
Do you wear your helmet during take off and landing?

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I was a bit wishy-washy on when exactly I would wear my helmet until two things happened:

1. Getting into a 182, I whacked my head good on the bottom of the wing like a clumsy student dumbass. Because I was wearing a helmet (pro-tec, ICYC), I recovered in a few seconds. Without it I guarantee I would have been cursing for a long time, I might not have been fit to make the jump, and I definitely would have questioned my fitness to make the jump. :S

2. Some time ago I came to the realization (partially due to reading dropzone.com) that at any time on the way up, the pilot could yell "GET THE HELL OUT!". I feel more comfortable sitting in the plane trying to relax if I know my melon is padded for an underplanned high-speed unpoised exit.

The other things are details. I PLF a lot whenever things aren't totally going my way, and I never know when I'm going to find a rock in the middle of the field with my head as I roll over. I hope to continue thinking PLFs are a lot of fun. :)
And the way some of the people drive the vans back from the student DZ, I like to have a helmet handy then, too.

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I have to say that I will always wear mine for take-off and probably for landing. My DZ has trained me to do so therefore I do so.;).

I like to keep mine on and only take is off long enough to throw my goggles on then put it back on. That way if, as someone has already said, the pilot says "Get the heck off my plane!" I am ready. :S

And after many military static lines I have banged my head enough that I will not land a canopy without one, especially since I seem to be doing a lot of PLF's lately. >:(

Helmet good (except on motorcycles - then helmet bad);).

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Yes, I wear my helmet during both take-off and landings (when applicable). Not doing so would not only be counter to what the FAA says we should do, it would also be a shitty example to the student I generally have sitting next to me.

Yes, and what SM1 said.

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I don't believe my helmet would be a danger to anyone in the event of a crash.



yeah I like to wear mine too. I was just trying to point out the other (and often overlooked) danger of not securing a helmet (to your head or otherwise) - projectiles suck :)
Blue skies

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Put it on outside the plane, wait till like 330 m (when my dytter and pro-track beep) then usually take it of.
Not only for the emergency, but also to check my audibles' functionality.
W/ or W/o cam.
Didn't give me a better feeling on that caravan load w/ 19 jumpers and all fueled up tho...;)
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The only people I can think of that dont wear their helmet on takeoff are camera men (who probably would rather damage their skull than their 3,000$ setup ).

The problem is that their expensive camera equipment is going to damage my skull too.>:( Make them put it on or strap it in. Yes I said "make" again. If they don't listen, talk to the DZO and then refuse to get on the plane with them till they put that helmet on. (that's what I did once, and the engines were running) It was quite the site to see! If you know me, you know that I stand my ground when it comes to safety issues.

I agree. If a jumper wants to risk their own safety, that's between them and Darwin, they don't have a right to risk my safety though.

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The only people I can think of that dont wear their helmet on takeoff are camera men (who probably would rather damage their skull than their 3,000$ setup ).

The problem is that their expensive camera equipment is going to damage my skull too.>:( Make them put it on or strap it in. Yes I said "make" again. If they don't listen, talk to the DZO and then refuse to get on the plane with them till they put that helmet on. (that's what I did once, and the engines were running) It was quite the site to see! If you know me, you know that I stand my ground when it comes to safety issues.

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It's a requirement here to wear it during take offs and landings. forget it and someone will likely give ya a poke in the ribs and point to your helmet. At 300 meters we can take 'em off again if we want to.

Makes sense. Beyond giving a little extra protection it keeps helmets stowed. A forced landing with helmets/altimeters/whatnot flying around wouldn't help things.

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I wear mine from takeoff to landing (well, my landing that is) in the Cessna.

In the otter, I don't bother putting it on until I get closer to Jumprun.

True I may not be able to get it on if the plane craps out at 50 feet... but I don't wear one when I'm flying a plane either. When I'm not wearing it though, it's affixed to my chest strap... no loose objects in the plane.

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I wear mine on takeoff always until 1000ft but the few times I,ve landed in the plane I have not. Thats a good point about the camera helmets not being worn during takeoff, I never thought about it flying around the plane if we got in some shit and it knocking someones head off

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Yes, I wear my helmet during both take-off and landings (when applicable). Not doing so would not only be counter to what the FAA says we should do, it would also be a shitty example to the student I generally have sitting next to me.


Yeah, ditto for me.:)
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