
How many jumps did it take you to get your A license?

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I can't answer your post, because under the OLD old rules, an A license wasn't required, and I don't have one.

Back then, you did AFF or Static Line, you got off student status whenever you passed your levels, then as soon as you got 20 jumps, passed the written test, and met the BSR requirements of accuracy, you could apply for an A. There was no card to fill out.

I have a B and a D, and that's it. And I didn't have to pay for the A or C, either.
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Under the old rules, it took me (guessing) around 27. It can be tough when the winter breaks up your season and you have to start over.

pulling out the log book...

I stopped for a while last winter and when I came back had to do a prcp (static-line with practice ripcord) and a 10 second delay and then I went back to where I left off. I did my coached jumps and check dive and all that fun stuff and had picked up almost all the requirements along the way. I got my 5th accuracy landing on jump 26 to finish off my card.

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I don't have my A, yet, but I really want it! Looks like I'll have to start working on accuracy a little more seriously. I've been content to land far out and walk back in even if I'm the last back.

For those of you who took more than 20 (or 25) jumps to get your A, what held you back?
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
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For those of you who took more than 20 (or 25) jumps to get your A, what held you back?

The Canadian system is more gradual, from student to solo then to 'A'. From the bits of info I've heard, our solo is nearly the same in requirements as the US 'A'. That could be my own misconception, though, so don't quote me.;)

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I had 46 when I recieved my A liscense (under CSPA). I was aiming for 25 originally (which is the min under CSPA) but stuck more fun jumps in before obtaining the 5 coach jumps needed for my A. I wrote the test at 37 jumps but ended up with 75% on it (needed 80% to pass). I wrote the test again around a month later and had 46 at that point. Glad to have it but it's not like not having my A made any of my jumps any less fun.:)It's good to have goals and work towards things like liscenses but don't get too wrapped up in it. I don't jump out of planes to obtain pieces of paper, I do it because it tops anything else I've ever done and it's an amazing experience each and every time I exit that plane.B|

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38 Jumps.:S


For those of you who took more than 20 (or 25) jumps to get your A, what held you back?

I was lacking in two areas: Time and Money. Now, I am usually short one or the other. Probably why I've been jumping for >2 years and am still sub 100.:(

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Didn't get the orange A card signed until I had 95 jumps. Never got an A number, since I went straight to B.

The only reason that I bothered to get a license was that I had to have one to jump at collegiates. If not for that, I probably would have gone a lot longer.


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It's good to have goals and work towards things like liscenses but don't get too wrapped up in it.

I'd have to say the biggest reason I want my A license right now is so that I can jump with other people. Beyond that, I don't know what my goals will be...actually, on second thought, I at least want to get my C so I can do a beach jump one day.

AAAAGH! Slave to the USPA licensing system! :P
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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