Farwell slaphappy

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He was one of those few people that you never really figuer out and are damn glad of that

Always somthing to say and never what you were expecting

I only had a 100 jumps or so with him but I have to say they were all great because he made them the way He wanted them to be (sorry I am rambling I will get to the point

On his first jump I was his raidio man as it wasnt a particularly nice day I landed him out in a feild just next to our landing area. I started walking out to make sure everything was ok, and his dad joined me I got to him a little before his dad and everything was fine we picked up his stuff and started back in to the hanger his dad stopped us
and gave him his pair of wings from the millitary
he was very proud at that moment . he had a very deep comitment to family & freinds and i considder it an honner and a privillege to have been fourtunate enough to know & fly with him

Be Well Marc and Blue Skies

I would love to hear any stories out there
My sympathies goto Dan and Vicki

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Last weekend I had the fortunate opportunity of sitting with Marc and watching one of his "best of” tapes. One of the most enjoyable moments was of him sitting in Mike’s Kingair just before a jump. His smile was his typical Marc grin that all who knew him will not forget. Sitting behind Andy he was grooming his dreadlocks much like an ape would. Finding “bugs” everyonce in awhile, he placed them in his mouth and even shared some with fellow passengers. That is the type of humor one could expect out of Marc.

Many of a weekend I would stand out side the hanger and watch those gorgeous Coolidge sunsets with him and the Coolidge crew. Listening to him, I was always impressed by his ever-present off the wall commentary.

Even though I have known Marc only for a short period of time; I will be reminded of his smile every time I see those sunsets.

As this weekend ended, I saw the most spectacular sunset I have ever seen in Coolidge. As the desert sun fell behind a puffy white cloud, brilliant rays screamed out of behind it. With the sun continuing to fall, the cloud turned a myriad of colors as it painted the sky in its orange, pink and purple flare. Looking up I could 'see' Marc smiling as he flew on what must be the best sunset load ever!

I'll miss you man...

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I was fortunate enough to make a few jumps with him. I will miss him greatly, he was an awesome guy. I only knew him for the three weeks he started coming out to Coolidge, where I put him to work to video tandems. It will never be the same without him. I had the pleasure of meeting his parents today. They are awesome people. They will be giving us his ashes and we will be doing a memorial jump. I will post the information as soon as we pick a date.

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At first glance, "Psychoward" Marc had that innocent little boy look about him. But then he would start talking and he would always amaze me with his stories about things I shouldn't repeat here.

He was so funny. As soon as he would start telling a story, you would already want to laugh because of the look on his face. He would get this far away serious look and pause between sentences; always keeping my attention until the end of the story when inevitably I'd be laughing.

I feel truly blessed to have known you psychoward...I'll miss you.

Blue skies man :(

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As I reviewed the many (and I do mean many) skydiving videos that I have of Marc, I realized just how many of my most memorable jumps were done with him... I was up until 1:30 am last night just trying to put together a tribute video and I have to admit I am still having a problem really doing him justice. Every video showed him smiling and having a good time, in spite of the fact that sometimes I was really making him work for the dive. He never complained nor objected to doing a jump and was always energized for the next crazy idea that he or I would generate.

Some of my most enjoyable moments were during our Sean Connery skits (usually focused at some unsuspecting female) or our crude joke contest (which he probably won most of). His off the wall sense of humor was just up my alley… As a matter of fact based on some of the things that he told me two weeks ago, I commented to him that we were not certain if he really worked where he said that he did, but instead was a client that escaped every weekend to come jump with us. ;-)

Even thought most of the time we were always joking around we did engage in many deeper conversations, where Marc clearly showed his keen intellect and the depth of compassion that was uniquely his.

He has clearly touched me and for that he will live forever.


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We're part of the original Skydive Iowa family, and I instructed Slaphappy Boy as a student and jumpmastered many of his static lines. He was a good friend, although I hadn't spoken with him in a few years. The news was tough to take.

The last time I saw him was at nationals in Eloy a couple of years ago ... he looked well, seemed quite happy and was the same old Marc - compassionate, deep, quirky, irreverent and just flat out goofy as all hell.

From your post it's evident that you knew him well, and it's evident that he (thankfully) hadn't changed much. Did he ever tell you his famous New Year's Eve story? It made me laugh so hard I pulled some muscles.

Marc was a unique individual - once you spent time around him, you could never forget him. He experienced life in a way most of us can't imagine.

Goodbye and fly free, Boy.

Alpha Mike Foxtrot

Alpha Mike Foxtrot,

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wow reading through this thread and the others it seems that many of you were touched by marc and knew him well
i have known marc for a long time, we lived together in college and have kept in touch as well as could be expected
skydiving was marc's passion... i never did it with him but anyone that knows him would agree that this is the truth
looking back on the times that i spent with marc they were the best times i have had in my life, and i cannot imagine how hard it will be to go on without him here.
i have never been big on keepsakes or memorabilia but i would appreciate anything that you all have (videos, photos, etc) that i could get.
I am going to try and make it to Tucson either this week or next for the memorial jump.
If someone could contact me with the details i would appreciate it greatly.

my email is heller_daniel@hotmail.com
thank you for all the thoughts that are going out to us his friends and family at this time, we all appreciate it greatly.

DJ Heller

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I was the manifest coordinator at Skydive Iowa when Marc learned to jump. He had the ability to touch lives without trying and he will always be loved for that. He will be greatly missed by all that knew him. He lived life with a passion that some will never know. I'm proud to say that he was my friend.

Blue Skies,

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