
Sunset cut away

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After deployment they should just trail behind the risers so it should be easy to make sure they're clear!

People don't know what they don't know...

I used to just leave the excess trailing. On one jump - I managed to get both of my index fingers in the excess brake line loop. Then when I released the brakes, both of my fingers are caught against the metal ring above the toggle stows.

More scary than anything else - I managed to just pull them out... but it was a heads up.

I would consider stowing the excess in the top of the risers... but there have been other threads suggesting this not to be the best course of action.

Some of the later Javelins (possibly others too??) have elastic on the opposite side of the rear riser that you can stow excess brake line.

Be careful
Connextion: British 8 Way Team

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It was rental gear so I didnt pack it myself.

Why in heaven's name not ? Your malfunction may have already been conveniently packed for you, or anyone else who was next in line - and who may not have opened as high, or been as level headed as you.

I'm still renting demo gear myself. At Square 1 you get the rig off a rack and the canopy out of a bin on a shelf, so "some assembly is required". Some people hire a packer, I prefer to do it myself. Often the brakes are already set, but since I'm already assembling and packing anyway, I just undo them and stow them over again myself. Bottom line is I know who packed my main when I get on the plane, and have only myself to blame, if the canopy's insane (alright, already, that will do...).

But you made the right call on the cutaway. Numero uno, it's YOUR life, your decision. I once cutaway from a similar jammed toggle, also in gusty conditions. But I dicked around with it down to 1200 ft before chopping. The ground rush made for a very lonely 2 seconds waiting for that reserve to catch me. You made your plan and stuck with it. Best of all, it worked and you're good to go.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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