think we're all nuts to begin with.

I'm confused.

Are you suggesting there's a long line of rich skydivers, gleefully skipping from the courthouse, rich judgement in hand? I don't see many.


George Galloway failed to even show up in court and look what happened to him and PA.

What happened to George happened because he didn't show up. Why he thought that was a good idea is somehting I'll never understand.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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>I think you are a TROLL. Your way of handling this pisses me off.

1. People who piss you off are not trolls.
2. People can pose pretty much any skydiving-related question in this forum. If the question bothers you, don't answer it.
3. No one is under any obligation to provide you with information. It would be nice if they did, but if they decline to do so it does not make them a troll.

So stop calling people trolls.

Spank, Spank, Spank mjosparky! :P

"Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance,
others mean and rueful of the western dream"

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I was thinking this was a troll too. Maybe, maybe not.

Seems fishy though. The description, from an instructor, of the incident is vague and really doesn't make sense.


''Always do sober what you said you would do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.'' - Ernest Hemingway

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Worse, would an instructor risk the possibility of this happening to fellow skydivers?

The only explanation I can come up with is this is fake or the accident was jumper error.


If I am wrong here I apologize but you leave us with little but vagueness and specualtion. That does not breed trust.

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He should've just asked the real question: "since the real question was about the skydivers' views on sueing." http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=1035453#1035453

Instead, he suggested that a company had a problem with its risers and almost killed someone.:S

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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He should've just asked the real question: "since the real question was about the skydivers' views on sueing." [urlhttp://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=1035453#1035453[/url]

Instead, he suggested that a company had a problem with its risers and almost killed someone.:S

yes, post #62 in this thread makes one think this was more about stirring things up. No disrespect to his wife, but the initial postings made me think the whole thing was BS.

It wasn't a bad discussion, but the lack of specifics hurt it some.

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Lets keep this off the troll-bashing direction guys. I think we all get icky when lawsuits are mentioned.

As Bill mentioned, he has no obligation to post anything. Having a skydiving wife, I too would feel protective about sharing some info.


from his other post that I linked to above, if I was the speculating kind, I would say that its simply a case of not having both risers seperating at the same time, giving a sense of having had full seperation (some trapdoor), but not actually achiving it.

Moral of the story (if thats what happened): actually do cutaways on the ground at least once, and I'd say everytime you get your reserve packed, and engrain in your muscle memory cuting away to full arm extension whenever you practice you procedures.

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Don't do it dude. In case you haven't noticed, this sport is the most popular one in the world. It is only a small community of us who have made the decision to make skydiving a part of our lives.

We understand financial difficulty, but I would simply ask you to look at the big picture. She threw herself out of a plane. She new that terminal velocity is 120mph (at minimum) in freefall. Is saving her life and/or keeping herself safe from injury her responsibility??? - 100%??

You work in the sport. Take a look at how much good you will do by sueing and then take a look at how much bad you will be doing. You withdrawl from the sport has the potential to affect thousands of people in a negative way.

I doubt that you will find much support for this here.

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If they act like trolls I will call them trolls. Read Remster's link. He new what he had when he started this tread. He was trying to see what kind of reaction his post would stir up.
Michael Owens

You are right, people who piss me off are not Trolls. But Trolls piss me off.
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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1. People who piss you off are not trolls.
Bill, it's pissed me off. I think the original poster is trolling, in the truest sense of the word. Have I responded? No, because there isn't enough information in the original (or subesequent posts) to know what happened, let alone give any real feedback to the situation.

2. People can pose pretty much any skydiving-related question in this forum. If the question bothers you, don't answer it.
See above. It's not a real question, because there's no real information. Should there be some real information, then fine, that would be an honest decent question. This? No...it's posting for effect, especially since he won't let anyone know any particulars about the event. There's no "ring of truth" in his stuff at all.

3. No one is under any obligation to provide you with information. It would be nice if they did, but if they decline to do so it does not make them a troll.
No, there's not. But this really hasn't become topical...it's much more like a Bonfire thread...simply because it's irrelevant and can significantly tarnish a gear manufacturer's reputation...needlessly. If there is an allegation, then bring it on ;), but to not make the allegation clear, but waffle instead, then it runs the risk of trolling.

I'd suggest either locking this thread, as no information is forthcoming despite the serious allegations, and there's imminent damage ahead, or moving it to the Bonfire where superfluous threads should be...

Besides, isn't there a new rule that says if someone is posting just for effect, the post will be locked? This seems to fit those parameters (of course, I'm no greenie...but still....)

Some people (myself included) feel this is a troll. Therefore, can we not voice our opinions by stating that?


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I think "dubbayab" is acting like a troll because there is nothing in his profile... no real name, no home dropzone and no equipment.

Either post this in "The Bonfire" or quit wasting our time!!

I think it is about time this thread got locked.

edited to add: I just spend the last half hour reading all these posts for nothing! You never answered anyones questions or offered any relevant information about the incident. Thanks for nothing!

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