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beej 0
If the shit fits - wear it (blues brothers)--
Quotego away troller
You have no idea who I am.
indyz 1
Quotego away troller
Learned to jump on rounds. T10s and PCs.
First square: Strato Star, 250 jumps.
Pegasus, 760 jumps.
Raider, 1000+ jumps.
168 no-name, 800 jumps
150 Jonathon, 450 jumps.
Bought a Sabre and never looked back.

Try again.
Quotego away troller
I can out hook most people with more than a 1000 skydives as well.
If you you dont believe me

XWuffo 0
In Reply To
go away troller
I can out hook most people with more than a 1000 skydives as well.
If you you dont believe me
QuoteYou are so right, We DONT believe you & never will. No sane Skydiver tries to 'outhook' anyone
As we in Africa know - "If you're going to be dumb - you'd better be tough."
- Tonto

jimmytavino 16

to say I hook turn EVERY jump,,, tells me that your mindset under canopy is a selfish one,,,, cause unless you do nothing but solos........there must always be OTHER canopies in the air,,, while YOU are settin' up your Grand Finale' ...... If you have the attitude,,, that every jumps concludes with a hook downwind ,base, and final....... one of these days,, you may just hook INTO one of those 'Under 1000" jump "novices", ( by YOUR standards ) ... who may just be trying to do a straight in landing.....Circumstances vary on every jump,,, wind, weather, conflicting canopy traffic,,, etc..
Try as we may,,, and being as careful as we all THINK we are.... at some point,,, flight path conflicts,,,, will occur...... so good luck dude...
swoop all you want,,,, hook turn your ass off,,,,, but DON'T , take out.... ANYbody.....cause IF you do,,, all your glory and past super swoops will be'll be know as a person who creamed themselves,, or worse,,, who creamed someone else!!
Why is it that so many people feel it's necessary to INCREASE speed as we get nearer to the ground,,, instead of DECREASING speed....

only I'll be sure to be on the GROUND,,,, while you're " doing a hook turn on EVERY jump "
![[:/] [:/]](/uploads/emoticons/dry.png)
However this thread is about wingloading,,, and just because a person,,, UPS the peformance envelope of their canopy doesn't mean they do it to "improve the hook turn capabilty"......two different subjects...
"Up Size, Down Size,, why can't we all just be happy with the Right Size"???
velo90 0
Do you mean turn lower? or swoop further? or swoop faster? or land more accurately?
Sorry but "out hook" does not mean anything to me
![[:/] [:/]](/uploads/emoticons/dry.png)
sabr190 0
Tried to make it a hyper-link, no luck

DaMan 0
QuoteQuotego away troller
You have no idea who I am.
If you fill in your profile (at least with your canopy choice and your weight), some actual jump numbers, etc. - people may change their take on your statements...

Until then, you might be just some whuffo for all we know.

Discotec Rodriguez
Too bad weapons grade stupidity doesn't lead to sterility.
KrisFlyZ 0
QuoteOver 1.4?
I have yet to make it to 1.0.
Currently, my wingloading is 0.8 to 1. I am looking at buying a new (or new to me) canopy this year which will bring my wingloading up to 1 to 1. It'll be a long time (if ever) that I get up to a 1.4 or higher.
I was jumping a 190 loaded at 1.05 jumping in high winds and breaking an ankle. That put me out for two months.
I made 8 jumps the last two weeks on a Sabre 230, I plan to downsize to a 190(I am putting a Sabre2 190 in my rig) and stay there for a while.
I don't think I will jump a canopy smaller than a 170.
-After student stuff @ 40 jumps a Hornet 150 @ 1.13
- @ 180 jump Viper 135 @ 1.26
-@ about 300 jumps few jumps on 120s jedei, 120 Samurai, and a FX 111 then my current canopy Viper 105 @ 1.6
MarkM 0
That should last me for quite some time. A long ways down the road I can one day downsize my rig to a 135, which I'd be loading at 1.2. I have no real plans past that.
Let me clarify a couple points for a few folks.
I wasnt quite truthfull when I said every jump. There are some that I dont hook. Tandems for sure, but when you make about 700 skydives a year under your sport main a few jumps here and there become less significant. So OK, not evrey jump and name a good reason for not doing a hook turn and I've used it. Remember, I have NEVER been hurt.
Next, most of my jumps are video. I dont have to land with the rest of the load most times. I open high and sit in brakes till the landing is mine.
Now to explain "out hook": I bet my landings look better, surf farther, and finish softer than most of you guys 99% of the time. I didnt mean I will OUT HOOK you by trying. I meant that I bet your landings arent near as good as mine and I jump a lightly loaded Sabre2. You might get the odd great surf while you're trying to figure it out but I get them all the time. I have my canopy figured out.
The point I'm trying to make is that you guys try to get great landings by buying a different more highly loaded canopy instead of learning to fly the one you have right.
When you can squeeze 100% of the performance out of the canopy you have 100% of the time, then think about downsizing.

Dont wreck my day by keeping me out of the sky waiting for the helicopter to fly your sorry ass out to the hospital.
Sorry for trolling here.

Vertifly 0
It's at about 1500 jumps and I am not sorry, IN THE LEAST, that I waited this long.
You learn more by jumping the more conservative canopies first and for a while. Most of the best canopy pilots agree with this theory - at least, the ones that I spoke with.

grega 0
But why weren't you standing on the stairs for 1. place at PST pro swooping tour, or red bull swooping tour, if you're so gooood ?

Oh let me guess, competitions are for wussies right?

Stop bragging, because none will listen to your advice, of getting 100% out of canopy before downsizing, though it's a good one.

Quotego away troller
This poster is not a troller I can assure you!
He is Staff and is truthful about what he says.
He chooses to remain anonymous for personal reasons which is none of your business.
Always remember that not all of us know each other personally. Make sure you have your SHIT Together before you call someone a TROLL!
QuoteYou are so right, We DONT believe you & never will. No sane Skydiver tries to 'outhook' anyone
Your not even in this country so you don't count!
Although I will entertain your answer. It is not that someone tries to outhook anyone. This individual is very good at it. He knows how to fly a canopy PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just because the two of you do not have the skill set don't be jealous!!!
As you can see he does not change canopies. He flies the same one and knows its characteristics. That is not to say that he could not fly another but would probably be more conservative on an unknown canopy. Each canopy has its own quirks.
Once again I DEFEND this person because I know them personally. I have worked side by side and the individual has done a bunch for me. I hope to work with him again. He is a Great Guy!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES
velo90 0
QuoteOnce again I DEFEND this person because I know them personally
Seems like he has a split personality

Hugs, my friend.
This individual is not a troll! I can tell you that I know this individual, have watched their landings, and am exceptionally impressed. This individual is Staff.
The individual (who for their own reasons wishes to remain anonymous) is a fantastic canopy pilot, and I would pay exceptionally close attention to any advice given by this individual on how to fly my canopy and on skydiving.
The thing that has impressed me is the fact that the individual's canopy is part of the individual - an extension of the person. I had the pleasure of watching a landing yesterday by this individual - with camera and all. The landing was a exquisite - the way that I hope to do all my landings one day.
QuoteBut why weren't you standing on the stairs for 1. place at PST pro swooping tour, or red bull swooping tour, if you're so gooood ?
Why isn't the individual on any tours? Although I haven't asked the individual why - I can say that not everyone wants to compete.
QuoteStop bragging, because none will listen to your advice, of getting 100% out of canopy before downsizing, though it's a good one.
The individual isn't bragging. This individual is telling you exactly what their skill set is and does have people that can back up their story.
And, I is unfortunate that people will not listen to the advice of squeezing every little nuance and ounce of of their canopy.
![[:/] [:/]](/uploads/emoticons/dry.png)

I do love flying my canopy sideways.

Oh, and to answer a question posted earlier. I would hardly make the podium on a 135 Sabre. There a re far better canopy pilots than I. Thing is, I can admit it.

I hook turn every single jump.
I jump a Sabre2 135 and weigh 155.
I can out hook any one on this thread under 1000 jumps with whatever canopy you have.
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