
Isabelle Skydive Backdrop

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Thats a pretty cool picture, mind if its the background for one of my PCs?
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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Holy schnikeys! It looks like the Nothing. Very impressive!

That would've been the coolest video EVER! But not with me in it- nope, the beer light would've been on a long time for me at that point.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Wow, awsome picture! That reminds me of jumping in South Carolina last year for the harvest moon boogie. A hurricane had recently blown through (forgot the name) and everything was soaked, flooded in places even.

Riding up in that Casa, and actually being able to look up the coast and still see a well defined eye.....I sure wish I had been jumping video then!


Yep, I woulda jumped with you!
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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hell yeah I'd jump (as long as the winds wern't up, like that would happen :P). But if it were just cloud coverage I'm on, who gives a fuck about an off landing.

let my inspiration flow,
in token rhyme suggesting rhythm...

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If this is REALLY Isabel, why on earth is the water dead calm? That seems weird. I bet it's photoshopped.

It's safe to say that it was not PS'd. I received a couple of other pictures from different angles from the same source.

As to why the water is "dead calm;" Let me preface with: I'm not a meteorologist and this info was retrieved thru Google. So, I could be wrong.

A hurricane's east side winds flow in the same direction with steering winds. The link-up of winds moves the storm forward and increases the wind power of its eastern flank. On the storm's west side, hurricane winds move counter to high pressure system's steering winds. This creates a meteorological head butt of sorts and weakens the storm on its west side.

There "can" be a point in a hurricane where convective mixing stops (one sides low pressure offsets the other sides high pressure), the surface wind can slow considerably, or even stop altogether.

Hence the term, "Calm before the Storm."

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Guess What... I am a meteorologist... That is not Isabel.

Well defined wall cloud can only be caused by one thing ... Super cell thunderstorm. Definately not a hurricane


Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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Guess What... I am a meteorologist... That is not Isabel.

Well defined wall cloud can only be caused by one thing ... Super cell thunderstorm. Definately not a hurricane

1. Well, you guys are wrong about half the time, you're either right or wrong about this.
2. The Internet lies
3. Skydivers exaggerate.
Therefore, a skydiving meterologist... hehe - You knew I had to take the jab ;)

Thanks for clearing this up, Chris. I'm not the only one who got this from a "news media source." http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=670548;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;

Well, anyone can jump a plain ol thunderstorm... well, I'd still jump it just for the back drop.

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But if it were just cloud coverage I'm on, who gives a fuck about an off landing.

I kinda hope that tongue-in-cheek applies to the whole post, Andy. Jumping through a solid overcast is a really really bad idea. Even if you KNOW the clouds are only (eg) from 2000-3000 feet, so that you're guaranteed to be open.

It's illegal, for one thing. Stupid, for another. The people with you are flying blind, thunderstorms particularly are very powerful systems, and planning a jump when you're guaranteed to be surprised by where you're landing after you get out seems to this old jumper kinda silly.

I probably have a hundred jumps landed off field, none with injuries, and I wouldn't plan one just to jump through clouds.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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A super cell thunderstorm as opposed to just an ordinary thunderstorm is one in which there is significant shear. That is directional differences in wind flow greater than 40 knots. This typically allows the normally straight inflow of a storm to Rotate while still maintaining straight line outflow/ gustfront.

The image which is shown is that of the base of a "rotating" thunderstorm aka supercell. If a tornado were to form, it would be out of the cylindical looking wall cloud.


Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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Here is a cool type of cloud you don't see everyday. These clous often preceed severe thunderstorms. Sometimes they may show up just after ward. They are called Mammatus clouds and are cause by strong turbulence.


Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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Here is a cool type of cloud you don't see everyday. These clous often preceed severe thunderstorms. Sometimes they may show up just after ward. They are called Mammatus clouds and are cause by strong turbulence.


Come to the midwest, you can see Mammatus clouds a couple times during spring and summer. Always funky weather, often followed with green skies and this big noisy thing.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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