sistaluv 0 #1 January 10, 2003 A few months ago i got in an accident "on the ground, non skydiving related" and ended up with a compressed vertibrae. Looked something like this I\ , if that makes any sense at all?! It wasn't fully compressed but enough to end the season. That was over three months ago...haven't jumped since. I do plan on jumping at the beginning of the season with dr. approval and just wondering if anyone has or knows of anyone else going through the same i am and if they have any advice or recommendations for me?! I'm sure ill be fine, ripping up the skies! Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sar911 0 #2 January 11, 2003 As a result of an accident I have three (C5-7) vertibrae in my neck that have been fused togather along with a plate and screws. I have made over 200 jumps since and have not had a single problem. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TomAiello 26 #3 January 11, 2003 I've attached a photo of my spine. I'm jumping with it just fine. It gives me trouble packing, but jumping has been no problem, and I frequently have very hard openings. I was jumping again about eight months after that injury (yes, it was a jumping injury). I consulted with several doctors (two of them jumpers) and started out with super-soft openings, then worked back up to normal openings. I bet you could start jumping now. You should be fine by spring. Disclaimer: everyone's body is different, so be sure to talk to your doctor. -- Tom Aiello Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
riggerrob 643 #4 January 11, 2003 I cannot relate directly to your compressed vertebra, but 12 years ago I did compress a spinal disc bad enough to herniate it. The resultant pressure on my sciatic nerve caused my left leg to cramp. Since soft tissue heals slower than bone, I recovered slowly. For the first year, I mostly lay there and moaned. The drugs did not make any difference. Fortunately the situps and stretching exercises recommended by the physiotherapist helped pull my spine back into alignment. I was physically unfit the next summer, so only did a handful of jumps. The following winter I discovered aerobics and the winter after that I taught myself how to swim. The sports made all the difference in the world. The disc never fully healed, but it works okay as long as I keep my torso muscles in tone to hold my spine in alignment. Since the injury I have packed 2,000 reserves, done 3,000 tandems and lost count of how many mains I have packed. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
howardwhite 6 #5 January 11, 2003 Slammed L4 a bunch of years ago. Left leg paralyzed for three weeks, out of jumping for eight months, but have made several thousand jumps since. I'm guessing it depends on the location and severity of injury. HW Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drenaline 0 #6 January 11, 2003 Ok here is my spine history: 7 or 8 years ago almost broke my neck in a car accident, got 3 discs compressed 1 or 2 vertebra very hurt (can't remember very well what it was the hurt part), had to be in bed for 3 months, 6 months (I think it was 6 maybe more) of physicaltherapy, and A LOT of pills. 6 years later I started jumping with no problem only from time to time I get my neck pains but if I get a very hard opening I have to go back to physical therapy for a month (3 days a week). Begginning of last year I made a horrible landing (landed with my butt making NO flare with a wingload of 1.23:1) and got scoliosis, after 7-8 months of pain I went to the doctor (I still had the trauma of 8 years ago so I didn't want to go to the doctor cause I was sure he was gonna ground me but wasnt sure for how much time), luckily he grounded me for 2 weeks and 1 month of physical therapy. Now, I still get pains from time to time but I keep jumping, doctor's order was to loose weight and tone my muscles, make exercise, walk and swim a lot. Guess what am doing... HISPA 21 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tombuch 0 #7 January 11, 2003 I compressed T-9 and T-10 about 12 years ago. It was uncomfortable for a few months, but doesn't bother me at all these days. Once it healed I was fine.Tom Buchanan Instructor Emeritus Comm Pilot MSEL,G Author: JUMP! Skydiving Made Fun and Easy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airtwardo 7 #8 January 11, 2003 7 years ago I had the bottom 4 verts fused and 2 --8 inch rods w/ 6 screws about a "rough country" suspension! I was told to take a year off jumping, which I did. I started back into it slowly...insuring that I was physically fit and strong enough to take the hit of opening and landing. I can't urge you enough to beef up the abs and gluts...they will really take a lot of the strain. Since my operation I did around 200 tandems and am involved with a demo team that requires carrying heavy flags and pyro...No problems so far, the only concession I make if to wear on of those velcro weight lifting belts if I'm going to make more than 3 or 4 jumps carrying stuff in 1 day. Take your time and make sure your body is ready... ~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sistaluv 0 #9 January 12, 2003 sh* are deffinatly a don't understand how amazing i feel right now!!!!! Actually everyones stories really touched me and I needed that>>>>>I've been avoiding the doctor because if they told me i couldn't jump anymore I wouldn't accept that! Deffinatly freak out in the hospital, the nurses said that skydiving was done for me!!! I freaked....they didn't like skydiving period, so they said it cold! I'll have to send a picture to them of my next jump and tell them how well i'm doing Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sistaluv 0 #10 January 12, 2003 did anyone shrink......I use to be 5"3 now im 5"1.25....I'm not loosing it neither... Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TomAiello 26 #11 January 12, 2003 Yeah, I lost about 1/4". The neurosurgeon said he made me about 1/16" taller, but I rushed the rehab, and ended up with a slight curvature in my spine that lost me some overall height.-- Tom Aiello Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lippy 918 #12 January 12, 2003 Quote "on the ground, non skydiving related" Maybe it was on the ground, but I'd still call it skydive related I got nuthin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sistaluv 0 #13 January 12, 2003 Well after hours doesn't count Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sistaluv 0 #14 January 12, 2003 I can't believe i actually shrunk...well i always say good things come in small packages Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
no7rosman 0 #15 January 12, 2003 I just looked at a picture of your x-ray. Holy shit!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airtwardo 7 #16 January 12, 2003 Actually I went the other way...I went from 6'4" prior to surgery, up to just under 6'5"...must have straightened me up some! ~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skydiverbob 0 #17 January 13, 2003 I herniated L4/L5 and L5/S1, have not had surgery. My back feels good after 5-6 jumps, kinda like just going to a chiropactor or getting a good massage.Who Dares Wins Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sistaluv 0 #18 January 13, 2003 HAHAHAHAHAHA Now I hope it works the same for me, and maybe I'll get a little taller at the same time lol Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skybytch 273 #19 January 13, 2003 I blew out the disc between L5/S1 and the one between L4/L5 was going fast. Had both discs removed and all three vertabrae fused in early '01; no hardware luckily, just two pieces of donor bone between L5 and S1 (L4 is just sitting on L5). Made one jump 6 months after surgery, got back into it for real a year after surgery. I have to stretch every morning, especially if I'll be jumping. My back seems to hurt most in cold, damp weather no matter if I've stretched or not. Whether I'm sore or not at the end of a jump day depends on what kind of jumps I did (fast falling RW - i.e. arching hard - hurts a bit, freeflying isn't bad at all) and how much water I drank during the day. I found out recently that being dehydrated, even slightly, can cause damage to the discs in your back, which seems to explain why I hurt more at the end of a day that I drank mostly sodas and beer instead of lots of plain ol' water. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sistaluv 0 #20 January 13, 2003 L4 L5 is that mid bottom of your back? Thats where mine is! Never got surgery or anything they just told me that the fluid was compressed I\ and that it might heal on its own! Nothing they could do for me! Which is probably a good thing. Did you shrink? or Grow? I feel the Bad weather coming especially in canada the cold cold days I deffinatly can predict better than the weather man! I should get paid .. hahaha Im going to dr this week i guess ill see what they have to say in Ottawa. I guess i'll start drinking more water too and see if it helps..thanx Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hookitt 1 #21 January 13, 2003 Quote I found out recently that being dehydrated, even slightly, can cause damage to the discs in your back, Thanks Lisa for this reminder. You may have just helped put me back on track with hydration. My camel bak is coming back out of the closet. TimMy grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wingnut 0 #22 January 13, 2003 l4/l5 is near the bottom of your back... i had a protruding dsic at l5/s1 and my scar from surgery end right were my crack begins... i made my first jump after surgery 2 weeks after (not really a good idea) and since then have done about 50 jumps... i'll be allowed technically to start jumping here in a couple of months....... have some residual numbness in my leg from it but it's seems to be getting better, after the surgery the numbness in my foot went away compleatley.......... good luck and hope ya can keep jumping......... ______________________________________ "i have no reader's digest version" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skypilot 0 #23 January 13, 2003 I broke my back and compressed some discs when I had 1000 jumps 3 years ago and have done 2600 jumps since ! I swim whenever I get sore! Go big! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Topcat 0 #24 January 14, 2003 Compressed my T5 when I was 15 (too long ago to admit to) in a car accident. Jumping/packing just fine. No loss of height, that I'm aware of. -Sandy (You damn betcha I wear my seatbelt now!!) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Raefordite 0 #25 January 15, 2003 Here are a few questions you may want to ask your doctor before jumping: Is the compression fracture centered? Or more of an anterior compression? If it was a posterior compression you would be having neurological symptoms, so that is probably not the case. If it is an anterior compression you are going to love to skydive. Extension (arching) feels great and the opening shock is a great traction to your back. If it is a central compression you may take longer to warm up before jumping and may need to return to the sport very gradually. Ask you doctor about the disc height. How is it compared to the levels around it? I question if you really lost 1.75 inches in height. I don't doubt the recent height was taken accurately, but when was the 5'3' measured. When in high school? At the same time of the day? We are all taller in the AM when we first get up - before gravity gets us. Ask you doctor if the nerve roots look clear and does he/she think any future problems will arise. My guess is you would know if you had any nerve root impingement, but the canal can be narrowed and you not have any symptoms. I've had an anterior compression fracture in mid thoracic (at about the bra level - for you guys the place your back always itches and you can't reach). Skydiving is my therapy and medicine. It cures all aches and pains I may have! Good luck Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites