
New question on Age

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So, I'm reading a post on "comming of age" in skydiving and basically the guy is asking about a 16 year old going through training.

I know most DZs here in the states won't allow it, but a poster from UK says they have plenty there.

Question is this. Would USPA honor a foreign license for someone under 18. I suppose it comes down to the DZO and the plane insurers.

Anyone have thoughts on this from the owners side. I know there's nothing illegal about it.

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The USPA BSR age requirement is 16. Some states have laws that require you to be 18 and most dropzones won't let anyone under 18 jump because of the liability and the sue happy environment we live in.

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My understanding has always been that the age limit depends on the legal age of consent for entering into binding contracts (i.e. the waiver). This varies from state to state in the US, so the USPA BSRs allow the minimum age as 16 since that is the age at which SOME states allow you to enter into a binding contract (not sure if this is with parental consent or not). My guess is that a licensed jumper from a state that allowed 16-year olds to jump would NOT be allowed to jump at a DZ in a state where 18 was the minimum legal age, since the waiver would be invalid and the liability issue too great. But that's just my guess...;)
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Actually, I can't think of many places off the top of my head that won't let a licensed 16 year old skydive. Smartest business, though, is to simply not offer up your age when you sign a waiver at whatever dropzone you visit. It's my opinion that your license is in effect your emancipation when it comes to whether or not you ought to be able to jump somewhere. Others in this litigious society will argue, but I am not one of the nay-sayers.


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Woaaahhh... I can't agree with that. I'm a licensed 17 year old, and I can't find many DZs that will let me jump. Actually the only place I've been at all recently was Elsinore, and they were not about to think about letting me jump once they noticed my age on the form (and I certainly did not draw attention to it). It's a tough, tough world for us minors... *sighs deeply*...

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Yep, this is California, where it sometimes seems that we have two lawyers for every citizen and lead the country in dipshit litigation. I figured you'd be out of luck here.
Doctor I ain't gonna die,
Just write me an alibi! ---- Lemmy/Slash

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I thought the BSRs on age were for students?
My question was for a licensed skydiver.

USPA Basic Safety Regulations:

1. For jumps with a single harness, dual parachute system, skydivers are to be at least, either:
a. 18 years of age
b. 16 years of age with notarized parental or guardian consent.

2. For jumps with a tandem parachute system, skydivers are to be at least the age of legal majority.

The specific BSR applies to all skydivers and is independent of any license, In fact, all jumps used to qualify for a USPA license must be made in compliance with all FAR's and BSR's. The BSR regarding age can only be waived by the full Board of Directors.

Tom Buchanan
Instructor (AFF, SL, IAD, Tandem)
Author JUMP! Skydiving Made Fun and Easy
Tom Buchanan
Instructor Emeritus
Comm Pilot MSEL,G
Author: JUMP! Skydiving Made Fun and Easy

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