unsafe jumpers

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What do you do if you see another much more experienced skydiver being unsafe or putting you or others at risk. I ask because i have seen a jumper consistently cut people off during landing. He is not performing a high performance landing simply not watching were the other canopies are at at all. He has been told repeatedly by other jumpers and dz staff but nothing changes. Ever since he cut me off (i had to turn at 50 ft and land out) i have made sure he was nowhere around me, but i am concerned that someone just off student status and not as aware of him as i was might get really hurt. What do I do?

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You need an official warning or similar from DZ staff or management, and further action if it continues. There should be some sort of procedure for that sort of thing? Make it VERY clear the behavious is dangerous and wont be tolerated. Good luck! :)

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Talk with the S&TA. Let him know you are scared by the other jumpers flight behavior and ask the S&TA to speak with him. I doubt he is cutting people off intentionally, but rather I think he just doesn't have solid navigation skills. Ideally, he will be willing to listen to training suggestions from the S&TA or drop zone owner. If that doesn't work he needs to be "banished" to a private landing area for a while, or perhaps briefly grounded to get his attention and motivate him to improve his flight performance skills.

In any event, the rest of the skydiving community shouldn't be threatened by a weak canopy flyer, and your DZO should understand this.

Good Luck,

Tom Buchanan
Author JUMP! Skydiving made Fun and Easy
Tom Buchanan
Instructor Emeritus
Comm Pilot MSEL,G
Author: JUMP! Skydiving Made Fun and Easy

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That's happened to me. Other jumpers with a few more jumps than me doing some very scary stuff. There's no intention of doing anything dangerous - just a blatant lack of awareness (which is sometimes even scarier).

I brought it to the attention of staff and was told the following:
- If you didn't get it on video then it didn't happen
- Shit happens at other dropzones too so learn to deal with it.

My solution:
I have found another dropzone and when I jump at the other one I avoid the loads that those people are on. I also cross my fingers that no one gets hurt.

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The inevitable cut off is bound to happen, especially at a turbine DZ. I will always ask the Darwin candidate, in a non-confrontational way, if he/she realized their awesome swoop cut in front of everyone?? Invariably, whether you ask non-confrontationally or not, this leads to the idiot puffing up and denying that they did anything wrong, or worse, stating that they were low so they had the right-of-way.

I make it a habit to set up high...really high, if possible, and keep my head on a swivel. This allows me time to move if need be when the little pocket rockets want to defy gravity.

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The best given advice is to do as Tombuch has written.Every skydiver has to take responsibility of what he/she is doing and not behave foolish,we all know how dangerous this is.The one who behaves this way HAS to be let knew of a mistake and warned.So take care and it does not hurt to watch out for the others too.

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Never mind under canopy....after being in the sport for a very short time....and on my first few solos...a jumper who decides to jump out and fly near me...without discussing it beforehand....unerved the hell out of me !!....on two occasions he actually made contact with me without me expecting that at all........this was reported and the CCI 'warned' the jumper...
Man I dont wanna be any where near people like that , especially at 12K......I took my name off the manifest twice after that...because he was on it

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Man I dont wanna be any where near people like that

Really? On a returning skydive to blow off the rust after a month and a half, I was doing a solo on the first load of the day from a Super Otter. I exited in a backloop while waving and screaming at the tandems. After about 1000k ft I opened back up to see a guy with a camera freeflying around me from a distance of about 20-30 ft. My first thought was "Whoa! Kickass!", I continued to goof off for the rest of the dive. I don't mind if a person joins me unexpectedly, as long as he/she has a lot of experience, and makes sure that I know they are there (which they shouldn't have to do if I'm paying the slightest bit of attention to my airspace :S) before they dock

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This person obviously doesn't listen, stick a knife in his tire with a note

"Keep flying the way you do here, and next time worse"

Okay..now THAT scares me! I'm a newbie and the thought of someone tampering with my rig freaks me out! especially after reading the 20 y.o. UK story!


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Exit later, deploy higher, and land later than him or better yet, stay off loads he's on.


Yeah, and maybe just quit skydiving. Was that a serious suggestion?

Don't change your safe habits, change his unsafe ones!
Get the guy to get warned once seriously by the DZ Staff, if he doesn't comply ground him.
There have been enough canopy collisions this year, people need to open their eyes and watch where they're going!
The mind is like a parachute - it only works once it's open.
From the edge you just see more.
... Not every Swooper hooks & not every Hooker swoops ...

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