
Scary feeling from my canopy.

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I like you, am ferociously protective of my home DZ. Most of us are. Anyone who has been around for a while has seen and done (guilty) things that even moments after, seem crazy. We can make thoes decisions for ourselves and pay to play. However, we (instructors, DZOs ....) must be conservative when it comes to students. They have enough tasks to concentrate on without the distraction of knowing that they will be landing while backing-up. Your DZ is far from the only place that this has happened, and , it will happen again somewhere else at another time. You did however key on a good point. THINK.
Learning from mistakes is what makes good DZs better. It increases student returns and creates a solid growing body of "regulars". If indeed the situation was what dkf1979 described (I have no reason to doubt him), there was a breakdown in the decision making process. No one was hurt (great!), and you could probably put out more loads of students in those winds, and maybe nothing adverse would happen.....BUT .....BUT....... thats rolling the dice for someone else who is depending on your (JM, instructors ....) expertise and sound judgment as they have not the knowledge, nor experience to make that decision for themselves. We all have made mistakes. Its what we do with the knowledge learned is what really counts.

Putting those students out in those winds was a bad call. Period.

Jump Safe.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JUMP SAFE!

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