
Looking for the Jet

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I'm lookming for the person in charge of the jet that was in Quincy a few years agore. I know someone who needs to hire it for a movie. If you have contact info please e-mail it to mikeg@skydivetoledo.com or call 360 864 2230 and talk to Mike

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Will we ever EVER get to jump the jet again? I am worried that they won't get insurance coverage and won't risk it, just like before.

I never did it but want to.
I don't drink during the day, so I don't know what it is about this airline. I keep falling out the door of the plane.

Harry, FB #4143

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If the old jet doesn't come back, I bet that Perris works out something with WFFC.

It only holds like 80 people or something like that. I don't know if it will be big enough;) They had a bunch of us sit in it one day to see how the seats work with our rigs on and if we could walk down the aisles without getting stuck on something. I guess they are going to take out the last 6 rows of seat for a staging area. It is a really nice jet.

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If the old jet doesn't come back, I bet that Perris works out something with WFFC.

It only holds like 80 people or something like that. I don't know if it will be big enough;) They had a bunch of us sit in it one day to see how the seats work with our rigs on and if we could walk down the aisles without getting stuck on something. I guess they are going to take out the last 6 rows of seat for a staging area. It is a really nice jet.

Yes, last out, as in wingsuiters get first class seating. " The only way to zip on your leg wings". British voice off.

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