
A Licence, Am I Screwed?

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11 out of what, 44 things on this A card. Thats what I have signed off. The only reason I have those signed off is because I sat some people down and said "look, what can we sign off here". I have only got 41 jumps to date. When I went through aff (that dz is now closed) none of this stuff was signed off and I really didnt know the process so I didnt ask. Now Im wondering if I have to pay someone to jump with me for each of these things left to sign off? Thats a LOT of money, especially the way things are. Am I totally screwed here? Anyone else go through this? I see people getting their "A" and I think shit, never happen[:/]

The Dude Abides.

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Wow, yeah, I am definetly interested in hearing the answers to these questions too. When I went through AFF at ZHills, I never got an A card to get stuff signed off. At the time, I didn't know any better. But since then, I've heard a few people talking about A cards, etc, and now this. So yeah...answer the boy's question!! :)


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I don't how another dropzone may handle that, but your jump log should also list all that you did on each jump. I know mine did and the A card was filled out towards the end. Even though you DZ is closed is there any way to get with your instructors?

*****Why would anyone jump from a perfectly good airplane? Because it isn't much fun if it's broke.****

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Get a six pack, and at the end of the day, sit down with some of the JMs at the DZ you jump at now. Explain to them what happened. Are there any of the jumpers at the new DZ that were at the other DZ that can vouch for you? Maybe there are some jumpers at the DZ that you're at now that you've done some jumps with that can vouch for your skill level and then the JMs can sign you off. I personally don't want to see jumpers spend any more money then nessacary to get their licenses.
Good luck.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Well, I will be in Calif. but not till May. Hopefully you'll have that stuff signed off before then.

Thanks for the B.day wishes.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Am I totally screwed here? I see people getting their "A" and I think shit, never happen[:/]

No need to panic as you are NOT screwed. As Mary said, sit down with a coach and talk to them and before you know it, some more signatures will appear on your "A" license proficiency card. Since it sounds like you haven't jumped in a while, then you'll need to make a recurrency jump. But you were going to have to do that anyway right? As far as getting licensed, yes it is a good thing. But it's not the end of the world (especially if you only plan on jumping at your home DZ for a while). So keep your chin up. I'm sure there are plenty of other students who are in the same boat that you're in. ;)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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You cannot get a higher license unless you provide USPA with either an A-license or a copy of your fully-completed/signed/stamped A-card. This is another PERFECT example of someone getting totally hosed because the school where they learned was/is not following USPA doctrine. Listen, you are a student until your card is filled out and until you have a minimum of 25 skydives. The A card has been in effect since 1 October 2001. There is no excuse for not providing the requisite training to your students in order for them to meet the checks on the card, nor are there any excuses for taking their money for 7 to 10 AFF skydives and telling them "you are qualified."


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I didn't mean to imply that Dropdeded didn't need to complete the necessary jumps for their proficiency card. I just wanted them to know that they are not screwed. The students should be able to pick up where they left off and one would assume that as long that they can prove to the coach that they know the material, the non-coaching or jumping portions of the card can be signed off on. :)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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No, I've been jumping, hell, how could I not with Mullins Monster 30 miles away:)I just really wasnt concerned about not having an A. I had some down time but Im not letting that happen again if at all possible. I just kept thinking I would worry about it later, well, its later. Now Im thinking about going to different DZs and I know I have to have at least an A.

Im workin on it


The Dude Abides.

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Since you have a good number of jumps and can probably fly much better than the typicl student, you will probably be able to do tons of that stuff on a single skydive, and lots of the stuff on the card does not require a skydive at all. Before a skydive, do all the ground stuff about turbulence, emergency procedures, etc. and get those signed off. Pack your rig, making sure to adjust the closing loop. Check your coach's gear before you board the plane, explaining how the components (particularly the RSL and AAD) work as you go. Then do a jump where you spot the plane, send your coach out first and then dive down to the coach. Dock, back off, do a frontloop, backloop, and barrel roll, then wave your coach off, track, and deploy at the correct altitude. Make some front and rear riser turns, and some maximum performance toggle turns. Fly your pattern in half brakes. Now land on the target. That will get about half your card done.

Sit down with the card and think about what you can do in just a couple of skydives. I neglected my own A card for a long time, so I had to do the same thing. I think it only took a couple of jumps.



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Canuck and Flyangel have given good advice, same advice I wouldv'e given you.

Your not hosed... I've met you and I think your a hardcore skydiver at heart if not jumps and no hardcore skydiver is hosed till he bites the big one:P.
Where there's a will there's a solution!

Say "Hi" to your wife for me.

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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:$OOOOHHH!... OK..... Should I offer condolences or congratulations.

Either way it always sucks in some way when a relationship ends:S.

Got a new sweetie thats purely recreational yet:)?

(Chile ducks in case something flies his way.)

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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At what point (dive) was the "A" license card handed to you?

I had to ask for it, it was at about jump # 27.

OK... had to ask. I've had some where they were given the card and specific instructions and then show up at jump 30+ asking me to pencil -whip it and the "I did it with so & so Instructor or Coach" with no logbook entries or good answer to my question, "Well, why didn't you have them sign it then?"

SO... let's move on. Here is my recommendation... Find a place where you're going to make it your Home DZ. During a slow time (evening)... Ask one of the Instructors to sit down with you over a beer and explain the situation.

See if they would have any problems with:

1. Developing a composite dive flow for those areas on the "A" card that need sign off for dive flow specific areas. A composite dive flow would include the maximum proficiency required to meet the lesser proficiencies needed for sign-off. However, if you blow it... don't be surprised if they ask you to go back thru it by the numbers.

2. Develop a composite canopy control dive flow for those areas on the "A" card that need sign off regarding canopy control. A composite canopy control dive would include the maximum proficiency required to meet the lesser proficiencies needed for sign-off (you may have to get out at 8,000' for this one). However, if you blow it... don't be surprised...

Take the responsibility of developing both dive flows for their review and you will present it to them in the morning for consideration. If they agree, you will need to pay for your slot and theirs. It ain't your fault and it ain't theirs.

Finally, I'm sorry you find yourself in this situation. While I understand that there are times that things fall thru the cracks, this sounds like it was a chasm.

My latest pet peeve: Those that don't give the oral exams after each category. If you're not using the 4 page "A" license card which requires the oral quiz sign-off - you should also know the date for using those only is coming up soon (if its not already here). We started using it last year.

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I was kind of wondering about that myself. At Elsinore the A card is included in this handy dandy little log book they give you when you make your first skydive. My instructors started signing off on it from the very beginning. I was surprised to learn that is not the case at some DZ's. . .hmmmm. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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bro..i feel your pain. i' have the whole thing filled out except for the test..and no one can tell me if i need a written or oral quiz. i stopped worrying about it. i'm in this to have fun. i go to different drop zones and have never had a problem jumping there. one place made me do a coached jump to check out my skills. i'm not so impressed with how the uspa treats students trying to get the a...so i'm not so orried about getting it. i just wanna be safe and have fun..wich i do. i don't have a problem jumping finding people to jump with , so if i get a few hundred jumps and don't ever get my a...i'm not at all worried about it.

i'm sure in due time you'll find someone at a dz to sign you off on the card at sometime. but don't frustrate yourself with it. hope to jump with you sometime. when i go to a new dz i always call them and tell them my situation before i go...no ones said not to go yet. and if they ever do..fuck'em if they can't take a joke

hope to see you in the air sometime. ....peace

people see me as a challenge to their balance

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That rots. Although it doesn't help you, I'll share my experience so that others know what to look for in a DZ school (not that there is a DZ on every corner to choose from). The instructors, and Christ even one of the packers, kept checking up on me to see how I was progressing and what else I needed to get the "A" card sign-off. The Packer involvement was totally unexpected and involved the transition of spring loaded pilotchute/ripcord equipment to BOC. Standing around one day and the Packer says "how many jumps have you had solo" (after AFF jumps). After my response she said "you should have done your equipment transition dive by now". A near by Instructor heard the exchange and said something like "O.K., head over to the class room and I'll get a BOC practice Rig". On another day during a weather hold a different instructure asked me if I'd taken the oral "A" license quiz. I said "nope". He said "let's do it now". This was all good for me because I had the newbie jitters and was aprehensive about venturing beyond my comfort zone.

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i'm not so impressed with how the uspa treats students trying to get the a...so i'm not so orried about getting it.
I don't think it is the USPA that is treating you wrong if no one at your DZ knows what test you should be taking. Your instructor should know, that is his job and what you have paid him for.

*****Why would anyone jump from a perfectly good airplane? Because it isn't much fun if it's broke.****

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That's a dilly of a pickle (said like Ned Flanders). What I have to say really won't help you. It might even make you feel bad, sorry[:/]. I don't have my A yet either. But I do have 20 jumps, and the only thing I don't have signed off is the one that says I've completed 25 skydives. My instructors (at Eloy) were very good to me, and signed me off on stuff at the end of each day. I'd always ask and remind them as well. I suppose it's your concern, not theirs. Good luck! And don't shell out cash unless you have to.

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