
Flat Tracking techniques

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Any guys and gals out there got some tips/techniques on Flat /Horizontal tracking.
I just finished my FS1 and am looking to improve my horizontal track....but I would like some tips on getting even more lift during the track

Thanks all:)

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The body position you are using is the same as skiing long jumpers w/out the sticks on your limbs.

In a standard tracking/ free-fall position your palms will be hitting the relative wind. Rotate your hands/ arms so the back of your hand is presented to the relative wind with your arms back against your side. This causes your shoulders to roll in a bit to cup air.

Next, lean forward at the waist about 30-45 degrees from the horizontal, press your thighs down against the air and point your toes. Also try and suck your belly button up to your spine. This will cup even more air and translate vertical speed into horizontal speed.

If you are tracking w/ others and see someone shoot past you but not on level, falling faster, don't worry; you've got the flatter track. Just make sure they don't get in front of you and pull. I usually alter my heading a bit as soon as I see someone pass me in this fashion.

"Buttons aren't toys." - Trillian

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