
Older Jumpers At The DZ

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I turned 40 yesterday. Started jumping about 13 months ago at 38. I probably will never be someone who makes 10+ jumps everyweekend, but I really enjoy the 4-5 I get in every other weekend. I do it to relax and have some fun.
D28695 PoPs #9237
"Mix ignorance with arrogance at low altitude and the results are almost guaranteed to be spectacular"
— Bruce Landsberg

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"Are the 40+ year old jumpers predominately made up of those who have been in the sport since late teens/20's, or are they late comers like me?"

Personally, I'd have to say YES!;)

I'm a 46-year old (fart). I started as an inspired 19-year old college student, made two s/l jumps, out of sport for 22 years, came back, did tandems, AFF, quit again, got my A this past weekend and don't EVER plan on quitting!!!

I love the crazy pierced freeflyers as well as the old timer belly flyers. Age is just a number--on jump run I'm not thinking about how old the person is I'm getting ready to exit with.
“Keep your elbow up!"

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I did my first AFF Oct.'98. Did 3 more AFF's and gave up for almost 2 yrs. Came back about 3 yrs ago and over 1600+ jumps late, I'll be 45 and the end of the month. I'm still a newbie to say. Two years of 4 way, Airspeed tunnel, 2 records and many record attempts, still the reborn passion of my life. Just really sorry that I wasted a lot of years pursuing golf instead of continuing or having started younger but I went as soon as I was introduced to the sport.

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I did my first jump in 1975 at the age of 23. Over the next few years I got to about 450 jumps..... then too a 22 year layoff. I had responsibilities and other reasons for quitting at the time. Now that I am older and wiser ;) I decided to do something fun... FOR ME.....I made my first jump into the sport again on March 16 of this year and since then have about 200 jumps.. done big ways. done other belly flying. Started working on sit flying and can stick it and fly it stable... go to a stand and still maintain it stable...Head down( not really good at it yet.. but I will get there.. and Speed Skydiving... 253 MPH is my personal best fo far. I have met some really cool people and had a hell of a lot of fun.. and spent WAY too much money on it but hey its about living Who said you cant learn new tricks:)
SCR- 5993
POPS 99xx( cant remember the exact number.. am I having a senior moment)

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actually at most DZs I've been to, it seems that the majority are 30s and older. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that the older folks have a lot more money to jump with or buy gear with.
But I really don't know if they started when they were older or younger.

MB 3528, RB 1182

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[ Are the 40+ year old jumpers predominately made up of those who have been in the sport since late teens/20's, or are they late comers like me?

I just turned 50 been jumping for half my life.
no layoffs


Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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I started at 33, I think the majority over forty are late-comers. Maybe late-twenties, early thirties for most of them, but I agree with Quade that many people participate for 10 years or so and lay off.
Hope I'm not one of them.

I am now free to exercise my downward mobility.

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I started at 52, now 58. Coming up on 1400 jumps. Competed at Nationals 2001, 2002. Been on 4 world record attempts of various sorts (including one that succeeded). Gravity rules!

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I started at 28 and am now 51 and still loving the hell out of skydiving! Our little dz is pretty young with most people in their 20's and 30's but there are a few of us with 20+ years in the sport. I'd say that at our dz most people 40+ started when they were young and have never stopped.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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Intuitively, I'd say both. At our DZ, it seems more students appear to be in their 20's than their 40's.

When my son (the youngest of four) turned 18, I put us both through AFF. I was 49 (50 now). Yes, it was as much for me as it was for him. I promised him at a very young age to fulfill his wish to jump... his oft' repeated desire to do so prepared the wife for that eventuality.

I've had a blast skydiving (on my 13th or 14th childhood now). I got to watch my youngest daughter, who was 20, who is terrified of heights, ride to altitude and exit behind me on a tandem.

So in our family, we represent both. The boy has about 15 jumps, and the daughter is starting to make noise about AFF...


Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?

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Hey North,
That was Willie and he aint gonna be happy with that
"maybe 60" I will bring him some grecian formula

Why is it that the only thread I lose track of is the only one I'm in real trouble? If I had seen this Friday I could have bribed judedre to keep his mouth shut, now its probably too late.

In my defense, I also said:

"He did a great job with the photos and video. I've heard him called the "crazy old man". They probably call me that too. "

Maybe I'll get some sympathy for smashing myself up, and for being 46 myself, and for using Just For Men.

And, he created my Avatar!

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I'm 46... ( :o )
Started just days following my 18th Birthday,
and have made what averages out to be a little
over 100 jumps a year since I started.

Hard to tell these days! :S

I was recently speaking with this
60+ year old gentleman...
a very talented and current skydiver.

Referring to gear and events from 'back then'
When I realized he had no idea as to what
I was talking about! :$

We cleared things up when he said...
"I just started jumping a few years ago,
and only have 1700 jumps." :)

WOW! :)Kewell Dude!! B|

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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