aeromobile 0 #1 February 6, 2004 As a jump plane owner a comment on another thread got me thinking. What is most important to you about the aircraft you jump? Add comments if you need to say more. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FrogNog 1 #2 February 6, 2004 Time is money. Cheap jump tickets aren't cheap if it takes 20 minutes to get to 10k, because I can't do as many jumps per full day, and I typically only get 2 full days max per weekend. Maybe if I were unemployed I would rank cheap jump tickets higher. -=-=-=-=- Pull. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkydiveNFlorida 0 #3 February 6, 2004 I put extra altitude. Although, it is tough between that and fast craft. I am going with altitude because it gives me longer to work on my dive which is important to me because I need all the time I can get to practice up there since i'm not all that good. It sux when the dive is over and you just got to the other person... land, pack, try again:p Angela. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mofo554 0 #4 February 6, 2004 Definitely agree here. Long rides to altitude not only suck because they permit fewer jumps, but they inherently suck because you have to sit in the plane for longer periods of time doing nothing. I think most jumpers would gladly pay a few extra bucks (read $1-$3) for a faster jump plane any day. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bbarnhouse 0 #5 February 6, 2004 QuoteWhat is most important to you about the aircraft you jump You didn't list this one so I will add my own here. Most important to me is maintaing the aircraft. Fast rides, cheap jumps and all the rest isn't worth squat if an aircraft isn't well maintained. Just my .02 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ifics 0 #6 February 6, 2004 If its going above 10k then I am happy with the alti, but cheaper jump tickets would be nice (thats what I voted for) but next would be faster rides but I dont really mind a 25 minuet ride to altitude it makes you appreciate the 12 minuet ones 1st and foremost would definitely be a well maintained aircraft, that should always be the first priority of EVERY DZ... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RoadRash 0 #7 February 6, 2004 QuoteQuoteWhat is most important to you about the aircraft you jump You didn't list this one so I will add my own here. Most important to me is maintaing the aircraft. Fast rides, cheap jumps and all the rest isn't worth squat if an aircraft isn't well maintained. Just my .02 I agree(you took the words right outta my mouth, er hands...), you don't have a jump plane unless it is "safe," and my definition of a safe aircraft is a well maintained aircraft.~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
diverdriver 6 #8 February 6, 2004 QuoteQuoteWhat is most important to you about the aircraft you jump You didn't list this one so I will add my own here. Most important to me is maintaing the aircraft. Fast rides, cheap jumps and all the rest isn't worth squat if an aircraft isn't well maintained. Just my .02 High Fives B^2. DAMN STRAIGHT!Chris Schindler ATP/D-19012 FB #4125 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
riggerrob 643 #9 February 6, 2004 First priority: well-maintained Second priority: fast climb Third priority: big door because they always give me the biggest tandem students. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nbblood 0 #10 February 6, 2004 I put extra altitude, but all are applicable. As far as fast climb goes though, I'd rather spend 5 more minutes in a Caravan and have a few more jumpers on board and a big door, rather than the King Air that climbs a little faster. Just me, but I hate that narrow ass door on the King Air. Blues, NathanBlues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyyhi 0 #11 February 6, 2004 Dude, cheap jump tickets of course. . .the other stuff is great but if you can't afford to jump it doesn't matter what kind of plane you fly. . . Course a big door does help on those group exits. . .lol________________________________________ Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ FGF #6 Darcy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blahr 0 #12 February 6, 2004 I usually make 3 or 4 in a day. It doesnt matter to me if I get up there 5 minutes faster, its still gonna be 3 or 4. If the ticket costs $3.00 less thats nice, but its only gonna save me 10 bucks or so. Big door? Bah! I'm used to a Cessna 185. I want to go as high as I can go and fall for as long as possible Extra Altitude is my choice Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jib 0 #13 February 6, 2004 B^2's right As for the rest, I think there's a happy medium between all of them, but I also really hate having a packed rig and waiting an hour (or more) to get on a load. -------------------------------------------------- the depth of his depravity sickens me. -- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dsbbreck 0 #14 February 6, 2004 I chose cheap jump tickets, but I jump at a place that the tickets are high, but they have a fast plane, small door and only go to 12500. You jump where you feel comfortable. The vibe is the most important thing.David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonto 1 #15 February 6, 2004 How about not crashing and dying? (Perris April 1992 - contaminated fuel..) tIt's the year of the Pig. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pia 0 #16 February 6, 2004 To answer your question, from the options listed I'd have to say I'd go with extra altitude **Those who refuse to live and learn simply exist** Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cocheese 0 #17 February 6, 2004 Safety is not a option ?o.k. the I'll go with climb rate/extra alti Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EDYDO 0 #18 February 6, 2004 For me, first is fast climb rate. Second is a big door that keeps the cold out in winter. Third are seats. Fourth are prices. Last and also least is well maintained. If the pilot will get in and fly, I will get in with my parachute. Heck, we never know whether a plane is properly maintained or not. When is the last time you asked to see a maintenance log before boarding? I leave it to the feds and the pilot and I never think about it. Ed __________________________________________________ QuoteAs a jump plane owner a comment on another thread got me thinking. What is most important to you about the aircraft you jump? Add comments if you need to say more. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dumpster 0 #19 February 6, 2004 Maintenance should be the #1 priority for everyone. Important for myself as a 4-way addict is the door. Fast planes are cool, and cheap jump tickets are always welcome. But I like an Otter-sized door. Easy Does It Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkymonkeyONE 4 #20 February 6, 2004 Almost every single thing I like to do, or have to do while instructing, is best accomplished with a bigger door. Cheap tickets are second, but not so important to me because I don't pay for a lot of jumps. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gerryfuss 0 #21 February 6, 2004 how about all of the above. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rocketdog 0 #22 February 6, 2004 Big door is the LEAST of my worries (well, i'm an RW-er either though).... Not to mention, cheap jump tickets are not worth it IF it takes you half an hour to climb to altitude.... Prime example: it was close to 90º in Lake Wales, and everyone crammed into a CASA for $17. Pretty cheap comapred to up north but it was SO loud, SO hot, SO slow & not to mention the risk of fuel being dripped on your rig..... Just an example! see the world! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
diverdriver 6 #23 February 6, 2004 QuoteBig door is the LEAST of my worries (well, i'm an RW-er either though).... Not to mention, cheap jump tickets are not worth it IF it takes you half an hour to climb to altitude.... Prime example: it was close to 90º in Lake Wales, and everyone crammed into a CASA for $17. Pretty cheap comapred to up north but it was SO loud, SO hot, SO slow & not to mention the risk of fuel being dripped on your rig..... Just an example! Say WHAT!!!?????Chris Schindler ATP/D-19012 FB #4125 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
benny 0 #24 February 6, 2004 I would like bigger doors, bigger than the otter. Poised exits from them suck. Being 6'1" I feel likes I'm wedged in that thing so tight and funky that I might not fall out when I let go. Never go to a DZ strip show. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jlmiracle 7 #25 February 6, 2004 Its more important to me where I sit. I like sitting next to you when its cold out cause that's where all the heat is. Refreshments on the way to altitude would be nice. But on a serious note about the poll, depending on what you are doing, 4-way, 8-way, ff, would make have an impact on how I would answer it. But for general purposes, CHEAP TICKETS. Are you going to buy a skyvan for me Dave? You know how much I like them. For those that don't know aeromobile or are familar with his really cool airplane, Super Cessna 195 (aka the Chuck Wagon) JudyBe kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites