
First headdown

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Cool !! How many jumps do you have? I have 38 ( all belly except attempting to sit fly on two jumps wearing a student rw suit...I was sitting until terminal :S).

I don't want to try HD with student gear. Not to mention I am jumping one size bigger main than usual.


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What really helped me ALOT with my sit was twofold. 1st spending time in the tunnel. 2nd was getting someone to show me how to exit the plane in an easy way which won't require fighting to get into a sit after exiting the plane. Made a big difference for me.


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Just wondering
Having 23 jumps, is it safe to attempt sit-flying or head-down with student gear? Remember that I am only attempting, and wont be holding the position long!

Also, if I am interested in Freeflying ASAP, should I look for any specific gear that would be different from ppl that do RW?

As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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Just wondering
Having 23 jumps, is it safe to attempt sit-flying or head-down with student gear? Remember that I am only attempting, and wont be holding the position long!

NO! student gear is not safe for freeflying (unless your dz has really excellent stuff... and I doubt that!!!). Not only will you be making yourself unsafe, but anyone else who is in the sky with you!


Also, if I am interested in Freeflying ASAP, should I look for any specific gear that would be different from ppl that do RW?

Chill, man. You have plenty of time. Seriously... why is everyone feeling the need to rush so much??? Hopefully, you have thousands of jumps ahead of you. Breathe.... As far as gear... that's a fair question because you will probably buy gear that you will jump for the next few hundred jumps... at which point you probably will be freeflying... check the gear board... there are many helpful reviews there.

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That just looks like one of my exits. No big deal. You don't have the road runner legs going though. When you have all that down, send me the pic. B|

Just kidding, cool pic. And yes some of my early exits were that funny.


The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.

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From you body position in that photo, that looks like you held your head down for maybe a second or two at best.

No offense but that photo is terrible.

I'm working on my head down and I have had some video coaching.

Tip 1)
Spread you legs, wide! They will anchor you in a head down position.

Tip 2)
Bring you hands foward, so you can see them in your periphrial vision.

Tip 3)
Look at the horizion, not the ground. Use your hands, (which you should now be able to see) to practice heading control doing 360's in both directions.

Tip 4)
Transition from head down to Sit Fly if you legs get tired.

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