
!! Paul Bliss Seriously Injured In Motorcycle Wreck !!

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Paul Bliss was in a serious motorcycle accident saturday morning on his way to the CRWDawg event in Lake Wales. He is currently at Shands hospital in Jacksonville undergoing surgery as we speak. He has 2 fractured vertebrae and one that is crushed. This crushed vertebrae is the one that has caused a bone fragment to lode itself into the spinal cord area which is causing paralysis from the chest down. Other than that his arms, legs and ribs are not broken and he has no head injuries. He went into surgery at 9:00 AM and could be up to 8 hours on the table until they are done. They are going to take all the mess out and do a fusion on his spine. We
wont know anything more until after surgery sometime this afternoon or tonight. If everything
goes well he be in a brace and will be there at least 4-5 days after which the docs are talking about moving him to somewhere back home in Tallahassee for rehab. The docs seem real positive about it all. So lets keep him in our prayers and hope everything works out for the best.
Ed "Sped" Hauck
D12662 (Inactive)
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Ed "Sped" Hauck

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UPDATE ON PAUL'S STATUS. He was still in surgery as of late this evening. (6:30 EDT) The last word was he could be in surgery late into tonight as the surgeons are fusing quite a few vertabrae together (up to eight) which means a bunch of hardware going in there. Its not looking real good at all. Seems there was quite a bit more damage than was previously thought, which always seems to be the case in these damn situations. We wont know anything else until tomorrow morning sometime unless Tom B. or I get a sitrep later tonight. As soon as I hear anything I'll get it posted.
Thanks to everyone for the good thoughts and I will pass them on to him first chance I get to talk to him. Just keep leaving that voicemail with the Big Guy upstairs. Every little bit helps.


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Just got this from Tom B. about Pauls status...
"Latest news from the hospital is that Paul's surgery went well. They accomplished what they went in there to do. Doctors reported Paul has "some sensation" in the bottom of one of his feet. Too early to tell what the ultimate outcome will be so keep the prayers up. He is being measured for a type of back brace that will allow him to sit up. He is alert and is aware and thankful of everyone's positive thoughts and prayers and wants to tell everyone thank you. I passed on the news of the 64 way. Congrats to you all. That's the latest word as of Tuesday 11-25-03 at 10:30am. I will of course post news as I receive it. Bless you all, Tom"
Thanks to everyone again! We will let everyone know as we hear anything.
Ed "Sped" Hauck

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Just to add a little to what Tom sent out. I Just got off the phone with Jim at the hospital a little bit ago. They were in there fitting brace and cast up for him. As soon as his spine would support it they were going to start sitting him up gradually until he is fully upright. Seems kind of soon to me considering his injuries but that is what the docs are saying. The doc said not to get our hopes up about the feeling in one of his feet and only time would tell if it improves or not. According to Jim they are looking at 7-10 days from today and they would be looking to get him moved into a rehab program either in Jacksonville or back home in Tallahassee where he is looking at being there several months. He was alert and awake this morning making decisions and preparations concerning his situation. He sends his heartfelt thanks to everyone for their concern, thoughts, good words and congrats out to all the Dawgs on the 64 way Diamond this morning. Thanks everyone for keeping that positive energy machine in high gear.
Ed "Sped" Hauck

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