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You are so big headed that you have to pick apart and critisize everybody's posts that aren't supporting your opinion. You are a pompus asshole and you need to grow up!!!!

Number 1, no personal attacks. That's a worthless waste of time.

Number 2, Hooknswoop is just looking out for a student's safety.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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The phrase "As the prop turns" was invented long before these forums existed, so the dropzone drama is hardly limited to here.

In fact, talking about dropzones is the surest way to get a heated debate going anywhere you go because everyone is so loyal to their own particular DZ, and by God, they know it's the best damn DZ around. At least until they move to a new DZ that is.

But no one died and made Hooks or Billvon or bytch or any of the other well respected posters here Gods, they earned the respect they have through the patience and good sage advice they have given out over the years. If you don't agree with their advice, then argue intelligently why they're wrong. It's really that simple.

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I dont even have enough jumps to act like I know what I'm talking about.

We can all tell!

Ah ha! Yet another shot taken at me from yet another new anonymous account with no personal info.

I dont need any particular number of jumps or skydiving skill to recognise you for what you are. B|

Oh and learn to spell will you please?

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Look the whole point here is that there was no need for bashing. Instead why not just try to answer the question and learn from it. dkf1979 and my self are noobs. We do not deserve to be the center of a public bashing such as this. All I am saying is that you could have easly sent dkf1979 a private message warning him about this, and let him deside if he feels safe or not. Then if you feel you still have an urge to continue this talk to someone who matters. You don't go bashing people publicly at the expence of a begginer. This has caused a bunch of crap needlessly. Someone new to the sport doesn't deserve this at all. Now I can't speek for the instructors, but as far as I could tell it seemed like the winds below 500 feet or maybe even higher where not over speed. Because if a chute flys at 20mph and once we got closer to the DZ we stoped flying backwards while still facing the wind. We had to turn a slite amount and when I landed I was comming in forwards. And very slowly at that. I landed easier then steeping off a bottom steep of a stair way. Anyways, this is my last reply. The only reason I posted this is because some peeps thought I was trying to act like I knew something. I never said I did or acted like I did. I just said I didn't every, at any time feel unsafe, and that this is unfair to dkf1979 and myself. He is my best friend and partener in skydiving, and this effects me aswell. And it isn't fair to us to be the center of what is going on here. Thank you and good day. Peace to you all.
Why live your life only to get to death safely? SKYDIVE!

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I have never got into reading this bullshit in these forums, because I have better things to to than read about crybaby little pussy's whining about this and critisizing that. If I was into that sort of thing I would have gotten married. I only read this post because I was curious after hearing about it from some friends (yes, if you pry yourselves from your keyboard and got out sometimes, you might have one or two of them)!! Well, probably not...

Hooknswoop, who the fuck died and made you God??? I don't care what rating you have, how many jumps you have, or how big your dick is. You should be experienced enough in the sport to realize that EGO kills too! You are so big headed that you have to pick apart and critisize everybody's posts that aren't supporting your opinion. You are a pompus asshole and you need to grow up!!!!

And another retort form nothing entered, nothing entered, nothing entered, land.
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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