SKYWHUFFO 1 #1 January 7, 2004 This is a real dumb question a whuffo friend asked me last night, but the more i thought about it, the more i didn't know the answer. So I figured i would ask the peanut gallery her ar So here it is, Since the Gk's are stationed at Ft bragg and considered a somewhat a part of the AIRBORNE will any of them be called to serve "normal" active duty in Iraq or Afganistan? Or what are the chances of that happening? I know it is a dumb question, but i didn't know the answer. Skymonkeyone or anybody who can answer this please do so. I have now have used my dumb question for 2004 so i will go back to being quiet after this. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jdhill 0 #2 January 7, 2004 The members of the GK's (offically the US Army Parachute Team) are assinged to that as their "normal" active duty... The team is a part of the US Army Recruiting Command... Like most assignments in the Army, they are assigned their for a given tour, once that tour is up they are reassigned back into their MOS... I doubt anyone would be "pulled" from the team. JAll that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
koz2000 1 #3 January 7, 2004 No, they will stay on the team. One of the powers that be gave a waiver to all MOS's on the GK so that they will stay within the recruiting command. However early on, there was some speculation on whether they would stay on the team or get pulled. D However to be on the safe side, I'm headed to Yuma tomorrow to jump with the GK's for the week and I will ask and report back.______________________________________________ - Does this small canopy make my balls look big? - J. Hayes - Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NZL60 0 #4 January 7, 2004 To digress just a little, History Channel (Mail Call) will have a little feature on the Knights this coming Sunday evening which will include the Jarhead taking a tandem ride Who said Kiwis can't fly? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slug 1 #5 January 7, 2004 I don't have the old parachutist anymore but some ex golden knights served in Viet nam after being on the team and came home in body bags. I remember talking with Craig Gerard sp? when he mentioned the the problem of not being able to see mines on the road because of the blowing sand. The golden knights are soldiers first and the real deal both on and off the DZ. R.I.P. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DALAILAMA 0 #6 January 7, 2004 Skywhuffo, The individuals are correct in saying that the team members are working out of their original military jobs until their time on the team is up, however, there have been a # of individuals that left the team and were "pulled" for duty in Afghanastan and Iraq. Since that time several have returned and are back in the US. home safe! Dalai Lama", where uneducated people measuring penises, has become an art form" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beerlight 0 #7 January 7, 2004 I agree with all that's being said. So, how long you wanna be called a, "skywhuffo"??? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slotperfect 7 #8 January 7, 2004 Dalailama is a current GK and therefore absolutely correct. As a Has-Been, I add this . . . During these times of conflict on two fronts and considering the numerous deployed soldiers of all MOS's, individual soldiers who are interested in trying out for the team may find getting permission to do so difficult from their Chain Of Command. Another difficulty is that even if their COC were to release them for tryouts, and they were to make the team, their Branch (Infantry, Special Forces, Quartermaster, etc) still has to approve the move. There is a chance of a soldier making it through tryouts with flying colors and never getting the assignment because their branch says no. Despite all of this, I feel it is still worth the effort for those who aspire to be GK.Arrive Safely John Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redramdriver 0 #9 January 7, 2004 Noty much of an expert here...but since when did the GK become part of USAREC??? I know that they are an Army Assest which can be utilized by USAREC when requested through proper least that was the way that it was when I was in the Army. Yes they still retain their MOS (Military Occupational Speciality), but they are Branch Assisgned to the GK from what I remember through Special Operations at Ft. Bragg. Could definately be wrong on that or on all this..time has a way of changing things... USArmy...14 1/2 years USRECruiter.....4 years 1978....1992 MOS 72E34(P) thats allSo, you bring your beer? Its 5 o'clock somewhere POPS #9344 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slotperfect 7 #10 January 8, 2004 Quotesince when did the GK become part of USAREC??? They fell under USAREC in 1995 or 1996, after my tour there was over. QuoteYes they still retain their MOS (Military Occupational Specialty), but they are Branch Assigned to the GK from what I remember through Special Operations at Ft. Bragg Sort of. Any enlisted MOS is welcome. I served with Airborne Rangers, Special Forces Medics, Illustrators, Air Traffic Controllers, Forward Observers, Supply Specialists, and an An Army Bandsman (French Horn) to name a few. After making it through tryouts their branch must approve the move. Once they are there the slots are "MOS Immaterial." I am a 92R (formerly 43E), and held an 11B (Infantryman) slot while I was there.Arrive Safely John Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites