
Would you let a non jumper pack your reserve??

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why wouldn't they want to be named in this forum?

Because the implication, as it was posted would be disparaging to their reputation(s). If it were stated more like: "I know several riggers who have never stepped foot out of an a/c." then in of itself, that would be fine. However, Sparky's statement was:


I know several riggers, senior & master, that have forgotten more about how parachutes are made, what makes them work and understanding of their importance than most skydivers with ever know.

Therefore, IMHO the further public posting of their names would serve no USEFUL purpose to this discussion. The 1st premise (just being a "whuffo" rigger) can easily be taken as just mere fact, with no negative aspersions cast or applicable; However the 2nd statement, which is no more than 2nd hand OPINION of a specific riggers knowledge is just that (all due respect Michael, but...) just that: OPINION. And what purpose does that serve?

I have opinions about the skill & knowledge level(s) of several riggers too. ...Should this thread degenerate into a list of riggers who some jumpers think are good vs. those they think are not?

What is your intent in pursuing this line?

Mr. Owens, sir... I'm surprised you would have even bothered posting/replying to this derailed thread-line. Don't tell me the weather's getting crappy out there, just before I'm scheduled to come on out & play, and you're now getting bored or something! [:/]
coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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Because the implication, as it was posted would be disparaging to their reputation(s).


I know several riggers, senior & master, that have forgotten more about how parachutes are made, what makes them work and understanding of their importance than most skydivers with ever know.

If someone said that about me I'd consider it a compliment, not a slam.

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>easy one: "Never in a million years" no way someone who was not a
>skydiver be qualified enough, even with a riggers certificate to be
> able to visualize each and every type of mal and how to handle it,

You do realize that non-skydivers likely _built_ your main, rig and reserve, right? I don't think the ability to follow manufacturer's directions and the ability to skydive are synonymous.

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Would you let a non jumper pack your reserve??


it's amazing how this "Post Topic" got derailed and turned into many responses directed towards me for expressing my opinion, which was solicited, not given, i was merely responding to the original posters poll. that's all, nothing less, nothing more. and no matter who has said what, or who thinks what, i should be entitled to my opinion without catching a lot of B.S. about it...right? or, are the rules different for others?

whomever may have a problem with my way of thinking about my gear that i paid for, and who, and why i choose to maintain it, in whatever the manner i choose to can kiss my ass until they start paying my way.
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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>i should be entitled to my opinion . . .


>without catching a lot of B.S. about it...right?

Well - no. You are free to post your opinions about whatever you want on this thread (as long as it's related to skydiving, in the case of this thread) but so are others - and they can post their opinions on what _you_ post. It's one of the advantages and disadvantages of an interactive forum. You get replies but they're not always positive.

>it's amazing how this "Post Topic" got derailed and turned into
>many responses directed towards me for expressing my opinion . . .

I have seen a lot of replies to your original post, but none in which people have stated that you should not have expressed your opinion. They just disagree with what you said (from what I can see.) Two posts contained somewhat personal attacks (one of them was yours) but they were both deleted by the posters, which is cool. The "reveal those whuffo riggers!" tangent is a little odd, but you started that one.

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For the record, I am one of the 47 (so far) who have replied in the "no way" category. But that, is due to my own very personal and DIRECT experience with just such a described (non-jumping ---or more precisely capably jumping) rigger. From that experience on, it is just my own personal choice that any rigger I EMPLOY (and yes it is employ) will be:

1. Someone that I know (and feel some sort of sense of respect for) and...
2. Currently and actively jumps, the current gear (or category of gear) that he/she is servicing.

I found this thread & it's premise, before the "calling of people out" due to their opinions, otherwise to be quite intriguing!

My .02
Blue Skies,
coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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***The "reveal those whuffo riggers!" tangent is a little odd, but you started that one


No, i really didn't start that, it was brought up by some of the other posters saying they would let someone whether they could skydive or not pack their reserves. i've been skydiving going on 4 years (which ain't nothing, i know that) but i made my first jump at 39 years old, which is the only reason i'm still alive. if i would've started skydiving at 18, i wouldn't be here right now. the reason i asked who where the "whuffo riggers" (so dubbed by somone other than myself) is because i don't know of a rigger that hasn't came up on their own by packing, jumping, getting ratings and progressing from there, so the question was in an inquisitive format. i've actually never heard of a master rigger, or rigger period who did not start out as a student, or a packer. that's all. c ya! ;)


I still won't let a "whuffo rigger" pack my reserve.

"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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For me, packing and jumping are totally un-related...if the packer/rigger has experience in their craft, listens to my feedback and responds accordingly, then I'm in...

Case in point...I'd rather have a non-jumping rigger handle my gear than me do it myself...I'd pack myself an inside-out, line over, backwards hooked up, streamer for sure...

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I don't think that is important if the one who packs is a jumper or not. I remeber that I've learned to pack before jumping and that helped me to trust my parachute more, knowing what I had inside.


what would be a woman without her dreams....

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***it's your lie, tell it anyway you want to.

Do you call people a liar to their face or does the distance of the net give you this courage?
You are entitled to cling to your opinion but nothing in your life gives you permission to attack my integrity.
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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***you 240^2 canopy flying asshole. if it's confrontation yoiur looking for, you came to the right place. it'll be a cold day in hell before i'm afraid of a harley riding "harley dog" piece of shit like you. i'm not hard to find, ask around dick lick.

"Everyone Has Got To Know Their Own Limitations"

Why would anyone send a PM like this and then block any return?
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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Why would anyone send a PM like this and then block any return?

trap set, quarry retained. your actually not near as bright as i gave you credit for. posting PM's....naughty naughty! never dreamed you'd go for it, what a nimrod.
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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Yeah I'll let a non jumper pack my reserve as long as they are a rigger or under a riggers supervision. I've seen some real questionable jumpers through the last few years, I would'nt let any of those near my main let alone reserve. I trust the people that have taken the time to get their riggers certificates and passed the FAA tests but never step out of a plane to be as qualified as a rigger that steped out of a plane.

I wish I could find it for fact but I thought that Poitner of the Parachute Manuals quit jumping a bit ago. I'd have ZERO complaints about handing my rig to him and having him pack it even if he did'nt jump anymore.

Ever notice there are not many Lap rating holders? There are even fewer people that have jumped a lap rig still alive, does that mean if some one turns up and becomes a DRPE for lap ratings that everyone under them is incompetent since they never jumped a Lap rig?

How about riggers that only jump squares, does that mean they should not pack bail out rigs? How about pilots? Should they only be allowed to fly jumpers if they are one themself?
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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your actually not near as bright as i gave you credit for.

It seems neither are you. We've been here before. You should know better. You're out of this forum for the next 30 days. Repeat this in the future and I will remove all your posting privileges.
Safe swoops

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Yo Whuffo,
Listen to me girl, if you put in the "WORK" to get your riggers ticket you can pack my reserve any day of the year. They don't just hand those out, go get it, you'll be proud of yourself and contribute to this awesome sport!
Disregard anything negative coming at you, some folks have their head so far up their arse they need a bellybutton window to see where they're going:P.

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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Well if I can happily jump into an aircraft that isn't necessarily engineered, built or maintained by pilots and go to altitude to make a Skydive or take off on a vacation then I don't see why a propoerly certified non jumper FAA rigger should be a problem when it comes to my Skydiving gear.

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