
AFF Level II advice...

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Heading out for my Level II after having done a tandem and then my first jump... Truth be told, I was SO overwhelmed and concentrating on my altitude awareness and practice pulls and instructor's signals that it went by REALLLY fast; it seemed like as soon as I had gone through the planned dive sequence, it was time to pull... I am assuming that the Level II will involve more practical work; any words of wisdom?

Thanks in advance...
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Heading out for my Level II after having done a tandem and then my first jump... Truth be told, I was SO overwhelmed and concentrating on my altitude awareness and practice pulls and instructor's signals that it went by REALLLY fast; it seemed like as soon as I had gone through the planned dive sequence, it was time to pull... I am assuming that the Level II will involve more practical work; any words of wisdom?

Thanks in advance...

Breathe and Relax!:)

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The first couple are not really any fun because of just what you described. To many things to think about it. The fun starts soon, just relax.

"Truth is tough. It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch; nay, you may kick it about all day like a football, and it will be round and full at evening."
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Relax, breath, and smile. . .

The jump is pretty much the same as the first one with the exception of the 90 degree turns. . .those are pretty easy to do. . .enjoy it. . .and remember to pull. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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just go do it! For me level 1-4 werent any fun and i wondered why i was doing them. But 5-7 is when you start to have fun. By then you notice how much time you actually have and on your first solo youll realize you have ALOT of time and i actually got kinda bored on my solo so i started doing turns and what not. Try to relax and ahave fun. Something that really helped me...as told by another guy in the plane on the ride up..he looked at me ( knowing i was nervous) pointed at my chest (heart) and said "If this is slow..the skydive will be slow". Bygod he was right and i try to remember that on each jump.

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Say, Matt.

When are you going to update your profile?

Home DZ: Perris
Jump numbers: right now it's 2...soon to be 3?
Other interests (besides beer)? ;)

Welcome to skydiving and good luck on your level 2! And like others have said here, RELAX and have a good time! B|


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Who cares if it goes fast. I figure at Level II its great if you can succeed at what you're concentrating on. Each dive will be fantastic in a special way of it's own. I trained myself a bit in the swimming pool on arches and exits and went over the next dive a ridiculous amount of times in my head - I figured I had to get my body to learn the mussle memory - think this might help in getting the most out of that 45 second dive and 5 minutes under canopy.

Taking risk is part of living well - it's best to learn from other peoples mistakes, rather than your own.

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I'll be completing my level II soon as well (hopefully next week if the weather and my boss cooperate). Any tips on how to get the old ticker to slow down, aside from deep breaths (I was trying that and my heart still felt like it was about to leave my chest). Thanks and happy jumping to all!

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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yep... the first 4 levels suck!! you're so scared that you're gonna mess up, and you're still not sure what to do, and how to do it. definitely know how that goes. but trust me, after you pass level 4, its smooth sailing!! its very hard to learn how to relax, but once you realize that you can do it, and save your own life, it gets MUCH easier to just chill out and have fun. B|B| Just stick with it bro i promise when you get to like level 5 or 6, you'll be like, damn this is fawkin fun as hell!! :D

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yep... the first 4 levels suck!! you're so scared that you're gonna mess up, and you're still not sure what to do, and how to do it. definitely know how that goes. but trust me, after you pass level 4, its smooth sailing!! its very hard to learn how to relax, but once you realize that you can do it, and save your own life, it gets MUCH easier to just chill out and have fun. B|B| Just stick with it bro i promise when you get to like level 5 or 6, you'll be like, damn this is fawkin fun as hell!! :D

Thanks for the encouragement, I'll do LII and possibly LIII next Saturday. I already thought " this is fun as !!!" though. I tried breathing deeply as the plane ascended to 14K, and going through the flow in my head, but my heart felt like it was about to leave my chest, and after my exit count I almost didn't go... I'm not sure really if I went or if my JM pulled me off the airplane! Oh well, hopefully I'll get over that "oh shit am I really gonna jump out of this perfectly good airplane??" feeling.

Skies... Blue skies

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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Heading out for my Level II after having done a tandem and then my first jump... Truth be told, I was SO overwhelmed and concentrating on my altitude awareness and practice pulls and instructor's signals that it went by REALLLY fast; it seemed like as soon as I had gone through the planned dive sequence, it was time to pull... I am assuming that the Level II will involve more practical work; any words of wisdom?

Thanks in advance...

Level 2 at Perris is forward motion. That's the extent of the practical work in addition to what you did for level 1. I'm still learning: relax, don't rush, and to return to neutral before moving on. Sensation overload is strong the first couple of jumps, and I think each jump gets a little easier with practice touches and canopy control checks becoming more second nature, but you are always focusing on learning new maneuvers in freefall. You think it would be so simple to fall from the sky. Having such a short time to practice them is frustrating. I'm thinking about going in the wind tunnel to help with form. The time does go by fast, but once you get to level 5 you pull at 4500 which gives you extra 2 seconds or so ;).
"If the Bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that girls should stick to girl's sports such as hot oil wrestling and foxy boxing." - Homer Simpson

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well i was over it before i had made me first jump

when i went up in the plane to do my aff 1 it was my first time in a plane
and as soon as it took off all i could think was "i hope i get to jump out of this plane i dont wanna be in it while its landing " :$

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