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Have seen some really ugly things happen to peoples feet when they jump barefoot ( especially females ) Why would anyone want to do this ! ive tried it couple of times so i could say ive tried it but i just dont see the value especially after watchin a girl absolutly ruin her feet this weekend with a horrible landing and i truly believe if she was wearing sneakers the damage would not have been half as bad but she still insist on jumpin barfoot when she has healed up... ( theres nothing uglier than a chicks feet that have a few thousand jumps ) just my 2 cents and wanted to see how many other people are in to it.!!!

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I wore Tevas throughout the summer and accumulated a few scrapes just from normal landings (trying to drag a toe on landing is not the smartest thing when said toe is unprotected). I'd imagine you have to be really careful choosing your landing area and prepared to lose some skin if you happen to land on concrete, rough gravel or anything similar. Also, I remember my knees and ankles hurt much more on my old zero-flare canopy when wearing Tevas than when wearing my usual jumping shoes and going barefoot is probably a bit worse still.
I'll do it for the experience someday, but I'm not sure I'd even consider making it a habit.

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I always jump barefoot at one of my DZs. It's a Cessna DZ where i have to spot for myself so i know i'll have a good one.;) At turbine DZs where GPS and how many groups are ahead of me affect the spot, i wear shoes.


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I jump barefoot every once in a while, I enjoy feeling the wind between my toes and it usually makes for better video. I realize that its possible to get scraped up and I actually landed off DZ once and had to walk back.

I think its totally worth it though. Its definitely a freeing feeling.
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I totally agree with you. I use to wear tevas when jumping, but after tripping a couple of times when the front of my teva caught the ground or my toe got dug into the ground, I switched to Vans. Maybe I am just wierd, but I think tevas make me fly a little different too, acts a little bit like a rudder. :P

~La La Gang Member #2~

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Well, Just depends on what kind of Parachute you fly- may have some factors involved. I dont make a habit of Jumping my Xaos 78 Barefooted..:D..IE Could be Dangerous...ha..so I would consider Jumping a more Docile type canopy for Barefoot landings...and having good Canopy control to land in A grassy area.. its fun and quite an experience if you decide to...;)
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Well, Just depends on what kind of Parachute you fly- may have some factors involved. I dont make a habit of Jumping my Xaos 78 Barefooted..

My landings aren't quite THAT fast :P
I can see how it would feel pretty 'freeing' (is that a word?! :P) to jump barefoot.
Our landing area at our DZ is pretty grassy and flat, an occasional gopher hole though, but I would hate to have a great landing and then take a step into some dog poo or something [:/].
Also, shoes offer a little bit of support.
But, fly free if that's what you do B|

~La La Gang Member #2~

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It should be a wingloading requirement in the BSR's.

At 1:1 should should have to wear tennys. When you get your B licence you can wear Tevas, but only if your Wing Loading is less than 1.2:1.

Only D licence folk should be allowed to jump barefoot... if they're jumping a VX they should have to get a waver from the ST&A. Unless they have a demo licence of course...

Actually you should have to get a approval from the manifest gals at repack time. Some skydivers feet should never be seen... by anyone. And the manifest gals? Well, they would know what feet should and should not be displayed.... And hence protect us all.
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The only time I jump without shoes is when I do a "Naked-naked" jump. That is nothing but my self and the rig. No jumpsuit, no helmet, no shoes, no goggles, no gloves, no altimeter. I even take my watch off.

Otherwise I might damage these perty little feets.

Three Knees In The Breeze

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I jumped barefoot for a season a while back (mid-80's) and loved it until I had to wade through some irrigation ditches after landing out in ZHills. I was shitting myself stepping into those ditches, wondering what the hell I might step on that might bite back! Anyways, I gave it up after that.

I jump in Tevas unless it's too cold.

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The only time I jump without shoes is when I do a "Naked-naked" jump. That is nothing, no altimeter.
Three Knees In The Breeze

Any one esle think thats kinda dumb (it's also not allowed in OZ)
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Any one esle think thats kinda dumb (it's also not allowed in OZ)

Not if someone is experienced enough and altitude-aware.

I've given my altimeter to someone less experienced to use on a dive after we were already climbing and they realized that they had forgotten theirs.
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OK so I am a low count newbie but I have seen our DZ safety officer jump barefoot and if I ever figure our how to stand up on a regular basis I will do it too. Lets face it if you plan on landing on the DZ and the grass/ground is comfortable why not? Yes shit happens but if that was your main concern then you shouldn't be skydiving.

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OK so I am a low count newbie but I have seen our DZ safety officer jump barefoot and if I ever figure our how to stand up on a regular basis I will do it too. Lets face it if you plan on landing on the DZ and the grass/ground is comfortable why not? Yes shit happens but if that was your main concern then you shouldn't be skydiving.

Dude, I was just kidding about all that BSR crap.
Have fun. Go big. When you feel like you can nail those landings, you have ZoneRat's personal blessing to jump your bare-footed ass off! So does your safety officer.
The only reason I said what I said was... at my DZ There's this old timer coach... a truly amazing skydiver that has these remarkably horrible feet... It's the toenails really. Oh, god.

There are a lot of things worth worrying about in this sport. Common footware (or lack thereof) is not really one of them. Ok. So stilleto high heals are considered bad... so are boots with treads on 'em that might stick on the ground causing someone to fall... but, I really don't care what any licenced skydiver chooses to wear or not wear.

That said, I'd never jump without tennis shoes... (my booties wouldn't be tensioned properly without them...)

Go Big. Have fun. Be safe.


“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophies.”

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In Holland you have to wear something like nikes (don't know the translation, 'suitable, closed, hardish shoes' something like that), then after you get your B it has to be 'suitable shoeware', meaning teva's and ballet shoes are okay now. After you get C you're on your own, except that at least at our DZ you have to wear shoes when jumping anyway.

Sensible, I think.

ciel bleu,

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The only time I jump without shoes is when I do a "Naked-naked" jump. That is nothing, no altimeter.
Three Knees In The Breeze
Any one esle think thats kinda dumb (it's also not allowed in OZ)

If someone is experienced enough, they can safely jump without an altimeter on occasion. When my altimeter broke while i was at the mardi gras boogie, i continued jumping at the boogie without one. I didn't have any problems at all. I wouldn't do it all the time, but occasionally is just fine.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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