
Ranch anyone????

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Ok so I'm cutting it a little close and I might have a solution. The weather hasn't been the best and I am 2 jumps shy of my A before i get to Eloy. I'll be up near the Ranch this weekend, and would really like to finish my A. Just a little nervous cause I have never jumped anywhere other than my little DZ in Jersey. So my question out there is...Anyone barring the cold and jumping at the ranch this weekend? And would I be able to do some coach jumps there? I need my packing jump and one more coach dive.
Basically I'm trying to fit a family b-day dinner (my b-day) and my A in one day. HELP!!!

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein

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Like bubbles said, the crew dogs will be there, I'll be there and Im sure there will be others. Come and fill the otter. Call the school at 845 255 4033. I think they are open on friday. They can get you sorted out witht the packing jump and coach jumps and such. There were a few pre a licensed jumpers jumping 2 weeks ago before the blizzard. See you there!

--"This ain't no book club, we're all gonna die!"
Mike Rome

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