
Older Jumpers At The DZ

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I'm in my early (cough, cough) 40's and just started jumping in 2002. After raising 4 kids it was time to do something for me. I'd be interested in knowing the following: Are the 40+ year old jumpers predominately made up of those who have been in the sport since late teens/20's, or are they late comers like me?

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Skydiving is a very mixed bag with people making their first jumps at a lot of different stages in their lives.

Skydiving has a fairly large turnover rate with most skydivers dropping out well before their 10th year.

That said, I believe that -most- folks that are eligible for POPS today made their first skydive before turning 40.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I don't see people at the DZ as young or old. What I see are skydivers. I've had 18 year old kids and 64 year old grandmothers in my FJC. It's all good. We still have a lot of jumpers hanging out after the sunset load and now that we have a fire pit more people are staying a little later to socialize and talk skydiving. What's important is that you are having fun.B|

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I don't know the statistics, Rick, but I'm 46 and just started jumping this year. The guy who photographed my last jump must be over 50, or even over sixty. (I hope he is not insulted if he reads this.) He always jumps barefoot.

He did a great job with the photos and video. I've heard him called the "crazy old man". They probably call me that too.

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I started at 40 a few yrs. ago. Best thing I ever did in my life. I hope your doing it for you tho. If your doing it for the young skychickies, forget it.
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'Tis better to have loved and lost
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"POPS" rulez!;) Way too many young guns and hot shots give up skydiving when they are just about to learn something. Too bad. We old timers (:$) are not so ambitious anymore, so I guess we have more fun...
>If God meant for man to fly, He´d have given him much more money.

McG, DZ EFVA dictator

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I am probably one of the "older" jumpers. In my 30+ years in the sport the large majority of older jumpes started as younger jumpers, and just kept jumping. I have met some that started at 40+, but not many. It is certainly easier to start at 40+ than it used to be. Equipment is much friendlier to an older jumper, skydiving now is physically much less demanding than when I started on a surplus 28' main canopy. And finances are easier for a person with an established career.

-- Jeff
My Skydiving History

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I'm 42 and a newbie jumper. . .but of course, I can only speak for myself. . .our DZ is a mixed bag of older experienced and inexperienced, and the younger crowd. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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I'm 45, got four jumps when I was about 20 and then restarted over the summer. Same reason sdas you. most of the kids gone and I needed something for me.

In a way I got lucky and the wife didn't care to jump, she tried but just didn't find it a thrill. Now I get one thing in life just for me. And as to the skychickies, they aren't going to go to far but they can still show you a little love. :)

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But you are still one of my kids.

And I LOVE being a kid. . .

(don't tell IslandCool, but it was kinda nice to be out there without my shadow this past Saturday. . .)
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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I had ALWAYS wanted to jump for as long as I can remember. Finally did a tandem to celebrate my 50th in January. Knew I had to do it again so talked my hubby into celebrating our 25th anniversary by doing tandems, except that a week before the scheduled date he changed his mind, so I did my first AFF instead. Realized I couldn't just wait for special occasions to jump. Went through AFF, got my A license and now I jump every weekend. I cannot imagine life without skydiving. I wish I had started years ago! But like they say, better late than never!

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Not sure of the answer to your question, but we're around the same age and I also have 4 kids. I've jumped with skydivers of all ages from late teens to 60+ and it's never been an issue for me or them. I tip my hat to those dudes who keep jumping hard when their peers are just waiting for the social security check to show up each month.

BTW, my oldest daughter has done a tandem and my 2nd daughter is through AFF level E2. Maybe that's something you have to look forward to.

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