Blind packing contest

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I much prefer the packing in a phone box competitions - lot more fun when you pull and the yellow pages goes sailing past.

you must have one hell of a big container or something... I can barely get my canopy in there, much less adding in a phone book. :S

MB 3528, RB 1182

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I can't wait to read the incident report.
"Reserve drills carried out as the main was packed - as fast as possible - whilst blindfolded"

Even better would be the ammendment to the BPA and USPA regulations that you had to pack with both of your eyes open and whilst having an unimpeded view of the canopy.
I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....

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hell if any of you have seen me pack you know it couldnt get much worse blindfolded! j/k...really though after 500 + packjobs how bad could you do it... now if you pack eachothers rigs blindfolded that would add an element of fun to it!

this space for rent.

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I heard about blind packing contest. Please advise all rules and refeering.
It should be very funny, i think! :)

Ivan Korobkov

packing blind.......... isnt that almost as bad as jumping without the chute! - apart from the less certain death.

to add another thrill element to this they could try to do the whole jump blind as well.... (headlines: man lands on shed, my hamster got squashed by superman etc.)

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If you really have enough balls and a death wish..

Pack a base rig blindfolded and go low.

hehe... apart from the fact that it wouldnt make much difference to the danger aspect, unless your in the city jumping off a high building:P you might have a bit of car trouble tho

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I heard about blind packing contest. Please advise all rules and refeering.

Close your eyes and start packing. Ya gotta jump your packjob (you can do that with your eyes closed too, but ya don't get extra points for it). Fastest time wins.

My one and only blind speed pack was 7 minutes including setting the brakes. Opening was fine.


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