
Out of date reserves...?

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The last time I jumped an out of date reserve, I had to use it.
Maybe the world was trying to tell me something.
My other reserve is out of date, so I think I will repack it today. Oh, and since I am tired of packing that 1985 vintage Mirage, I think I will wrap a 1985 vintage Vector I/II around my old reserve.

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Time is an illusion.

Lunchtime, doubly so.


P.S. As for the rest of you " Don't become a slave to the 4th dimension".
Oh...and through away those wrist watches...yes that includes you pilots too!
Mike Wheadon B-3715,HEMP#1
Higher Expectations for Modern Parachutists.

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Of course my reserve is in date.

And now... a short tale...Several years ago I borrowed a team mates back up rig and ended up having to use the reserve. I figured out how many times he penciled it back to when I REALLY packed. It was 2 years 2 months out. The freebag was lost in a densely reedy and swampish area. (so he didn't save any thing by not getting it repacked for 2 years)

Had I seen the rig sooner, rather than after I borrowed it, The reason for thethe cutaway would have been eliminated.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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It is a karma issue as much as it is an FAA issue. I have gone over the repack date by as much as one day or two and jumped my rig. But I left the rig to be repacked at the end of that day by the rigger. So if it is one day overdue I will jump it as long as I leave it at the end of that day to be repacked.

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I said don't do it - bad! But that's mostly for the fact that I beleive the pilot can get in trouble if YOUR reserve is out of date. Apart from that, it's your life and the amount of risk you find acceptable is up to you.

Me personally, I like my rigger and I like knowing that someone experienced is looking over my gear every so often. But that could be because I'm a newbie.

I'm drowning...so come inside
Welcome to my...dirty mind

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I used to find it amusing to see how long I could get away with an out of date reserve. I knew it would work just fine.......... till I realised that it would cause the pilot (who has spent a lot of money on his license) to get in trouble with the FAA
since I dont want to get them in hot water, I now keep it in date.

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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About a year ago on my first Demo... a local airshow. I miscalculated my repack date and jumped with my reserve 2 weeks out of date. It was the next day before I realalized what
had happened. And several weeks before getting up the courage
to fess up to the pilot and DZO I can promise you after that talk
I will never jump out of date again either accidently or on purpose. I sure am glad the FAA rep on hand didn't ask to see my repack card. The thought of getting the pilot busted still haunts me. REMEMBER YOUR PILOTS PEOPLE!!!

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((sorry I left that part out))

Yep tis true... every rig I jump appears to be in date. Including the one unbeknownst to me that was 2 years and 2 months out.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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In Canada our Repack cycle is 180 days while in the US it is 120 days.

I dont know what our riggers are doing diffferently than the american ones but I can only assume it is the exact same repack.


To my wife: 'If you ask me to stop skydiving, you are asking me to move out!'

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Don't do it. You can screw the pilots career with a violation if you go in and your reserve is out of date. Remember, he is responsible for everything you do whether you think that's fair or not. The PIC is the sole authority as to the operation of the aircraft. That means you get dead out of date, he gets screwed. Don't do it.
Chris Schindler
FB #4125

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Don't do it. You can screw the pilots career with a violation if you go in and your reserve is out of date. Remember, he is responsible for everything you do whether you think that's fair or not. The PIC is the sole authority as to the operation of the aircraft. That means you get dead out of date, he gets screwed. Don't do it.

Agreed. One of the reasons we enjoy relative freedom from FAA intervention is out history of sucessful self-regulation. That means being responsible enough to rise above self serving motivations and recognizing how other are affected by our actions.

I like what J.C. Watts once said: "Character, is doing the right thing even when nobody is looking".

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I'm not asking for confessions. So feel free to answer the poll and not post.

If you want to confess, go read FAR105.43 10 times out loud and never sin again and you'll still not be forgiven.:D


I'm a rigger. My gear is always in date.

Blue skies,


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In Canada as someone previously mentioned we have a 180 day reserve cycle. This works out perfectly for me because year round jumping here is insane. (people still do it but in my opinion -20 C on the ground does not make for fun skydiving)

The only thing is that I occasionally do a new years day jump or hop and pop depending on the conditions. For this jump, I don't normally get my reserve repacked but wait again for the summer.

With the info about how it affects the pilots I believe I will curtail this practice in the future.

Also, I heard that we are going to a one year cycle. I can't wait for that to become official!! Are there any other places that have a one year cycle??


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I have never done it to my knowledge and will never do it to my knowledge. If your jumping an out of date reserve then you obviously have enough money to get a repack! Plus I could never live with fucking up the career of the pilot, the rigger, or anyone else for that matter. Hoping to be a pilot in the near future I would hope that most jumpers at least would extend me the same curtesy.

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Anyone know if a pilot has ever actually gotten in trouble for allowing someone to jump with an out of date reserve? What were the circumstances?

It IS unquestionably the pilot's responsibility to not let anyone jump with an out of date reserve (FAR 105.43(a)), but I'm just curious if it's ever been enforced. Has the FAA ever written any kind of interpretation of the rule? I mean, what exactly does the pilot need to do to ensure everyone's reserve is in date? Is checking the (possibly faked) reserve repack cards enough?

Personally I think the FARs put WAY too much responsibility on the pilot in command. I remember when I went for my private pilot checkride in 1997, the examiner was all pissed off over an FAA advisory circular that had just come out. It basically said that a mechanic is only responsible for ensuring the safety of a plane at the time the plane rolls out of the shop. After that, it's completely up to the pilot in command to ensure it's safety. So bascially if a bolt that the pilot can't even see comes loose because the mechanic didn't properly tighten it, the pilot can be blamed because it was his reponsibility to ensure the plane was safe to fly. Same stuff goes for air traffic control mistakes. The pilot is always partially to blame, no matter who actually messed up. Drives me nuts.


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