
Stupid student questions

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On which number AFF jump do you go from 2 JM's to one?........should you make more then one AFF jump per day during the beginning of student training...i.e. 1,2 3,?..........and why is skydiving consuming me?

"Any fool can learn for his own mistakes, a wise man learns from anothers." Mark Twain

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With standard AFF training, level 4.

Oops I missed the second part of your question.

Generally speaking, making multiple AFF jumps in one day is preferrable. If you're doing well making another jump can really make a difference. If there is a problem, sometimes it's best to de-brief, retrain, get some excersizes to perform at home and come back another day.

A few of my students have been very successful going home with excersizes and returning refresshed. The alternative would have been to jump again right away and have the same problem occur.

That's not always the case but some times it's very obviously the best solution.

I agree with Daves rul of thumb about no more than 3 jumps. That too is subject to the individual but most often 3 is a good limit.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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On which number AFF jump do you go from 2 JM's to one?........

Lvl 3 or 4 (i think that really depends on the DZ and the instructors).


should you make more then one AFF jump per day during the beginning of student training

Short answer: Yes.

Long Answer: Well, it depends on you and how your body is doing with skydiving. If you're exhausted after the first jump, then save the next jump till tomorrow. If you're tired, you're not going to perform as well and you're going to have a harder time learning. If you're not tired, then more then one jump will help your learning curve GREATLY.

What I've seen as a good rule of thumb for a student is do 3 jumps in a day, especially when the student is past the AFF and in the Coach Jump catagories.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I am a newbie and doing 2 jumps each time right now. . .sometimes I feel I can do more, but 2 seems to be good. I definitely would not want to do less. . .I like debriefing and going back in the air to correct the things we discuss during debrief. . .

Also, I am a little apprehensive on the first dive of the day, the second dive is always MUCH better mentally. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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so the second jump of the day you are less nervous in the plane

Oh yeah. . .much less nervous. . .everything about the second dive is better because I am more relaxed and less anxious. . .Sometimes I wish I could go up for a third, but I am trying to space it out because I don't have the money to jump every weekend right now and I don't want to end up going 30+ days between jumps. . .this seems to be the best approach.
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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On the ISP training program, which you are on, you go to one jumpmaster at level C2, which is your 4th level (A, B, C1, C2, etc.). You should either get a copy of the SIM to read, or go to http://www.uspa.org/publications/SIM/2004SIM/SIM.htm to view it online. It has the entire ISP in it so that you will know what you will be doing on each next jump. It will also answer a lot of other question for you, as well as provide you the answers that you will need to the quizzes that you will be given at each level. ;)

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AFF 4 is where you go from 2 JMs to 1.
I would recommend 2 each day. It allows you to work on things from the first one but then doesn't overwhelm you with more than you need at the beginning. I remember when I first started, I was so tired after 2 and couldn't believe my eyes watching people do so many more - I just couldn't understand how they could do that many. Now adays, I can do 8 or 10 a day and be begging for more. I still see others doing 15-18 a day and wonder how they do it - maybe I'll be there one day.
As far as the nerves, you are right, the second one is much less nerve wrecking.
But, even now, each first jump of the weekend, I have butterflies in my stomach. I think it's a good thing - keeps me cautious.
Best of luck - enjoy the ride!

"If you've never jumped out of a plane, the best way I can describe it is it feels as if you've just jumped out of a freakin' plane."
David Whitley (Orlando Sentinel)

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The way I see it... I get so worked up the night before and the morning of my jump I might as well get two or three jumps on that one dose of nervousness... hell, I'm not gonna be able to sleep that night anyway whether its one jump or 3 :D

"If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it?" --Steven Wright

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id kill to be able to do 2 jumps in 1 day
or even 2 in 1 week

the most offten i can do my stages is 1 every 2 weeks
i get to badly bruised by the leg straps
and im in good shape
i get hell ass brusing on my inner legs and very sore hips :(
im up to level 3
they want me to do 3 and 4 in the 1 day
but ill sneak off and come back 2 weeks later B|

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i was told on here to make sure they are tight but i didnt know how tight

as my instructors said both times
"make sure they arnt to tight ya dont want to cut off circulation"
and im thinking maybe i could go a bit tighter still
so next time im tightening them as tight as they can go without being painfull standing or sitting on the load

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I know it's been mentioned, seconded, and supported, but TIGHT TIGHT TIGHT leg straps. My first few jumps my legs started falling asleep, but those were GREAT feeling openings, afterwards I loosened them and started getting smacked around, now I've found a good balance. If your legs do fall assleep, lift them up, and it takes the pressure off of wherever they were and it'll restore circulation

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A key point here is to cinch leg straps high, up towards your crotch to prevent them from sliding any higher during opening shock.
To this end, I am in the habit of picking up my tandem students - by the leg straps - to ensure their harnesses are snug enough.
the amusing part is watching the facial expressions of the larger (280 pound) guys - most of whom have not been hoisted off their feet in decades.

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Remember to tighten the straps again when you're in the plane about to exit. They tend to loosen up on the ride up. I had the same problem with the bruising when I was doing AFF & I learned to tighten my leg straps as tight as they would go. Good luck, I hope it works out better for you.
"What I want is what I've not got ,but what I need is all around me"-DMB

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